AV Premades = Cheating

I don’t know how anyone - with at least half a brain - could think it’s fair, when the other side can join as a pre-made, while the other one can’t.

Of course the ones playing with the pre-mades try to defend this, since they are in an awesome position, but tbh it makes no sense. Also the alliance players who can’t get into the premades, are losing hard in this exchange, as the ranking points are relative within the faction.

Yesterday 4 out of 5 games I played were against premades, and mostly lasted less than 9 minutes with the bug pulling of Drek alone. Not fun with 20 minute queues.

Obviously banning is out of the question, nothing “illegal” in this. Blizzard should just either let the horde join as premades as well - or force shuffle the alliance side and not allowing many from the same server join the same game.

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Is it fair? Probably not BUT how was it fair for the Horde to grief Alliance for weeks when the honor system came online?

Alliance players complained on the forums, Horde went “gitgud”, “reroll” and even “lulz go back to retail”. Now when the tables are turned, Horde players are complaining on the forums.

It’s not our fault that Horde outnumber the Alliance which is the cause of Horde queues.
Should Alliance players now say “git gud”, “reroll” or “lulz go back to retail” in return?

Alliance players could only say “wait for BGs” at the time where Horde players laughed at them, saying it wouldn’t make a difference.
Guess what… It did make a difference and now the tables have turned.

In the end, everyone keeps pointing fingers at each other and it’s not doing anything other than turning threads into flamewars between 2 sides.
Calimeros everywhere.

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Horde can use same addons to queu for av, youll probably get 15/30 in 1 10/30 in another and 5 in third av once the queu ends, still decent chance to have good game with those. Its not alliances fault most pvp serves are horde dominated so you have longer queus (im very happy we got xrealm or as a pve casual id be enjoying the long queus)

They did do something. They disabled the option to queue as a full premade in retail (you can’t queue up as more than 5 people, but ofc the workaround still works for the small matchmaking pools), and in classic you can’t queue up as more than yourself for AV (but ofc the workaround still works for the small matchmaking pools).
That’s doing something. They just don’t do enough.

So they should either go all the way and properly enforce that limitation, or they should just let everyone queue as full premades by putting in a Join as Group/Raid option. No point in only making it possible for the few, as they do now and have done for years.

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-European Agency Of Doctors Against Aids

Jumps out of thread window

Thead explodes with all the retards inside

“Hasta la vista, baby.”

The best argument so far for cheating in this thread? “You’re just envious of our cheats bro!”. Cheaters are something else.

Anyways, people are still cheating in AV. When are you acting, blizzard? Either sanctify it by allowing everyone else to queue as a raid or punish them already. Can’t be that much work either way.

Also, to the “you can just download the addon yourself!” crowd, is that how respond when people complain about aimbot too? “Just aimbot yourself, bro!”


Cringe hahahaha cringe and bluepilled

Cringe /10chars

Exactly by LUCK due lower amount of particpants in that time who signed UP!

You want lower amount of your faction joining to increase your overall chance while joining at same time you will be teamed up with friends/guildies join Alliance!

try again in with proper sentencing

Was not trying, stated facts what is happening not more or less.

That wont help ?

or more it would screw Alliance completely.

Like in every AV then there are 40 Hordler on 5 Alliance people ?

The other side can, just not as reliable.

That creates a motivational problem which reduces the likelihood of anyone even trying to do it more than once.
Because due to that reduced reliability, you basically can’t do it as a group of just 5-10 pals.
But you do have a higher rate of success with a full 40-man.

The problem then comes in the form that “I know I’ve gathered 40 people for this, but we’re only likely to get 1/3rd into the same AV, if even that many.” and then the many people who were expecting a well-oiled machine would then just instantly leave.

Because why be a part of a premade if you’re more likely to not end up in the same AV as most of that premade, after sitting in the queue for 10-20 minutes every time anyway?

So that’s why you don’t see the Horde side doing premades in the gigantic EU matchmaking pool.

You dont get the problem at all. Its faction inbalance. It’s a Horde created problem.

Its the racials and the level path that enabled that. Its just desert.

You! can change that as you chose to go alliance. With every Horde player migrating until it gets about 50/50.

Problem solved !

Horde can not premade AV because of 20 min ques. How hard is it for you to understand that. And yes - if one side can do it and the other can’t it’s not fair.

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How hard is it to understand that its your fault ?

Migrate to Alliance to reduce the effect, until its 50/50 or deal with it.

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Alliance during phase 2 could not zerg flight paths because they could only gather a limited amount of players, while horde could gather 4 times as much. How hard is it for you to understand instead. So yes, it was unfair because Alliance could not do it. Did you see any fix for it?

Oh ye, i love this excuse. Horde farmed ppl at flypaths so it’s ok to have premades. For your information i play on server where in fact alliance farmed flypaths so don’t spin it like its just horde thing.