AV Premades = Cheating

It IS an exploit. You are bypassing restrictions put in place to prevent organised groups from entering the battleground.

Your argument is fallacious beyond any limit. Everyone also gets the chance of playing a faction with instant queues (because it’s basically always imbalanced to a point where one faction has them) if you choose not to, it’s not Blizzard’s fault. It’s a MMO game, peoples choices impact other players inevitably. One might say you are unlucky to end up in your situation, but it’s evident that most horde had chosen horde on purpose even knowing about the overpopulation. Coming here to whine about suffering the disadvantages then makes you look like the fool.

Also if you enjoy talking about game design: it was designed in a way that if I know my friend is playing AV, I can be told which instance it is and try to enter the same game. If then I have more than 1 friend and we like to organize our game that’s none of your or anyone else’s business.



Battlegroups have precedent over servers and furthermore when you create a character it doesn’t notify you of what the server population is. Even if it did, since Queues are based upon Battlegroups and not Servers, your entire rebuttal here falls to dust.

It is only after the fact that you can make that response, once people have established the alliance to horde population overall on their battlegroups. The logic your displaying here is completely incoherent. People are already aware of what the racials are and what they do, this time 15 years ago Horde was in the minority server population.

No one’s coming to whine about disadvantages, since what the alliance are currently doing isn’t an advantage. It is an exploit abusing the instant queues. Not an advantage that Blizzard intentionally put in the game to work as intended such as racials. The fact that you cannot queue with a raid or party completely demolishes any legitimacy you claim to have that Blizzard intended this.

There is nothing wrong with coordinating other aspects of WoW

Solution is DHK after the 6th kill.
4th kill = 25% honor (as it is now)
5th kill = 0% honor (as it is now)
6th kill = DHK

I understand this whole faction war thing but it’s an in-game fantasy. If a player takes this fantasy to the point that they are making the game UNPLAYABLE for another player then there should be some in-game punishment mechanism.

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The last 15 years taught us that they didnt know what they did with the racials and needed years to shrink the advantage they have over each other.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Also, did you not realise that alliance premades might actually shorten your queue time? Lots of alliance dont play BGs because they won’t find a 10% win rate very exciting. If they get some measure of success through premades they might stick around a while longer. If they leave you will have more time in your queues to QQ on forums.

In any case, you hordies should be welcoming a more formidable opponent or is it that you are only happy with a faceroll (like P2 eh?) to make the game enjoyable for you?

Also, pls don’t QQ too much about premades. It’s not like the Allaince AV win rate has gotten anywhere near 50%. Still massively horde favoured.

If you don’t like it please see the list of options you have that has been published countless times on these forums.


Oh gosh another time.

You don’t have to be spoonfed any notification about server pop, I don’t think to be a rocket scientist only cause I knew in advance how terrible the faction gap would have been, and picked the faction accordingly (willfully ‘sacrifying’ phase 2 knowing that I would have not had to sit in queue 30 mins for a bg in phase 3). If you couldn’t foresee it, you have either been offline (WoW-wise) for the past 10 years or you just couldn’t make your own conclusions based on FACTS, and rather expected others to evaluate them for you.

Even the unofficial census tools gave a more or less reliable idea of how EVERY realm looked like, if you merge 5 servers with approx. 70:30 pop on each, how is the battlegroup itself going to help you? Don’t even begin with but but there are servers with alliance majority cause (i.) those realms are PVE hence the amount of people queueing is scarce and (ii.) these realms are a tiny amount and (iii.) the faction gap in those realms is not as huge as in the ones where the horde is dominant anyway.

The self entitlement of pretending to know blizzard intentions behind their game where not expressed specifically by them, is one of the most irritating things to experience here. They gave you a list of all the open AV instances and their respective numbers BECAUSE THEY EVIDENTLY WANTED TO GIVE YOU THE CHOICE OF JOINING A SPECIFIC ONE in case you wanted; if you didn’t want, you could just pick the first available instead. As silly as it sounds I’m basically having to explain to some 60 IQ chimps what Blizzard designers willfully (hurr durr unintended) wrote themselves even in the BG window tooltip. :man_facepalming:

If my friends are playing AV and I seek playing with them I am given the chance to do so, by the very own blizzard game design. What you instead expect them to do, is actually to modify such game design, to a less inconvenient way for you.

Instead of “exploiting”, you should be saying TAKING ADVANTAGE OF, which is as un-punishable as it would be to take advantage of a population of 4 times the size for all it concerns, Auction House with half the prices and twice the auctions, ease of forming groups and pugs, etcetera ectetera. Never forget also, that you and only YOU made this advantage possible (as well as other disadvantages but hey disadvantages are fine I guess?), which makes your whining even more embarassing.


Horde doing backdoor= cheating


queuing for av is not an exploit and blizzard will never do anything about it
stop crying pls

this thread in a nutshell
Horde Player: “could you stop cheating/exploiting?”
Alliance Player: “HELP I’M BEING OPPRESSED!”

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No this the situation in a nutshell
Horde Player: We want to win all the time and you can NOT have ANY advantage EVER. It’s CHEATING TO USE VOICE!!!11!ONE!!!
Alliance Players: “We had to deal with mass gank in the open world because of Horde overpopulation you can’t deal with ONE bg with even odds? And can stop using the wall glitch exploit?”
Horde Player (Not all of them): WREEEE!!!


