Blizzard, we need server upgrades for P2

OK Kim, now tell us how big your missiles are kekw

And i don’t recal World of Warcraft ever beeing about massive world PvP events of the scale they do on pirate servers. And that is probably because that is not what the game was designed for.

Also: you are still comparing apples to pears, as in a few thousand players on 1 server to millions of players on a network of servers.

Well those events are happening in Classic, and they will happen far more once world bosses are in the game. Whether the game was designed for that really doesn’t matter. It is what will happen and the servers won’t be able to handle it while private servers can. No matter what excuse you want to award Blizzard that fact still remains.


Nice slogan. But please point out those ‘excuses’ because you are beeing blurry with words again.

Not as far as i can see. But feel free to sod off to a pirate server if they do it all so much better.

More word hocus pocus. Do you even have a clue yourself what you are talking about?

Game is running fine when doing what its supposed to do.

This is what I mean when I say excuse. That right there is exactly that. It is what you imagine to be Blizzards excuse for why their servers perform so much worse that hobbyist servers do. It might be a valid excuse, or it might not, doesn’t matter either way. Valid or not Classic server performance still sucks.

Good, i hope all the servers will crash due to un-Vanilla like overpopulation. Maybe enough pirate server clowns will sod off back to whereever they came from. :slightly_smiling_face:

1 pirate server with a few thousand players (apples) <-------------> server network with millions of players (pears).

Its not an ‘excuse’ and its not a valid comparison. Its just layman BS.

Same excuse phrased another way. Classic servers still blow.

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Same meaningless unrelated word soup.

Classic servers doing great everytime i played. Go hoax somewhere else.

Well yeah because presumably you didn’t experience the launch of Dire Maul or really any end game events? Obviously if you only leveled then this will not have been a problem for you specifically. The servers indeed do work fine for regular questing. Unfortunately Classic isn’t all about that and end game events that Blizzard promotes will not work. World bosses will be a lag fest where you are lucky if your latency is only 20 seconds.

Nope, but i did server launch and completely packed cities and rediculously overpopulated starter area’s with hundreds of players in the same small area.

No problems whatsoever and only slight lag noticable during incoming players on launch night.

It actually is.

Again: good. I hope the servers will snap and send pirate server players packing so we can get back to normal server populations.

This game wasn’t made for pirate server type moronics.

I can understand that someone might be happy about players quitting the game over server performance. However Blizzard definitely shouldn’t be happy about that. It’s not something you want to tell investors.

Waaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaa. Guess what guys… it is another Alliance retard complaining thread… if you are dissapointed so much, I got a really important tip for you: quit the God damn game!


Suliva 1 - Narcind (fanboy) 0

It isn’t a way better hardware, it’s just arc4 crypt of packet headers and more simple code base vs modern client/server infrastructure. I wonder how you would feel yourself if you know that your chat messages were transmitted as plain text in 2k19. Rofl

It doesn’t matter why there is lag in large scale PvP battles, it only matters that it happens and it needs to be resolved.

Also you do not seem to get the point that it is not a massive amount of people, it can happen with as little as 20vs20. So you telling me that it is fine that if 1 horde and 1 alliance guild fight over a world boss and the entire zone starts lagging to unplayable levels where everybody freezes untill enough people die from random AoE?

I understand that there are choke points on the network exchanges etc as there are way more people on blizzard servers as a whole, but that does not excuse them from getting it working. They need to make a plan.

It’s not a customer’s problem.

We are playing vanilla (classic).
Private servers could handle mass pvp.
Official server we pay moneys for can not handle it.

And i do not really care is it software problem or hardware problem, i do not give a crap. As a customer i want a normal way of gameplay without these lags. If multibillionere company could not handle this game and compete with PRIVATE servers have been ran by few russian immigrants, they should not close these private servers probably and do not opemn their crap laggy service ?

Classic is worst than Nostalrious or northdale, except there is a subscription to pay and it is run by a multi bilionnaire compagny.
This game is full or bugs, layers, some players took avantages of that. Servers are terible
If classic would have been a free private server i would have left for long time.
In short f** y** blizzard i won’t keep paying incompetents like you.
When we need a GM it takes 3 days…on pservers i had an answer in the 24h and it was solved…
Moreover i feel you rush classic to match shadowlands, because in your sick brains you think WE are going to play retail After classic LAWL

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You underestimate the greed of big business.

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