AV Premades = Cheating

You are ouf of the point. Racial are public data that are available to everyone before you create your character. It’s a intended mechanic. All race have access to some racials. There’s no division like “1 faction have racials, the other faction don’t have any racial”.

We are talking about AV Premade that divide the game into 2 category. This is not intended. There’s no premade queue, this is for good reason. Using game mechanic to bypass this limitation is not a cheat or an exploit, it’s a clever use of game mechanic (the faction imbalance and the battleground ID and the report AFK to kick pugs, all of that combined result of the possibility to premade in battlegrounds). That doesn’t mean it should not be fixed. It should be.

then blizzard made racials they could not imagine how it will affect pvp.
they are not fair and gamebreaking, that’s why racials was nerfed badly in expantion.

So hordes using racials in pvp = exploiting and cheating, they do things, which opposite side cant do in any way

Racials should not work in pvp, then we can talk about balance

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Thats why they nerfed them so much over the years ?

The alliance also plays AV as intended. Everybody Qs for themself.

They just somehow end up in the same !

Well as its not an exploit, no matter how much Horde player like to call it. It is not.

I can agree it is clever use of mechanics which essentially just means embracing an exploit.

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Please remove this grouping exploit.
Horde have lesser weaker and lower IQ players so only way to win for us is if we get lucky.

This logic is incoherent. This also applies to alliance as well. Alliance have their own racials that are strong in PvP. That’s designed as intended. It has nothing to do with exploiting instant queues. Horde did the same thing in TBC with the instant queues in AV. They still had their racials while doing so. This is flawed logic equating two different things to justify the usage of an exploit of instant queues.

Yes, much the same as someone just ‘dropped’ their wallet and a thief just so happened to pick it up. Same energy, man. You’re again trying to play semantics with your wording here. I’ll reiterate the message for you again:

Playing semantics will not change the fact that right now alliance are exploiting AV. However you try to reframe, twist and distort or spin it, the core fact will always remain that Blizzard does not allow people to queue as a premade, and alliance are utilizing instant queues to do so.

But not as strong as the ones from the Horde.

Because of this alliance is the minority and placed in the same BG.

As its Qing as Randoms. It is not Blizzards fault you all wanted the easy faction.

Also that is why really every horde racial got nerfed over the years, while on alliance only Emfh. All other ally Nerfs to racials where after these racials got buffed, and buffed and buffed every god damn expansion to rival the horde ones, that while the horde racials got nerfed every god damn expansion.

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I played vanilla 15 years back as horde. It was instant queues for horde, and horde were in the minority playerbase, and stayed that way, despite supposed Racial ability superiority, for a long time.

The discussion between which overall faction has the strongest PvP racials is a separate category from this discussion, nor does it remotely even justify using exploits.

You’re just straight up lying just now if you’re saying premades are just randoms.
You also have this weird tribal mentality and bias display on horde/alliance. Don’t come to the forums in an honest discussion and Roleplay this idea of horde/alliance with your tribal bias, please. This discussion isn’t warranted for RP. It was an exploit when Horde did it in TBC onwards, it is an Exploit now. The big issue now is that unlike in previous expansions where it was just a faster way to get honor, it is now the main method of ranking.

ye horde still had their racials, but tuned down by great margin, 5% sun resist, wotf share cd with pvp trinket and fear immunity component removed from it.

Then Blizzard give to humans comparable to hordes racial - Every Man for Himself, hordes start crying so much and loud, forums was overflooded by sweet overpowered noobs tears, Blizzard had to take action to not loose easy mode lovers majority of players.

Now pvpers on alliance side is almost nonexist and all this nochanges stuff doest give hope for balance, so expect 95-5% pvp servers ratio and 1 day bg queues

It’s taking advantage of a flawed system to gain an advantage. The very essence of exploiting.

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You exactly know Horde racials are way better, especially on the smaller Bgs, still you come with:

  1. Back then Bgs where per server so no comparison over all servers…
  2. Back then we didnt had todays knowledge. That is why the scale tips so hard to one side.


Things like Bridge Skip and pulling without guards were never intended.

This with Qing at the same time is just a circumstance that is the fault of all the horde player. Its not an exploit.

Both alliance and horde do this to some extent in AV. It is an actual exploit as you’re not supposed to be able to get inside the base without passing the bride and it’s not the intended design. There’s several exploits which allow players in game to bypass content or solo content that they were not supposed to. I solo’d several bosses for my gear by exploiting the NPC buggy pathing on certain terrain. In future expansions, stuff like this was patched or the enemies would bug out and reset/regen hp and dodge.