The evidence has already been provided.

You cannot queue as a party or a raid into AV. That is the way Blizzard has structured AV. There is no assertion there. Go and try queue as a party in AV. See what happens. There’s your evidence. Addons that have done this have been banned in the past. Further evidence Blizzard does not support this. Regardless, alliance are still pushing ahead. They are utilizing the instant queues to make premades.

I enjoy premades vs premades primarily. It’s not me that’s supporting faceroll here. One side can make premades and join. One cannot. Either both should be supported, or both should not. You’re the one arguing in support of Alliance being able to exploit this system, while dismissing the fact Horde cannot. You’re the one that is supporting the stance of faceroll here, not me.

Correctamando. I have been online/offline since Cata and the downfall of retail WoW But this is a ridiculous stance to take, much akin to blaming the victim narrative. There is no requirement in game or even a recommendation to check these things prior to rerolling. At most, this only effects server queue time.

You’re absolutely correct. You’re the one taking this stance, which is completely idiotic one to take. Queue times are longer, and if that is a concern for a player, then they should look into it accordingly. That, however, has no bearing on the responsibility players have to make for other players exploiting a system. The only people responsible for that, are the players doing the exploiting.

The arrogance on display here is amusing. All one person needs to do to entirely discredit your assertion is try to queue as a party and raid. Go ahead and report back what happens. If Blizzard had intended people to be able to queue as a party or raid in AV, the option would be enabled. If it’s not enabled, then it’s not intended. There is nothing you can try and say otherwise. No ifs or buts.

The fact that you can join a specific numbered battleground can be to try and specifically target battlegrounds which have for some reason or other had afkers, leavers etc and you will get priority over a random AFAIK. The primary usage of this isn’t to JOIN as a pre. There is not one argument that you can make in relations to Blizzards intentions that will ever be as credible or as strong that says: You cannot join as a party or raid.

Until you can prove that this is somehow unintended by Blizzard, then we can only go on the basis that this is intended, since it’s the way it functions, Mr. higher than 60 IQ chimp. The fact that the battleground already has to EXIST for this to happen already defeats your high IQ theory that it is not based on joining as a PREmade, but by exploiting a system to achieve results that blizzard had not intended.

make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand.

What alliance are doing is not capable without instant queues. You are indeed taking advantage of the instant queues to enable premading in a battleground which disables that option. It’s disabled for horde, and that is considered an underhanded advantage that Horde cannot party or group up in AV but alliance can. So go on, dazzle me with your high IQ hot take on how taking advantage of something to gain an underhanded advantage isn’t an exploit. Play the semantic word game. Amounts to the same regardless.

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Do yourself a service and leave this debate around semantics. Apparently retail has the same issues when it comes to random matchmaking where the same exploit is used and blizzard has never made a single post about it for years.

Calm your mind by knowing that arathi basin and warsong gulch are both horde favored when it comes to map design. While they have the advantage of premading AV, we as horde will have several map advantages in these bgs.

These ally trolls are shooting themselves in the foot by abiding to the #nochanges philosophy.

Both factions are able to queue in exactly the same way. They use the same interface. The fact that Alliance has more flexibility in entering the AV of their choice is because they are the minority faction not because they are using the interface in some or other unintended way.

Why is this so hard to understand and why do you insist on calling it an exploit?

Your scenario doesn’t account with what that system leads to. It only takes a surface level glance and declares both equal without actually taking a look into the nuances and results.

Horde were the minority in TBC, and it lead to the exact same scenario of some hordes exploiting the AVs to make premades. Blizzard banned the addons in an attempt to try and stop this happening at the time. It’s very clear that Blizzard does not agree with it.

Which leads to this:

The biggest difference between retail and previous expansions and WoW now is that honor grind isn’t that much of a dealbreaker. If you don’t like AV for example, you sign up to WSG or other BGs to get your honor.

But in classic, where there are no arenas, and getting your PvP gear is based on ranking which is based on honor, it then becomes a massive issue. You could just ignore AV for example, but since the honor system is based upon honor, doing anything but the most efficient form of honor grinding is going to result in bad ranking.

Thats why it’s important to fix this. Honestly the honor gain needs to revert prior to 1.12 AV. This isn’t vanilla wow experience ranking either, I did it on two characters then, so not even the #nochange crowd can debate this. This is an entirely new horror that is new to the game.

How lovely to see some Horde tears… We all know you choose your faction based on its far superior racial abilities and easier leveling, so now deal with it.

Nobody cares about rankers, the rankers are such a miniscule portion of the subscribers, their voice doesnt really matter.

Yeah, they totally didn’t rush the release of BG’s because of Ally tears from being corpsecamped everywhere.
Didn’t happen.
You’re right.

They should care, because the PvP goes where the rankers go. The reason AV meta is still here despite everyone and their grandmother now being exalted is because it’s the most HPH even with how bad it is. And it’s going to continue to be that way until something else is the most efficient. Which isn’t going to happen until AV gets changed. That’s why those saying that AV won’t get changed are deluding themselves. Blizzard is not going to have a choice to fix it if both AB and WSG are abandoned because they picked the 1.12 version of AV.

They can nerf the honor gain for what i care or introduce pre-nerf AV, i just dont see what this has to do with premades.