Blizzard please tune MC to give us pre-1.12 difficulty

If the endgame can be completed by a bunch of lvl 55’s wearing greens, then there is no endgame. I suspect Blizzard doesn’t want difficult content in Classic, they want to give us retail style pushover endgame so that when we quit they can say, “SEE, you thought you did but you don’t”. I’ll say this, if MC is a complete pushover by the time I hit 60 then I’ll be cancelling my subscription and heading towards a game with a challenge.


BWL, ZG, AQ20/40 and Naxx will be cleared on day one by almost all active guiilds when they come out.

enjoy the journey and the game stop giving a %¤"# about a 15 year old already know it all game


What did you expect? The game is 15 years old, it has simple mechanics.

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Of course they will but it won’t be lvl 55s doing it. It will be players who have been gearing up the whole way. It’s just not the same thing.

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stop lying to urself its just maybe 20 guilds that would do it. Post mc.

whole classic is not the same thing compared to vanilla back then lol


Well yeah and that kind of is the point of this thread.

Did u and your guild cleared whole MC at 55 in greens? No? Then come back again when u do…


Nearly all MC content is “don’t stand in the fire” or “dispel this”.

If you don’t stand in the fire… Then you won’t have a problem, even at 55.

We have the knowledge now to use specific potions to mitigate stuns that would otherwise kill level 55’s. We have potions to cleanse so that our mages, priests and paladins can focus on doing what they need to.

We have voice comms, which iirc in 2005 very few people didn’t use. I remember starting naxx with the raid leader typing tactics in /rw.

We all cried for classic, most of cried for classic because of the uncertainty of the life of a private server. Private servers were REALLY accurate in my opinion, even if they may have been slightly tuned. We have been lucky to have 5+ years of training for MC. Even if blizz throws in the odd thing that may have been missed on private servers, then the majority of people who have made it into MC this early are ready for it!

The people who have made it into MC this early are clearly the better players and the players with more time on their hands.

If you’re in MC this early, and you did it legit, then you deserve it.


Thats just not true for AQ40 and Naxx. There are a few “hardcore” guilds that will full clear those on day one (~40min AQ40, ~2.5h naxx).
But the majority of guilds will definitely not do a full clear of these in one sitting.
You need experience and practice in those two raids.

I think even BWL will be lots of fun and wiping for guilds with newer players for a few weeks.

Not everyone played on pservers for years.
And thats exactly what some people forget. Just because there are a bunch of people clearing MC/Ony at lvl 55 in greens doesn’t mean that will work for everyone and their grandma.


So wheres the video of you and your guild doing MC with greens, at lvl 55?


And why people think Blizzard just thought for ‘lols’ use this particular mode and patch ?

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i think it will

guess we will wait and see :slight_smile:

its not about mechanics its about gear (or in this case also level) requirement

stop trying to make classic harder than it is. Mechanics are easy as fck, people now use their brain, people sucked back in the day. Vanilla has ALWAYS been easy. if you cant clear all those raids, then you deserve no guild


Ok ‘classic is harder than game version X’ people should finally understand that classic has never been about complex game mechanics, spell rotations or anything remotely complex. It is game of time and community.

And quicker people accept the game as it is, less we get those over dramatic silly “change classic to what its not” posts.

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All these know-it-alls yelling how easy it is…
Get 39 other people together and start raiding on your own.
Do AQ40 and Naxx once they are out and full clear those in one sitting.

Just because guilds like APES are doing speedruns they’ve perfected over the years doesn’t mean that everyone raiding in classic will do the same.

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So is that a reason to make it even easier?

Do people think that Blizzard just rolled dice and picked a patch and random player behind their computer knows it better ?

Perhaps in the future, after all the phases have been done and a good amount of time has elapsed for players to experience the endgame, we can look at a classic “hard mode”. With retuned boss fights and improved or new gear.

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