Blizzard, we need server upgrades for P2

I don’t think you have the scaling of these things correct, but even if you did that is just an excuse for failure. The fact still remains that Classic server performance is abysmal, no matter how many excuses they have for the status quo.

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Can someone explain to me what the so-called problems of the servers are? Some videos indicating it?

I’ve been playing Classic most days since launch day and have never, not once I don’t think, experienced any kind of lag.

Game lags (so much that it becomes pretty much unplayable, or even crashes the server) when “big” grouped pvp happens (see first video)

Its a problem because servers are more populated now so big pvp is more likely to happen.
Also, P2 (world pvp only) will see way more ppl actively pvping than in 2005, so its quite a big deal
While on Nost, they somehow made huge (400+) battles playable (see 2nd video)

Not sure why I’m even bothering, you clearly have no understanding of software development in the slightest, and are not interested in learning either.

It’s really fucking hard and the engineers at blizzard definitely understand the situation much better than you or I ever will, simple as that.


Yeah, because you know EXACTLY all the in and outs of blizzard’s vanilla and legion clients, and of nostalrius’ “customed” version.

How did you get your words not censored in the forum?
Also, why does the customer need to understand blizzard’s software engineering? It’s not the customers problem to deal with.

Yeah, I did watch the video, and I didn’t see people lagging?

Starting at 2m onwards, when both raids engage, it becomes unplayable (like 10-15sec delay on everything)

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Pointless comparison. If i’m not mistaken, GW game costs about 50 eur per license, while Classic WoW does not. Plus, they have an income from additional character slots, and possibly additional playable classes (might be wrong about the latter, not been playing that for more than a decade).

No, and I never said I did either? I do however have a basic understanding of how software development and engineering works. I’m also not dumb enough to think blizzard would be using worse server hardware than something run by two people.

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At some point you start to see people ‘running in place’, that’s one of the things you can actually see as a viewer. How responsive the game is, is much harder to guess as a viewer tho, in that sense I get your comment :slight_smile:

I have no issues on HW btw, it’s pve, and when large groups of people get together like in the cities, there are no issues. The problem afaik is usually when people start using their abilities in close proximity of each other.

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in 2017 the server nost rented was 312 euro/month

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for 312 euro a month pservers were capable of handling bigger battles with no lag.

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U expect blizz to cut their profit margins by that much to fix wpvp :rofl:

Not happening mate… sadly

Probably not as its not my personal network. But compared to many of the nitwits here i do realise that 1 standalone beefed up server with 15000 players is uncomparable with the millions upon millions of players battlenet serves.

I play and have played a number of online games and only rarely have i encountered situations where hundreds of players in close proximity of eachother did not cause lag in one form or another. They all have their local forum army complaining about it round the clock.

That said, looking at my experience with launch and everything after that i can’t really say there is an apparant lag problem.

Maybe its just on the overcrowded PvP servers where people tend to clump up to un-Vanilla like proportions?

Also, i don’t consider pirate server based reports on anything even remotely valid as they also have their fair share of complaining about lagging and crashing servers.

There is literal video in this very thread that you can analyze to determine what is possible when it comes to private server performance. Sure it’s unlikely to always be that but it is orders of magnitude superior to what you could even dream of seeing in Classic.

I really don’t care about the excuses. This performance sucks and that is that. Excuses won’t make it suck any less.

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No point arguing with a drone

I think the OP is missing the point. This is with a very high probability not a hardware but a software problem, either at the client or the server side.

Solving this does not require adding more hardware, only thing we need is that this task gets developer time. If they don’t do that, it’s probably because they’re too busy developing retail with the money they get from classic.

I wasn’t denying that pirates can have a good day with a few thousand players. I was laughing at comparing apples with pears.

It is indeed not always a good day for the pirates according to the internet and again, 1 server with a few thousand players is a far cry from a network with millions upon millions. There is no such thing as “orders of magnitude superior” when you compare apples with pears.

And also again: I’ve not seen any lag when i was playing, including during launch itself when lag was almost negligible, which i find amazing.

I really wonder what people are even doing here if pirate servers were so superior to Blizzard.

I dont recall a single large scale wpvp event over years of pservers that didnt perform several orders of magnitudes better than how classi perfoms. And i took part in dozens of such events. Furthermore these big servers did not lag outside of ddos attacks and on very rare occasions when pop was extremly high do to their being no pop cap. Overall though private servers vastly outclass retail classic when it comes to server performance, and they did that on 312euro/month servers

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And even more excuses. Classic server performance still blows though. Surprisingly having excuses didn’t fix anything :slight_smile: