Blizz please, we need copy

Hello, why do you keep commenting on posts like this?

For us its hard to believe snapshot data was really not backed up. (Everything is backed up nowadays, its basically free). We want one final confirmation from blizz on this incredibly unbelievable thing. “Moved to mograine” - so what? Snapshot data from a point in time has nothing to do with that.

And for us the possible gain is getting our beloved characters back.

For you the possible gain is… what?

It’s not unbelievable, they shut down realms and moved those characters to mograine, and your character has been put through the natural progression of Classic >TBC > wrath.

You needed to chose to keep on playing in Classic Era, nothing “incredibly unbelievable” about that.

There would be far more complaints if they just moved everyone to Era.

Why is it people think I “Gain” something from you not being able to move back. The data is gone, you people need to accept that.

Guys the game cannot wait for you making your choice forever. The game made the choice for you and moved on. You thought Era was not good and didn’t choose it. People supported Era when it wasn’t as active as it is today and thanks to their support now Era is great. And now you realise you didn’t make the better choice. You want the same benefits now as the people that supported Era from the moment Classic split. Just admit your mistakes and start from level 1. You’ll reach 60 before you get a definitive answer from Blizzard, if ever.


I asked in a ticket and got this reply.

Okay, the Character Clone service has been retired. All clones that were not activated before July 26, 2022 were deleted. Customer Service cannot restore deleted clones or transfer active clones to different game versions.

If you had a WoW Classic character and you never chose to activate it in either WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic, then the Burning Crusade Classic (now Wrath of the Lich King Classic) version of your character has automatically been activated and will be available for play.

Names can be used again once the Clone has been deleted.

Sounds exactly like the stuff I said. Sorry guys, it’s over, the last part confirms it.


It was a limited time service and no one should feel entitled to it.
I thought they would offer cloning for Season of Mastery characters - to have 1 copy each in Era and Wrath of the Lich King Classic. But they didn’t. Probably because of the problems it would cause. Some people would continue to ask for clones years into the future.

I have read more than one topic regarding this issue, but Blizzard is not responding, and I do not know why I hope to solve it as soon as possible


There is only one way to solve it - create a character.

They responded to me.

We don’t need to do anything you weirdo.

They said that all not active clones will be permanently deleted. I log in classic era golemagg server where I play before, char select screen was clear but somehow, in char restoration service was my 60lvl mage and 55lvl druid were able to restore, and I successfully restore my mage back :D, I got message that my name was taken and i can change first time I log into, and my mage appear like clone available to cloning, but cloning icon is gray.

Wtf are you trolling? About to leave work early to go try this out

Did you use the cloning service when it was available?
Did you make choice for your character(s) to go to TBC?
It would be really cool if clones are hidden under Restore Character.

I just tried it. no characters to restore for me

Did you leave work? :rofl::rofl:

I guess Eatme has cloned or chosen their characters to stay in Era then deleted them. No other explanation.

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I moved both char to tbc, i dont make clones on classic era because i think a never come back. My guild mates also try this and for him, there is no char to restore. I dont know how its worked for me, but my mage was restored, it give me that 7 days restore cd (confirm on wotlk), there is checkmark “show all clones” or something, my mage apear there, beside his name is a cloning icon, is gray, cant click on it. Bassicaly I cant log in, it wont let me make a clone, but I was able to restore it.

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yeah but it was raining and I’m a bricklayer :stuck_out_tongue:

could you post a screen shot? If this is true it would confirm the data is still there and cloning could be brought back… maybe

Sure, i will do when i come bck home from work

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What a legend :rofl::rofl:

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