The biggest difference I suppose is that most of those exploits don’t really effect other players. When you can queue as a premade with higher quality players than average players and assign groups/compositions and strategies which everyone follows or they get kicked, or being able to play in small groups with friends while the other side cannot DOES directly effect other players gaming experience however.

You keep trying to play semantics on what the word exploit means, but I’ve already listed the english definition of the word for you. Yes, alliance utilizing the instant queues to form premades in a battleground where queuing as premades or with friends, is an exploit. It fits the english definition of the word. You are at this point ignoring the english definition of the word exploit and inventing your own meaning just so you can continue denying it. I don’t even know why, most reasonable players understand why it’s an exploit why you’re picking the losing side on this topic.

Having just about every melee player these days roll gnome for escape artist drastically changes the way I play a mage. I’ve played alliance mage before and there is a massive world of difference between vsing a melee who has escape artist and vs one who doesn’t. It essentially acts like a free trinket/IMP sprint and denies me my shatter at least in 1/3 novas

Stop pretending alliance do not have strong racials in PvP. It is contextual based on classes which faction is better if your goal is to PvP.

There we agree. This needs to be fixed. Also pulling without the guards. These 2 things also contribute to the AV giving the most Honor/hour.

But these thing would still stand with 50/50 unlike the “Q at the same time”.

outnumbering people in wpvp = cheating.
People should get banned for it. (sarcasm…)

Since basically every horde would get banned from that, the rest would have instant queues.
But no. Let’s suggest to ban alliance players?!.. Are you some form of sadist? Why would you want 24 hour long BG queues?


Proof: Literally the history of WoW and nerfs to racials.

Except Emfh it took them a decade until some ally racials where too good, they buffed every expansion while also nerfing Horde racials every expansion.

Stop denying that Horde has the broken racials.

The point you made is moot though. Both alliance and horde exploit the terrain in AV to bypass certain things. Yes, that much is true. Both cancel each other out. Horde are already at a disadvantage in AV, it favours alliance significantly in terms of layout and NPCS. There is no alternative answer to alliance being able to bypass premades while horde cannot. Premades vs PuGs has been known to be such a strong advantage in Battlegrounds that it overcomes any terrain. Not only is it an exploit which disadvantages horde groups that VS the pres, it also disadvantages the alliance who are trying to rank up the legit way in AV non premade. They cannot hope to keep up with the honor per hour gained from being in a premade.

Whichever way you swing it, it needs to be stopped. It’s far too much of an advantage and causing way too many issues both for horde vsing the pres when they shouldn’t be vsing ANY pres in AV, but also for the alliance ranking who aren’t exploiting it.

In the very fact, you don’t. You just queue and you hope you get assigned to the same instance as your friends. Simple as that.

Also, by this logic having stronger racials than others can be considered exploit too

Not the point. Its an exploit and they are both need to be fixed.

That is why the entrance for horde in later versions get placed further in the back.

Yeah sure…

Because its not premade what they do and its the fault for the people that thought they are sooo much smarter to pick the better racials than others…

Is this type of dishonest answer that shows you are incapable of having an honest discussion. You’re once again resorting to semantics and wordplay to try twist and distort.

I’m once again going to reiterate: You are abusing a loophole via instant queues to allow yourself to sign up to AV with your ‘friends’, which Blizzard has intentionally disabled for Alterac Valley. No matter how you try to dress that up such as the above sentence, that core fact remains. This is the 5th or so time you’ve tried to do that. Stop it. You’re fooling absolutely no one here. The only thing you’re doing is showing you cannot debate honestly.

This has already been refuted. Everyone gets the choice when they create a character to choose their racial. the racials are intended as part of WoW faction design. Premades in Alterac Valley are not a part of that design. You can argue until you’re blue in the face that Hordes are stronger, but that doesn’t change they are a part of the design. It also doesn’t change that Premades in AV are not part of a Blizzard design.

Sure. I’ve never disputed otherwise.

lol. Who wins in a race 100% of the time again if both horde and alliance skip PvP and go straight to killing the boss? Who’s base is so full of NPCs you can’t swing a cat without hitting one and whos isn’t? Like, are you so tribal minded you honestly think AV favours horde?

Lol. Okay. So it went from it’s not an exploit, to it’s not a premade. You seem to struggle with english definitions of words.