Blizzard, please open PvP to PvE realm transfer

I’m NOT going to do any PvP at all, so no probs from me - only open some new PvE servers. We’re already crowded by people re-rolling there

Please, its not fun game anymore. More pve servers and mainly open pvp to pve servers migration


Just wait for BG’s and all the pvpers will move to premades wsg farm. Greet ur teeth 1 more month.

I couldn’t agree with this topic more and I hope people keep talking about it as I know it has gotten the attention of Blizzard to at least be discussed.

World PvP is absolutely awful and I do believe, as others have said, that many players were lured in under the romanticized idea they were given by previous vanilla PvP players. Even those people with rose tinted glasses however are now seeing that Classic WPvP is nothing like vanilla due to the sheer numbers of players.

The current position of asking players to reroll is not really a feasible solution as the time they would have to spend leveling again would feel far too punishing and would likely result in people just ending their subscription. The argument about PvP servers becoming even more imbalanced also doesn’t really make sense as no matter what, you are losing the players anyway, they will either stay in a main city, roll on another server, unsubscribe, return to retail or transfer to another server. You may as well let them transfer and keep the overall classic numbers up rather than have them leave it altogether.

More PvE servers are definitely needed and transfer from PvP to PvE should be allowed as soon as possible.


I did decide to reroll PVE tonight after two weeks of being unable to quest, get in dungeons or even fish :stuck_out_tongue: But that starting area on the PVE server was very, very crowded…
Oh and for the people that say ‘this was classic’ : No it wasn’t. 90% of the game being unplayable wasn’t classic. We wouldn’t have had 2 factions 15 years after if it had been


I doubt the typical person who reaches rank 10+ (let alone 14) on a PvP server would seek to transfer to PvE. Most of the ppl who want to transfer to PvE barely manage any PvP outside BGs and may not even be 60 yet, I reckon. Just look at all the threads on forums.

Even then… what’s the issue? Rank 10 gear can barely compete with T1, and T2 outdoes the epic PvP set for most classes anyway.


I hate to say “what did I say” - but I did. Welcome anyway. But yes we need more PvE servers.

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Err…isn’t one of the problems atm there are very few PVE servers?

Yes, yes and yes!
Actually for English speakers there’s 3 and they’re all full or high population.

Xr bg are confirmed so there goes that uninformed argument…

Yes give us transfer option… Or just give us some answer with blue post


Thats a joke ? “responsibility for your actions” in video game ? how old are u kid ?


U should take responsibility for all of your actions, whats joke about it? Grow up

Dude ,I will say it again , its a video game !! Don’t mix it with real life . Only someone who lacks such real choices in real life can say something like that.
I take enough responsibility for my family in a real life, I’m here to get away from it for a while. Do I really have to explain it? What’s wrong with you ? GAME isn’t real , its Video Game .


Agree with OP. I have two jobs. I haven’t time to reroll.
Open paid transfers from PVP to PVE so we can play again please.


Open transfer - and open more PvE servers please.


I hope they dont make transfers happen in a long time. I’m quite enjoying knowing that these people are getting ganked so hard that they are rage quitting their chars and even the game.

You made your choice. You can fix the problem yourself too. Reroll pve.

We probably won’t see any answer on this issue until they have launched battlegrounds in two weeks. The fact that they are launching them so soon is already an acknowledgement that they see a problem and are trying to address it (too little too late for some, but lets wait and see).

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Please give us the option to transfer to PVE, I would pay as well.

I have nothing against PVP, I used to spend ages killing players and I had some awesome times doing world PVP back in the day but I have come to the conclusion that I don’t enjoy world PVP anymore like I used to.

I actually have some resemblance of a life nowadays as well, I just don’t have the time to waste half an hour plus every time I go to an instance, I want to be able to grind mats and gold for my raids but its just impossible at the moment and I don’t have the time to reroll either.


Me, personally, expected the Vanilla experience. Where I leveled 4 characters to 60 in Ravencrest (alliance rogue) and Sylvanas (horde priest, mage, hunter). And this never happened. Including during the Honor release patch.
Getting ganked or corpse camped once in a while or even forced to log off or change areas (extremely rare) was not the same as getting farmed 10 times in an hour and unable to quest anywhere in the world.
You only had “sustained” pvp at expected locations (BRM and DM entrances) and any large scale raids were to cities or major hubs (crossroads, southshore, tarren mill, etc).
Now you have every single +50 leveling area shut down unless you play at +2 AM and you have whole raids just to roam around killing green level enemies.

So yeah, I was not informed about private server habits, assuming this carnage is a thing in private servers, since so many people keep parroting this moronic “what did you expect” mantra. I expected Vanilla. WTF do you think I expected?

But don’t worry about “advice” (aka go to retail, reroll, man-up). I already took it and rerolled to Mirage Raceway PvE and starting over on a different class. If paid transfers come, I may still salvage my priest and +500 gold.

I’m not 20 YO anymore, I no longer play 12h/day and even though I’ll miss WPvP (the real one) and the sense of danger in faction interactions in the world, it’s a small price to pay to get away from the decadence that are the killing fields honor farms.