AV Premades = Cheating

Horde farmed people everywhere, every quest hub, every dungeon entrance, and so on. I dont care where you play. A lot of people had to reroll/unsub because of how unplayable it was. You are free to follow.


Ofc you don’t care because it invalidates your whole point. You simply don’t have arguments to defend AV premades. You know it’s unfair but it benefits you greatly so you are trying to spin things and say it’s ok cuz horde ganged players during p2 and that’s why now alliance should get free honor with premades. Two wrongs doesn’t make right you know. The fact is this is damaging the game further and yes more ppl will leave. You want to play game without players in it - i don’t.


Lol you skip the entire core part because it invalidates YOUR whole point. The whole phase 2 was unfair and benefit you greatly and no measures were taken to balance it out. But the wheel spins, and you can’t always stay on top. Your turn to QQ now, stay mad and stay bad.


What is the core part ? That horde ganged ppl ? It’s like only one fraction does that right. I told you it was same thing on my server but in reverse - you don’t care. I don’t want to be on top. I want level playing field for every one.

The problem lies in there that for PvP horde is soo much better because of the racials.

Also that the leveling path for Horde players is soo much safer.

The result is that we have a factions inbalance that lead to the problem that Alliance can Q together.

Horde players can reduce that as they just faction change.

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You can always form your own premade. Blizzard can’t punish people for pressing a button at the same time.

The core part is the thousands of people - again - had to reroll/unsub or simply suffer the consequences of playing because of fails during phase 2. No measures were taken. No reasons why they should be taken now.


Sure I agree. But why do you think only players who played alliance left ? There are realms where alliance are majority or better organized and made horde ppl quit too. Was it ok - no. So now we have AV premades that are same thing and will make more people leave. It’s even worse for alliance players that don’t play in premades because they have zero chance to place high in ranking.

There were not realms where alliance had the majority of players. Maybe just a mere 55:45 and it was in PVE realms even, so no big deal.

Not only, but way more than horde players because for them it was way harder to play.

Only until the faction balance evens out…

Problem solved ! See Blizzard does not need to do anything.

I don’t think we will ever have faction balance dude. I don’t mind to faction change my character because i have a lot of friends on ally side aswell but it won’t happen in classic and leveling and regearing is long and painful process

Thats why the whole #nochanges was/is bullsht.

Everyone with only a little knowledge would have predicted these outcomes.

While it’s certainly rare. It does happen sometimes.
ZT premade of at least 33 of them beating by a squad of random solo-queue Hordes.

Ey it’s christmas dude … miracles do happen xD I have few wins against premades too but rly bad ones.

No, but they can allow people to que up with groups, something they should’ve done in the first place.

Would solve the whole premade-drama in an instant.

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They can’t solve it because its not a problem. You decided to roll dominant faction, you choose easy open world content over fast bgs. Its a part of your decision, not an actual issue. Nothing should and will be done. If you want a solution you can roll ally.


Guys, cheating is not a problem. You decided to be on the other team. Should have joined the cheating team! Guys, really!

Another day filled with people cheating in AV. Imagine, for a second, having to cheat to win when you can literally just run through and kill Drek. IMAGINE!

could you tell me why is it cheating?

Its not cheating, your fundamental premise is laughable. Go back to corpse camping level 30s if you cant handle competition.

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So were horde cheating during phase 2?