app keeps initializing and reclaiming disc space for WoW

I cannot believe the silence on blizzards part with this?! how much money do you get from our subscriptions?! people have taken time off work to enjoy a new launch and again you seem to mess it up.

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They aren’t silent. They just aren’t answering every single individual post with the same information that they have already stated in the thread.

They will only post if the information they have changes.

Stopped doing it for me (I’m on the beta launcher and have been the whole time) .

That would be the ideal case.
But that simply is not transparent enough. Without any kind of feedback we don’t know if they are working on it, or if they think it is fixed.
They removed the ribbon, indicating they are aware of and working on the issue, in the Battle-Net App after all…

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Guys, I really needed to share this with all my fellow MAC users Cus this actually worked for me, and believe me I’ve been frigging faffing about for the past week with these “fixes” people have been on about in absolute desperation!!!

Try this:

  1. Open applications and right click on the World of Warcraft folder
  2. Click “get info”, click the padlock to unlock
  3. Even though under Sharing & Permissions I know it will probs already say you have “read & write” permissions, click on on read & write on ur user, then just under the box, by the + & - there will be three dots in a circle, click it, click “apply to enclosed items”.
  4. Open battle net and click update, it should start fetching the patch and apply it within about 30 seconds.

I know some people might still have issues and this might not work, but after losing my mind all week this actually worked instantly for me! Let me know if it works for you guys :relaxed:

It hasn’t done it for a couple of days for me. Maybe it is fixed idk.

I haven’t been able to log in for almost a week. Kept updating and I tried to reinstall the App but now it won’t let me reinstall that either.

Likewise. This is getting quite frustrating.
Is there no way to do a manual Update or something? It appears to be some sort of error in the Update wizard.
I have a Windows system by the way, so Ildora’s tip is no help either… thanks though.

Happens to me as well, started maybe a week ago, very annoying. I have like 6 or 7 games installed and they take turns updating (WoW + Classic, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, HotS, Hearthstone)

I still have the same issue

If you haven’t already try switching to the Beta client. It is not happening for me at all and has not for 2-3 days now on the Beta client.

Hope that helps.

still doesn’t work for me unfortunately.

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Oh well, worth a try. Strange it seems fixed for some (never happened for others) and is still causing problems for the rest.

What annoys me, and I don’t know if others feel the same way, Is the fact that I haven’t even started leveling on my new character on SOM and I guarantee others will start hitting 60 soon.

Its like a race I cant even start. plus Im on Ironfoe PVP so i guess I will no doubt get ganked if i ever load classic again. again my frustration with Blizz as a paying customer that took time off work to enjoy their product I pay for makes my blood boil.

Thank you for the tip, it did not work for me unfortunately. But at least I had hope for a minute or two there. :wink:
I feel similar to Canaan, it annoys me to no end. Paying Customers and Blizzard has put us on “ignore”. Ridiculous.
I don’t have the WoW issue, but Hearthstone is affected as well and here I can’t even “catch up”, since the game model encourages continuous play and exhibits diminishing returns, once you play a while.

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Same for me. Added new subscription to play SoM, and to do the name-reserve. Havent been able to log on whatsoever, affected users should get more play time as a replacement for the inconvenience caused and playtime lost.

Hope I will be able to play SoM before the majority hits 60.

Same here. Resubbed only for SoM and cannot play at all…

still not fixed for me

Likewise, no change yet.
I tried a reinstall, but now even that is stuck on 41% where it goes into the initialization loop.

Since almost two weeks now this problem has persisted, where the Battle Net App for Mac an Windows Users, across multiple games (Hearthstone in my case), seem unable to perform Updates. This blocks the access to ANY Blizzard game, since apart from stopping the specific game it is trying to update the attempts take up a large bandwidth.
Multiple threads have been posted on this Forum:

And with minimal Blizzard attention no suggested fix from other users on OUR end was working for me and several others.
It clearly seems to be an issue with the Update Agent, and since this particular problem has been solved in the week before, I would assume it is at least possible.
But the biggest problem is the patent NEGLECT of this issue. We feel left alone and in many cases cheated of the paid for game time (not in my case, but I do mourn the lost opportunities for fun and relaxation).
This screams for action or, dare I say it, restitution. In any case I would suggest to Blizzard a more active approach when it comes to communicating bugs and the solution attempts thereof.
There, I had to vent. Maybe something happens this week, but at least the issue is not forgotten.

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