Blizzard please tune MC to give us pre-1.12 difficulty

I am not saying it is hard boss, but it clearly will be struggle from lots of people until they get used to game and get properly geared

I’m not sure blizz really had a coherent idea about raiding at the start at all. I mean, you go from needing 3 tanks, to 1 to 3 to 8?

Much like how a lot of the class mechanics that are now common, came in as accidental ones as players worked around many who made no sense at all (like aimed shot).

I mean… for all the other changes, in early vanilla you had OOC ressers ffs.

You might want to read what I write. Is rag easy? Yes. Did I spend a couple weeks on him (across two different guilds learning it) back in 2005? Yes. Is it harder than fights we cleared in a night later in vanilla? Not really. “don’t stand in fire, get out of lava, heal people, cc and kill adds”. What it required was for people to progress a bit beyond the prior fights, and take a bit more personal responsibility, while improving dps to where you didn’t get too many submerged phases. And it’s not like it would be the first fight to require similar (c’thun, lady vashj, kt, comes to mind).

I’m not the one complaining that it’s too easy. I’m just pointing out that it wouldn’t have been so hard if you picked 40 people at random from a later expansion, with the experience, and coherent game design, of later times. And that trying to somehow recreate early vanilla would be impossible, or as one here suggested, making a classic+ with new designed and harder content, just wouldn’t be something you would get enough people (including blizz) behind.

Except, how many who plays classic needs to “get used to the game”? And how many of those who never, or barely every played WoW before, yet joins for classic, won’t have people to explain to them all the mechanics and years of theorycrafting available today?

The farthest you could get would be to just tune damage up enough so it would oneshot people without better gear, but that would be a very large departure from original MC.

Everyone who has not played in pservers, Retail and Classic are not the same game,
everything from itemization to how classes and PVE works is different.

Except the gameplay is nearly identical. Movement is the same. Not standing in things that kills you is the same. Selecting a target and damaging it is the same (your rotation might be different, but that tends to change in every expansion anyways). Tanks will have to think a little different (as it’s no longer “do aggro let healers worry about you surviving” but “help healers keep you alive as you press the minimum needed to keep aggro”). Healing might be the largest departure, as someone with no vanilla experience would have to learn how downranking works (but other than that it’s really simple with far more spamming the same direct heals).

Learning how stats works? A simpleton could do that in an hour.

Retail is refined (too much for some maybe) but at the core it’s the same type of gameplay.

A bit off topic, but I remember when Woox soloed Corp Beast on Runescape. A boss that typically took a group of people to beat. Just because there are players out there who can do those things doesn’t mean the rest of us can, too. I can barely solo elites 3 levels lower than me most of the time, let alone accomplish such feats during raids, lol.

This is definitively true. Unless you are among the world first groups it’s not really comparable to you personally what they are doing. However this one is different in that the game is objectively easier. If there was a kid that played both versions with zero knowledge he would still find Classic substantially easier. That is the problem that this thread is supposed to be about.

Now realistically Classic is set in stone already. Nothing we say here will affect anything. It will be 1.12 to the end. Which will be the point where it finally makes sense.

Up until now - I only ever played WoW p servers, so I can’t say for sure how difficult vanilla WoW was supposed to be compared to now. Was it really more difficult to beat raid bosses or is it mostly because people are far more experienced at the game? It’s like with speedrunning, the games are still the same, but the speedrunners make it look so easy, like the guys who beat Dark Souls 3 + all the expansions without getting hit once, which would pretty much be [nearly] impossible for someone like me to ever do.

People back then had to find everything out, addons didn’t exist back then etc (not talking about later patches but release). They would walk into MC and discover they were stuck because they needed to dose the runes. Now everybody had 15 years experience and it’s just muscle memory, you know figthing an old boss. No clue about their abilities but the moment you see their animations all the knowledge floods backs instantly. It’s like sending me back to old expansion then be suprised I 1-shot or nearly 1-shot all raid bosses! I hate to quote Dadgar/Traitorgar but: “Knowledge is power”

I maintanked and shared raid leader, we both typed. Lesson? Let a person with a good clear voice do it by voice comms, works 10 times better!

I agree with the OP. I would like to so him at around his 1.8 difficulty. Because then Rag was still an actual boss, with just 1 tier raid above him.

Got nerfed when Naxx came out or shortly before, which kinda makes sense, Blizzard has always wanted everyone to be able to raid.

But I am not looking for entry level raid experience here. I want to relive how it was.

Tell that to Method and their team of highly organised, robotic, min-maxing sweatlords who wiped 285 times on G’hunn…

Retail endgame, if anything, is too difficult.

The problem is that the barrier to see a version of the endgame is far too low which kills any incentive for most people to push any further.


Raiding will be about speedruns if you are in a competitive pve guild. You can’t bring back the past and blizzard will not make MC harder.

u can clear BWL with Dungeongear

private server guilds can even clear AQ and Naxx with Dungeongear only so please dont be like that its old and easy contend but thtats not the problem its fun

Raiding only became a thing in TBC.

Honestly It wouldn’t bother me one bit if everything got cleared on day one by everyone else. I’m loving my journey to 60 and I’m super excited to start working on my pre-bis, my 60 mount, getting my cooking / fishing, farming gold for my epic mount and boy oh boy battlegrounds when P2 comes in.

The game is your own, not someone elses. Enjoy it :slight_smile:


Don’t worry, if your guild didn’t make 100+ MC runs for the last couple of years you will wipe even on MC trash in your greens let alone the bosses.

I remember how much people wiped on trash in the anniversary MC event that leveled up MC in WoD or Legion (cannot remember).

Most raid groups will die horribly even on MC due to being ignorant. Do not compare them with how the damned ultra hardocre no life streaming raiders perform. In wrath Nihilum/Ensidia cleared Naxx within a day after they started raiding because they knew the bosses.

I think everyone who was raiding back then remembers the pictures like this