AV Premades = Cheating

Upon further reflection, and in the spirit of christmas, I changed my view and I now believe that cheating in AV is ok if you’re on alliance. Alliance loses so much, pretty much every single game, I genuinely feel bad for them. I can’t even remember the last time I lost to a non-premade. I don’t think it’s happened since day 1 tbh. They just try so hard every single game and get stomped anyways. A man can only see so many scoreboards where alliance has 300 honor after 30 minutes while he himself sits at 5k before it breaks his heart.

Please alliance, go ahead. Cheat. Get that W. Merry Christmas!

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It seem it’s Horde fault. For everything.

Alliance die in World PvP ? Horde fault.

Alliance in your realm stop the game ? Horde fault.

Alliance migrate to Earthshaker because they die to much in Flamelash ? Horde fault.

Alliance loose AV to much so they premade vs pugs to be sure they can get win ? Horde fault.

The climate change ? Horde fault.

Trump 2020 ? Horde fault.

The editor of the game don’t communicate about anything and don’t care about the state of the game or try to solve all the issues ? Horde fault.

which is why horde have like 40 minute queues for WSG.

Actually, this is false. Horde premade are using the WSG fast-queue exploit to have less than 10mn queue time in WSG.

Premades were always a thing, even back in orig classic wow.

Why exactly is it that you just cba to do the same on your side?

Premade vs premade can make for some waky fun as it then comes down to coordination and tactics.

If you see 0 after 30 mins it means more than half of raid left. Average bonus honor is 2k+

Reading this forums, it really feels that way doesn’t it?

Let’s continue the list;

  • More people picked Horde than Alliance? Horde fault.

  • Blizzard opened too few servers during launch? Horde fault.

  • Blizzard didn’t regulate faction balance? Horde fault.

  • Blizzard refuses to show faction populations? Horde fault.

  • Blizzard didn’t regulate transfers leading to dead servers? Horde fault.

  • Blizzard don’t care about fixing bugs and exploits? Horde fault.

  • Alliance are evidently worse in even numbers-PvP and have to retort to premades? Horde fault.

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I mean, AV is heavily alliance favored. So it’s more like like they’re worse at pvp even with crazy advantages. They have to cheat.

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We cant? Maybe thats why?

Wonder if the reason for Alliance losing all the non-premade games is, because most of the best players are in the premades. Instead of being spread over to the normal teams.

I’d guess more and more non-premade Alliance players are quitting, because they are unable to compete against those premade players - ranking point wise.

Anyway it’s hurting everyone.

If you could not see the outcome of this, yes it is your fault.

Deal with it or change something and go alliance.

The choice is up to you.

You overlook the reason you “cant”, while you can do the same as the alliance.

The outcome will just be slightly worse due other reasons.

Inv 40 Hordler into a discord and go “3-2-1-Q !”.

You have the same means !

they are in premades, 90% of them.

PVP is heavily horde favored and there is so many who lose againts ally even with crazy advantages.

Since we’re now at the point where even premades lose to horde pugs, and since I’m the official thread creator, I hereby proclaim that this thread now exists for the sole purpose of encouraging Blizzard to enable additional cheats for the Alliance in AV.

Dear Blizzard,

please increase the HP of alliance players by 15% while playing AV. They need it, desperately.

Yours sincerly,

there is no such thing as AV premade. The topic itself is invalid and meaningless

the community is horrible these days.
everyone tries to insult you, or atleast try to bait you into reporting or sth simular.
these spoiled autist living in moms garage break this game just as hard as blizzard is ignoring to apply their own TOS rules.


I agree - you have my fellowship and understanding

I rally against them from time to time - but it is a hopeless task - the forum is lost to them

A shame - a platform for a genuine resource squandered

The AV premade is only a thing because you guys cant use your brain, its simple math if there is 80 active pvp alli player its easier to put 20-30 “same server dude” in the same match than from 800 active horde pvp player. Dont point with fingers because you are the one who caused it by joining the majority faction even when every youtuber/streamer/forum poster said the horde will be overpopulated and will have high queu times and should roll alliance but you didn’t rolled alliance because you wanted to be the big pvp god undead rog or orc warrior…
The truth is blizzard will doesn’t do anything for the horde players because every pvp related problem is entirely the community’s fault. Btw… most of the classic player is probably already adult and should have some sense of responsibility for their own acts so think about your own faction choice and acts when you are spitting your “give us FREE faction transfer etc” or “Its blizzard’s fault not mine!!” insanity.

Someone got zugzugged too much in p2, I can actually taste the salt


Playing on ZT, so the opposite.

I agree with you

I have no opinion regarding AV premades because no such thing exists - you can’t queue as a group for AV

However - because Blizz choose to operate a ‘fill one open one’ instance system folk hitting queue at the same time will most likely hit the same BG

It isn’t cheating or exploiting - it is what it is

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Cheating? LOL, it’s obviously not cheating, spare your anger on something else.