Blizzard please tune MC to give us pre-1.12 difficulty

So how hard is it for Blizzard to tune the HP and damage of MC to match the increased player stats in 1.12? They have all the data. If a random person hosting a private server from his mom’s basement can do it I don’t see why Blizzard can’t.

I think Blizzard doesn’t want challenging content in Classic because it will make it obvious how retail is faceroll mode in comparison, and players will start to consider Classic the hard mode version of the game.

This statement couldn’t be further from the truth. What old MMO’s did was that the one without job achieved more. Skill was the 2ndary trait.

addition to your edit:

no, we really were a lot more clueless. As was blizzard. You’re living in extreme ignorance if you think otherwise. Take a look at how gear originally was itemised, vs how it was changed within 6 months of US launch. How on earth did it make sense for cenarion to have a mix of healing, + nature and arcane damage and random secondary stats for the role druids had in raids? Why was might a dps set far more than a tank set? Why did it take months for people to understand how defence vs boss levels worked?

It’s not “assuming” people were stupid or less capable, but KNOWING we had to claw some sense into a largely nonsensical setup of skills, talents and gear, while learning to raid at all, in a way that even those who’d played the only somewhat similar game before (ie, Everquest) was very new. Calling that being stupid would be like calling egyptians stupid for taking so long to build a pyramid.

Everything below mythic is faceroll mode in retail, which only about 15% of the playerbase does. The modern player just mashes their keyboard and expects epics. This means that the average player in Vanilla was doing far more challenging content than the average player today.

Also that. By far the most important factor in vanilla wow was how much time you could spend. If you didn’t start early, and leveled fairly quickly, then that alone would effectively negate you any chance at seeing the relevant endgame. If you were lucky you might be able to get boosted through the gearup process, but by the later stages you’d still need months to be useful for progression raids.

The talking point about players being clueless is entirely beside the point. It makes no difference at all when reality is that 1.12 is making the content objectively easier than it was when Vanilla was at the stage that Classic is in right now. It’s not a small difference either.

Blizzards justification apparently is that they don’t care. They only care about 1.12 and the consequences of that be whatever they may. If you share that view then that is fine of course, but don’t pretend that you have some other justification.

That’s utter nonsense. Stop being such a desperate poser.

Also, a far smaller proportion of vanilla players ever did any raids, and even fewer went to the hard ones (~1% were ever inside naxx40).

Classic is a snapshot of late stage vanilla. So it is very similar difficulty to the stage that snapshot was taken.

You’re still trying to make it seem believable or practical to recreate 2 years of patches, bugs and changes and make it a playable game for today. It’s just not.

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… and for that we had actually Blizzard statements. Especially during the debate why they introduced the different raid modes.

End game raiding - has always been thing of a minority of playerbase. ALWAYS. I believe more argumentative posters can find Blizz own quotes on numbers with a bit of web search.

If it were that snapshot all the raids would be available right now. Instead the content is limited to be very similar to what it was during Vanilla launch. Yet the difficulty is not.

I am only saying that you can attempt to match the difficulty. Sure I would like a legitimate patch progression but this thread is about difficulty alone. Stay on topic.

Can you justify it being “deliberately” easier first? Can you justify ignoring how people then had to learn each boss, while knowing them well now? Or that anyone who’s played WoW in the years between will have fought FAR more difficult content? Or that they should spend tons of dev time and resources just to recreate horrible design?

Yes, of course. Blizzard knew that 1.12 would make Phase 1 easier and through deliberate decision making opted to do nothing about it. That makes it a deliberate decision to have Classic be easier than the original was.

It’s clear that BFA players really don’t want original difficulty in Classic, because it will make it more obvious how faceroll their game is. This discussion is all about pride and frail egos.

So you want them to change classic to not be like vanilla then.

And since you’re so obtuse, clearly the snapshot was in reference to the state of gear, talents and abilities.

Also how do you propose to do it? How do you remove player knowledge? Do you want to also trash stats on gear to match what it was in early vanilla? Do you want them to revert weapon normalisation (something that actually was nerfed vs early vanilla)? How about making recursive usable again? I can guarantee you that you wouldn’t be able to find a lot of people to agree with about how you’d want this to be done.

Which BFA players?

Increase HP and damage of all MC mobs/bosses by 20%.

It is clear that trolling really do not want any discussion in Classic forums, because it make it more obvious how faceroll their lack of arguments are. This discussion is all about pride and frail egos.

So conspiracy tinfoil hat nonsense. I’m sorry for you that your dreams about being special in classic is already foiled.

I just want the game itself to be as difficult as it really was. You can worry about peoples memories if you want but I prefer an approach that is grounded in something that is actually possible to do. If Classic had launched as difficult as the real thing was at this stage, and the result was the same, I would have no complaints. That is not the situation though. Players both know more and are playing an easier game. It’s a double whammy of easy.

I believe that the orders came from high up at Activision to not make Classic too hard.