Blizzard, please open PvP to PvE realm transfer

Do not add such things, be happy if u get Free Character Migrations.

WOrst thing that will kill servers is paid transfers. ppl will jump all over and ruin every community. please think!.. do not let servers suffer just because u made a wrong choise!. just reroll to a pve server ffs.

back then It helped to balance the faction differences towards the end of Vanilla, why not now?

I absolutely agree with you I think wPvP is in a shocking state and something needs to be done about it, other than just bringing out BGs early.

I vaguely recall somewhere in my distant memory (or I imagined it which might well be possible) that transfers for just one faction to a selection of servers was a thing at some point. If my memory is correct maybe Blizzard could be encouraged to do something along those lines again? Obviously they would have to stop transfers when things were a little more evenly balanced but that should be easy enough.

Population sizes have shattered many a rose-coloured dream BUT to be fair Blizzard had no clue just how successful Classic would be. Then again they haven’t had a clue since Wrath about many things, so I don’t know why any of us are surprised they’ve manage to screw up parts of Classic!

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Also let roleplayers do their thing. Blizzard screwed up by letting the single RP-PvP server be intoxicated by pvp community, now let them get out and play where they can roleplay.


this is blizzard fault, not his.
For reasons:

  • Server online cap increased 3k->12k
  • Blizzard should’ve created a way to balancer servers, not just crack it up.
  • Most of the zones back in classic were created for certain amount of players. and that amount increased by 4 times.

just lol…

You’re so rigth. And I love the new hashtag #opentransfer I want to propose yet another one #Openmoreservers

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what a toxic response…

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That happens to be true, so get over it.

I’ll most likely quit playing as well if i don’t get a free transfer to a PvE server.


OP i see you using the phrase “back then” a whole lot… i honestly don’t have any sympathy for you since you didn’t see this coming from miles away… today is not back then… if you didn’t realize that most people have done the math, the research, and the predictions from start to finish (in regards to ALL phases, not just 1 and 2) then the fault really lies with you… of course its not going to be like “back then” because everyone knows exactly how their class works and what they need now.
being a casual and having “real life responsibilities” is no excuse either tbh.
either reroll or stop playing, those are your options.

do you have any idea how unfair it would be to everyone who leveled on a pvp server to suddenly have a flood of pve plebs just transfer over after having a non-threatening leveling experience which arguably (and literally) would be much easier and quicker done than those that leveled their toons on a pvp server?

and vice versa if people from pvp servers could just transfer over to pve servers they would come into said pve server with a massive honor points advantage and perhaps even some or most of the pvp gear and wipe the floor with most of the people of the opposite faction there.

have you even remotely considered the ramifications of the thing you are suggesting be done? because it certainly doesn’t seem like it.


I think its hilarious that the people pvp don’t want a transfer for pvp to pve. It doenst affect them at all, like if all people would just reroll they would be gone anyway, so why don’t let them transfer in the first place?

I made the same mistak, rolled pvp and its just not what I want at all. Started playing for real in cata so I didn’t have the classic experience. Guess if there are enough people quitting blizzard will do something about it.


This wont happen… if they did open from all pvp servers, most horde dominated pvp servers would be dead within a month due to mass alliance migration.

We are already at that point.

People will quit then, basically the same outcome for the pvp servers. But with people transfering to another server Blizzard could still make money.

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Then they will just stick to opening bg’s and betting on the return of players.

That’s the safer bet. Imo.
But tbh i would love to transfer to a pve server.

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Is that really that much of an issue? You can always opt out of wPvP on PvE servers, and with BGs coming soon I don’t see many ppl engaging in it at all (also, T1 is more than enough to confront ppl in Rank8-10 gear)

Totally agree with Zalanji. This is not an issue. At least I play on a PvE server in order to avoid PvP and Play versus Environment, as per name of server :wink:
The problem would for me be, that all the new arrivals would fill the already full PvE servers to over the bursting point, and this is why I ask for more servers.
Already people from PvP servers re-rolling are giving a massive influx. If transfer is opened - which I think would be the right thing to do - new servers are a must.


that’s assuming the transfer mechanic would be introduced in like 5 minutes from now.
what is more likely is that even if that transfer was introduced its gonna be when most pvp server characters are rank 10+ and certainly there’s gonna be a few rank 14’s mixed in there as well at that time.

you’d be pvping in your dungeon blues mixed with some raid epics against people who have BiS pvp weapons and armor, and trust me, they WOULD wipe the floor with anyone that came within range of their wrath.


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