AV Premades = Cheating

you are another broken ally player?

“Because you cant use your brain”
We all understand how it works, it just isnt feasible on the jorde side.

Read this post, i couldnt explain it better than beware AV Premades = Cheating - #32 by Bewarê-frostmane

This! (10 characters)


Counting on Discord 3-2-1 QUE is not a cheat.
Clicking on “join” at the same time is not a cheat.

Horde Backdoor? Cheat.
Pulling Van without warmasters? Cheat.

Get over it and stop crying. You get to Belinda and Van faster, then you can pull without warmasters. That’s exploiting, not clicking on “Join Battle” at the same time.

Your fault for picking the overpopulated faction so let me just repeat after every horde that camped us in P2:
git gud
l2p noob
reroll lmao
Go BaCk To ReTaIL
Cry more :^)


AV hype train will die soon enough… will be mainly premades from BOTH factions that play it strictly… There isn’t a SINGLE person that will play AV beyond exalted unless they try to rank high… you would be surprised how a small percentage outside the top two servers is that.

The way you talk about P2 sounds like some 'nam vet who has PTSD, you most probably got zugged too much


The same way horde currently talks about people that Q at the same time ?

It all comes down to the problem that there are too many people playing Horde.

Tell me, whose fault is that?

Must say, having instant queues into 100% win ratio where most games are under 10 mins and reaching my honor cap for the week on sunday is rather nice. Cant imagine how horrible it must be ranking on horde

I haven’t read all these posts but I can say 1 thing


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who told you guys to play horde in the first place ?

You decided to join to overpopulated faction, you decided to play on highly populated servers.

get gUd or die waiting in que

well its not like i could play shaman on alliance, is it?..
i played orc shaman in vanilla and he is still my main in retail despite the flaws of the class.
so naturally i make one for classic too. nobody “told me to in the first place” i have no clue what you are on about.

Stop crying. Reroll or g o T o RE T a IL as your fellow horde told us every day during p2.


Blizzard just gave you a present to stomp hordies for once in your life, in january they’ll give everyone and their friends ‘join as group’ button and we can all stop these postings and live happily everafter.

Wouldn’t bet my Money on it.

Blizzard will never add join as group for av

How PvP servers and BG’s work are not comparable. This isn’t an argument. Stop trying to make it one.

Ofc its the same. The reason horde dominate wpvp is the same reason alliance get to premade av


Wrong. Shush now.

No, he is right.

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