Blizzard should be embarrased for Tarren Mill vs. Southshore

You make a 40v40 brawl but the second any fighting starts it’s just laggy.
They should be embarrased at this. why can we have a thousand threads about wanting high elfs but nobody demands better servers?

It’s the same problem with battle for nazjatar and faction assaults. why even make this kind of content when you don’t invest in decent servers?


You think that’s lag? Ever done the Ashran brawl? :smiley:


I haven’t tried it recently but that event has always lagged horrrendously. I can only imagine corruption effects adding to that burden.


i tried it a few times in the past but it was a lagfest and insta-invisi-death for melee : (

Sadly i have.

Beter servers would not improve anything. Game optimising and less procs will.


The lag is part of the authentic experience they’re going for. :nerd_face:


Ion Hazzikostas explained the issue in an interview a few days ago, so if you want the nitty-gritty nerdy IT explanation, you can get it here:

And Preach’ related video for reference:


They can just make it 20 man whats the point of 40 man when it’s unplayable.


The game director actually addressed this issue in a recent interview.

His response was, that the servers they have, are actually top tier technology for our current age, and they are constantly improving and optimizing them as well.

But as we have moved forward with the capabilities of client side performance, so too did the graphical options and packet transfer.

The first issue is the effects. They are vastly improved (possibly too much) and require a lot of client side performance to be displayed.

The second issue, is basically that spells/abilities are no longer batched and they are influenced by the haste stat.

So when 80 clients communicate to a server and with each other in a very fast pace due to spell procs, ability procs, passives, bonuses and borrowed powers in addition to major abilities just as Heroism/Bloodlust… the servers just cannot handle it.


  • Too many effects
  • Too much network data
  • Too many abilities
  • Too much haste

Possible solution:

  • Lowering spell/ability effects
  • Reverting to spell batching
  • Prune more abilities
  • Slow the pace of the game

My two cents are, that the game SHOULD NOT have systems/events which it cannot handle in terms of performance from either the servers or clients that meet the “Recommend System Specifications” to play the game!

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On top of that people confuse delay as in lag vs performance of their PC. I don’t really notice much lag it does up from 30ms to around 90ms in that battleground but nothing super, now my old 8 year old CPU is getting hit hard and the framerate tumbles lol

They’re adding some options in Shadowlands that lets you reduce which spell effects you see. And that’s definitely something people with lower-end PCs can benefit from, as those big battles where there’s a ton of spell animations going on at the same time, they’re just murdering the GPU.
That should help with some of the client-side lag for some people…if they utilize the option and don’t run everything on max when their PC can’t handle it.

I think its because of New expansion and its all random procs and affects make systems go freeze in massive battles. I could manage to play without much lag back in WOD in ashran with my old i5 non gaming laptop. Now its not possible to play without massive fps spikes and lag. (i have ryzen3 1300x +gtx1050ti ; 40v40 is nearly impossible for me,its unplayable.)

They recently stated why it was laggy. And why the lag wasn’t an issue in classic. To simply put it, a lot more is now happening in the same time frame as it used to do, which the server was never designed to achieve.

Think about it, 40vs40 players packed together all throwing aoe and various effects on each other which would be a possibly more than 40x40x2=3200 interactions each second which also needs to be retrieved and forwarded to those players.

GW2 is another MMO that had the exact same issue. And blizzard seems to have concluded doing the same as them which is to limit the amount of targets aoe can hit.

I have the same experience you are talking about…

I do not understand why the game experience is so bad.

It’s part of the new 2020 servers. Cheapest option from Amazon

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Because the game designer is incompetent and now i have to redeem looking at handsome human being for getting forced to look at Golum.

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What do u mean and are typing like that on purpose? I don’t understand

Ashran is 20v20 and it still lags like crazy, look at the 2 videos above your post for an explanation.

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