AV Premades = Cheating

“pug players can choose to be better prepared” … like what ? Pug players are random ppl who are doing bg’s for what ever reason - fun, rep, or trying to rank. There is no way a random 40 ppl can fight premades in AV. I just did AV with half of the ppl from APES guild and other guild from other big ally guild Progress. Can you explain me how is it fair 40 random ppl to face 40 coordinated ppl in discord ? Atm blizzard are giving these ppl free ranks because they face no opposition and just steam roll to Drek killing him without even bother to kill the other elites.

Premades is cheating, technically.
You cant que as a group to AV for a reason, and alliance have found a way to abuse their quetimes and an addon to circumvent this and make premades anyway.

I just fought 2 premades in a row. At least I can take some comfort in knowing that alliance have to premade if they want to have a chance of winning now, basically they need to cheat or they can’t win.


They aren’t sitting in discord and counting down. They’re using a program to queue at the exact same time to circumvent intended game mechanics. That’s cheating, plain and simple.

Ban them.

Otherwise, go back and explain why classiclfg is so bad. There were no rules being broken. It was just people reading messages in a secret chat and then whispering each other until they had a group.
And yet, for weeks and weeks, people like you whined and moaned about it until blizzard caved in and changed it.

Again, they are not “just queing at the same time”, they’re using a program to queue at the exact same time. That’s not humanly possible - it’s cheating.


DBM countdown pull, then we manually “click” join 1st available. If most ppl get same que, we join. If not, we go again, instant ques.
How old are you ? Are you really that retard_ed?

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I wish people would stop lying already or chiming because they think that I’m talking about them when they’re queuing up with their 1 friend. Nobody cares. This is specifically about people using the addon classicpremade who end up as 40man premades in AV.

How it works

The addon works by setting a fixed time for when the Join Battle button can be pressed. The ready check button performs a query to the raid and sets a delay for when everyone can queue based on players latency. The leader can then queue and everyone with the addon will have their Join Battle button disabled for the delay, 1 second before a sound will be played then the Join Battle button will be enabled.

The join battle button is enabled at different times depending on players latency, a player with 1000 ms will have the button enabled 1 second before a player with 0 ms lag to increase the chances of ending up in the same battleground.

Read it for yourself. It’s not at all ‘we’re just clicking at the same time lmao’. If you want to argue that this is not cheating because you still have to spam click the ‘join’ button, I’m gonna argue that aimbotting is not cheating because I still have to press mouse 1 to shoot.

Lastly, don’t be fooled by the ‘increases the chance of ending up in the same bg’, this addon consistently gets the vast majority of your raid into the same bg.


Just going to point out that you don’t need an addon to queue up simultaneously as a premade group.
Discord is more than enough for that (which some groups actually use).
There are even streamers that simply use Discord for that purpose. They don’t use addons for simultaneous queueing.

You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to. You can believe whatever you want to believe. I’m simply stating that there are premade groups that do not use any addons.

One of them is currently live with almost 1.1k viewers. How do I know he’s queueing as a premade? Simple, he’s counting down before queueing.

At the same time, you can’t ban anyone for using Discord for this purpose either.
Imagine having a large community of like-minded players on a Discord server and a lot of those players happen to be in the same Battleground. What are you going to do to make sure they cannot just join a channel and communicate and work together? Ban them?

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You are just envious on other people because they are social in MMORPG and are working together to achiev goals and you want to SOMEHOW handicap their ability to communicate and being social because they get benefits from it!

And becasue you choose to be alone and antisocial etc so all others should not make friends be social and work together?

Guys i pity you.

Personally I’d be ok with it as long as everyone can queue as a premade, enabled as an option in the game itself without the need for trickery.

Because the way the matchmaking system works is that it only becomes reliably possible for the small matchmaking pools, which screws over the larger one(s), the way it is now.

They queue as single player that they all queue to one and ask if all other got same and then accepted is theri actually communicating!

Have you tried to same?
Based on how they do it i see 0 reason why not?

Yes makes EXACTLY sense there are 1000000 chances you will get to someone you know and talk si lower than if they were 1000 simple.

Already tried it, yes. Doesn’t work on the horde side though, due to the nature of the matchmaking system, it just splits them into too many different AVs after 12-20 minutes of queue time. Despite having queued up at the same time.

That’s why I’m saying they should just enable the option to queue as a raid group in the game itself, for AV.


Yes because there is 100000000000000000 horde want try what they have roll alliance with all + and - .

From my own experiecne all these faster queues makes alliance being weak/defeatist and give up even when if they fought could win!

Same in BFA war mode bonus 25-30% for resources,
Bg honor bonus 50% nonstop up honor gain from it very fast queues etc!

Yet they still rather “fast win disgusting defeatist attitude ,give up wtihout trying /fighting back afk etc”

So play with them or horde.
I do play both in BFA there is few who would you call “HORDE going ZUG ZUG never give up alwasy fight try etc” in alliance left but majority on forums and in game are just “losers” and not winners.

And TOXIC when you actually do your best try to play together help etc you get called out/insulted etc for trying to win and do your best and calling out afkers etc.

So 30 of the same guild in same AV is not pre made and just happened by luck ?

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everyone who plays in BG’s has the choice to gear up before they play, they have the choice to get enchants etc, they have the choice to go in wearing quest gear and being as well prepared as they can be, or not. and this is from a player who pugs BG’s in my quest gear.

joining as a premade is fair because both sides can do it. one side is choosing not to do it. you cant blame the other side for that. you also cant blame the other side for the fact that you decided to play horde, who chooses not to premade because of queues.

You people are so retarded i wonder how many bottles of rum your mothers drank while carrying you. It’s sad that so many people that go on here suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


I’m once again glad that i didnt roll on some dumb meme server like shazzrah or whatever and rolled on the private server people’s server. I can’t imagine having to pug or do anything with you absolute aids morons

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Which is excessive work they will not put their time into.

Premades have been around for a long time. If they did not want them to happen then they would have said/done something many years ago.

Sorry but I don’t understand how cooperative play can be perceived as “cheating” :man_shrugging:

If anything, there should be MORE options for sting with groups of friends/guildies.

You are aware that there are literally hundreds of games that allow people to play online together right?

This has to be the stu****** bad faith excuse I have ever seen. There is no cheating, no complot, no anything. You got chat available and at least 2 working neurons as you are able to move. If the alliance is not able to coordinate themselves to play an easy PvE battleground then you need to accept that alliance players are just not that good in PvP (PvE???) or selfish enough to not play as a team.

Don’t try to find any excuses. AV is already ally sided and this has been proven time and time again for the past 15 years. Alliance loosing now is only because players are selfish and not willing to play as a team.

15 years ago we didn’t need any coms or any fancy s*** going on today. We knew what needed to be done and we did it and doing it while taking advantage of how Ally sided the BG was.

I’m really ashamed of playing alliance when I see bad faith and ignorant people like you on our side.

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I don’t think the current version of AV is alliance sided. The distance between the horde start point and the alliance start point to Balinda is the same, so alliance have to run past balinda to get to galv, meaning horde have the quicker route to their first boss.

Then there is the backdoor route into DB, which I don’t recall ever seeing back in the day which pretty much negates every advantage that alliance used to have (main advantages being that horde had to fight over the bridge to get into DB)

Then when they get there there is a now well known way to single pull van, so they can do that too ( though I’m aware there is a way to single pull drek for alliance, I don’t think it’s as well known, I don’t know how to do it and I haven’t seen anyone do it but it’s there apparently)

This version of AV seems to be more horde biased even without the large section of alliance players not willing to fight for a win if the rush fails.