Yes sir / mam More servers. please!
Don’t worry the horde will be crying from December 11th when warsong queue is 2h at 5am on a Tuesday.
You are as delusional as you are a childlike and toxic. I don’t get ganked as I don’t log in anymore, just waiting for my sub to run off and watching the forums in the meantime.
PVP horde needs an incentive to move to PVE horde.
Very well said m8, amazing post
My incentive was not sharing my playing experience with the trolls responsible for the clownfiesta destroying the game. Happy rerolling PvE, again as horde, since it’s my original faction (until wrathgate and garrosh rising, but I’m not going past TBC into wotlk, ever again).
As for gameplay incentives - AQ opening. You think PvE guilds will sit around missing AQ raid because the other faction is dead? Many top guilds will migrate, given the chance.
thanks for pointing that out, indeed well said.
Still nothing from Blizzard on this?! You’d think someone would address player concerns in at least some way. I can only assume they are waiting until they release BGs on 10th December to see if complaints continue.
PvP servers are so unbelievably awful and in my opinion are actually causing people who can’t move away from them a lot of stress at present. If they don’t start offering transfers soon I can see server populations plummeting due to people leaving.
Oh ffs please Blizzard I am begging you… I will pay you £50 to be able to transfer away from a PvP server right now!?
I’m up at 4am due to being ill and decided to log on to farm and I still can’t get a single thing done!!! I have been ganked 5 times in the past 30mins!!! Your game is broken, please open more PvE realms and let people transfer.
(Oh btw the only reason it has been just 5 times in 30mins is because I spent 15mins flying away from one gank zone to another. So its actually been about 5 times in the past 15mins)
Of course we’ll keep complaining. The overpopulation won’t disappear with the implementation of BGs.
There is nothing at all, not just on this matter. I think they already know but prefer not to communicate.
This needs to go to the top again until blizz address it with a blue post.
Yes! #opentransfers
and #openmoreservers
Hope you all get your wishes comes true.
Blizzard rarely come to their own forums, you should know this by now. Try asking on Twitter more chance of a reply that’s for sure.
At least you’re not even 60 yet. If I wasn’t fully raid-geared I would have rerolled in a second. Leveling is quick and easy, but farming all the gear from scratch… screw that.
Still true.
PvE servers shouldn’t be destroyed by a flood of crybabies who failed on PvP servers.