AV Premades = Cheating

It’s not cheating! Even tho I can only accomplish this with the help of a program, it’s not cheating! I swear! Your fundamental premise is laughable!

Well you ganked me when I was lvl 30 so it’s only fair I get to cheat now!

I’m bad at world pvp! I have to cheat in bgs! How else am I supposed to win?

Love it when cheaters try to rationalize their cheating. How pathetic. Also, lmao at the guy suggesting I can’t handle competition while you’re literally cheating.

No measures were taken. No reasons why they should be taken now.

you can pretend BG’s weren’t released early just to make you whining ally biotches shut the f up, all you want, but that doesn’t mean you are correct… we’d still be in phase 2 right now if not for your constant whining and moaning that the mean hordies keep killing you boo hoo.

bg’s were suppose to be released along with BWL in january, and you got it more than a month earlier so wipe your god damn tears off your red little cheeks, princess. “no measures taken then” my rear.

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Lmao that happened because thousands of players dropped their subscriptions after being entirely unable to play because of people whose only skill was to be handicapped enough to resort to all the advantages available. Blizzard lost money because of how aids it was, so they just decided to get rid of that meme phase, nothing strange. Now guess what, alliance is equally organizing but with the same team size as horde, and horde babies are already calling for babysitters. What a meme. But again, horde trying to justify phase 2 is already a meme in itself


i fail to see how that proves that “no measure was taken” like you said, and which was your point, princess.

p.s queue dodging to get premades isn’t exactly “organizing” when your tactics once your get in can be summed up in 2 words; “rush drek”

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of course you’re a horde

You don’t need a program or addon to do that, it just makes it easier, literally like every other addon. Sorry you can’t win when the numbers are equal.

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OP is braindead, must be ork/undead
1-2-3 que is avaliable for ogrammer monkeys as well
It only you rproblem you are not able to use it due to insane population, blizzard gave you an ability to see battleground numbers for this very reason, go sync or go pug

No measures were taken to balance the faction issues of phase 2. Releasing the BGs prematurely didn’t fix the imbalance. Faction ratios are not more even than before.

Stop lying. You’re not getting an entire raid into the same bg without the addon. Not even close.

Not a day goes by without alliance having to cheat to win av. How sad.

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It’s entirely possible. I’ve been premading AV since this got popular just by using that weakaura thing that instantly writes the nº of the AV that popped and tells the raid leader how many members of the raid got the same number.

If Blizz were to remove that feature we would just be writting it on the chat by ourselves. That would be messy but still doable

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Mograine premade does not use an addon, just someone saying 3-2-1-queue and everyone typing the number of the bg, if enough people have the same one they go to a different voice chan and decide whether to enter or not.

I think only premades should be allowed to enter AV.
This would instantly solve all the issues: not enough tanks and healers, afk-ers, undeargeared players not following tactics, etc.

Since classic is all about communities, even if this would break the #nochange paradigm, it would be more ‘classic-like’ than the current version of AV.

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okay i suppose we’re just gonna ignore the 1 month early BG release then. lmao.

You are ignoring that releasing 1 month earlier the BGs didn’t fix the faction ratio at all.

okay then, give us your genius brilliant solution to the problem then. lets hear it.

Check my post above: make AV premade only.

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To which problem? To the ratio imbalance? or to the AV group queue?

are you deliberately being retarded here? scroll up and read the posts again. i’m not falling for your bluff… first you spew some crap about horde having an unfair advantage in Wpvp and nothing being done on blizzards end to help alleviate that problem, then i tell you “you got bgs more than a month early” implying that was more than a reasonable alleviation and then you said “oh but that wasn’t enough” and now you ask “which problem”… do you even keep up with your own conversations anymore, princess? … i asked you what you want to be done about the faction imbalance that can be justified without sounding like a god damn imbecile.
so go on, tell us.

I didn’t say releasing BG earlier “wasn’t enough”. I said it didn’t affect the issue at all. Realms which were 30:70 in favor of horde remained the same after the bg were released. No players rerolled alliance because of BG being release earlier. Realm transfers might work if most alliance gather to a single realm, effectively exceeding the horde but then again, they would leave the respective departure realms more imbalanced than before.
There is nothing that can be done to solve the imbalance issue which does not involve horde rerolling alliance, or faction change services. That being achieved only with non-vanilla features, which is unthinkable with the average IQ around here. Not sure why I bother to explain basic stuff like this but then again…zmugzmug…horde

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If you disable group queue for Alliance in WSG, nobody would even notice, because nobody is doing WSG on Alliance, which is why horde have like 40 minute queues for WSG.