Boosts is going to ruin TBC classic

i find it funny people malding out over the collectors edition mount / toys when the boost is 10x worse and will make the bot situation even worse.

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I dont know if there is hope at this point but it will be a rude awakening in TBC. Both things are kinda bad but you are right boosts are 10x worse ma friend ^^

they could have just did what they did back in tbc and just have recruit a friend active for a month or so if their logic behind the boost is they are worried about players being behind.

the new player copout is just an excuse so blizzard can milk more money out of players

The vast majority players who won’t bother playing tbc unless they can buy a boost are only going to stick around for 2 months max. Guaranteed.


And you’ll be gone after 2 months. No one cares about your opinion.

On Black Lotus - it’s called supply and demand. Low supply, high demand → high prices.
On Righteous Orb - it’s called supply and demand. High supply, low demand → low prices.

I’m not saying a haircut is not a service, but if both people or players buy a haircut they both buy that service. If one customer decides to buy a haircut AND a head massage, he’s bought an additional/optional service the other guy didn’t. Shouldn’t be so hard to understand. The same applies to a game. We have both bought access to a service, one decides to buy additional services the other does not.

There’s a reason why I put it simple, because for some reason this escapes you. You constantly buy additional services (or not) when you go about your daily life. Whether that be additional streaming services, getting your pants put up, head massages etc… Why should it be any different in a game?
You feel offended I had to put it in simple terms? Would you rather I explained it with neuroscience?..

See, if I was an RMT company and I’m not here’s the economic impact of me boosting vs not.
1x Subscription ~ 12€
1x Boost ~ 50€

No Boost:
1x Subscription ~12€

Here’s how that impacts your profits.
Let’s go with a standard 1k Gold ~ 25€

Roughly 2,5 purchases required before I have earned back in the money.

  • Delayed profits

Not Boosted:
I have earned back the money I spend on a subscription twice over.

  • Immediate profits.

1 Subscription
1 Boost

Not Boosted
6 Subscriptions

If you can have 6 bots running around vs 1, which would you choose? Really.
Scale that up. If you could have 600 bots running around vs 100, which would you choose?

No, I wouldn’t because you guys don’t understand very basic economy and business models so… You think a boost is going to wreck havoc when in fact any sensible business as an RMT company is, would not use this feature.

Except they won’t, and this is evident in how many TBC players have been playing on fast-rated/boost pservers for the past 10 years, sticking around until either the server ends, or when a fresh is released a year or two later.

Nice try, though. Try to hide your contempt a bit better next time.

yawn boost is good. boost is most likely coming and most likely wont ruin tbc. lotsa people gonna enjoy it and lets be honest, those invested in the game that much so they pull their hair crying about the terrible boost wont quit :wink:

Someone make some estimates on how BRD pickpocketing (far more transparent I think in TBC) is going to compare with Primal Farming?

Except your example doesn’t speak to the issue. All TBC Private servers(atleast in the past) where fastrate/boost because the 3 or so devs working on them couldn’t justify spending months or years on making the Azeroth content work properly so they made you fly past it or skip it. Or they already had a vanilla server and they weren’t keen on trying their hand at a transfer/copy system.
Also it doesn’t speak to whether or not those players would be playing there if they had to start from level 1.

Nice try though. I don’t hide my contempt and i’m not going to try.

Agreed, the damage is already done without a gold cap or fresh servers for people to play on. Classic is heading down retails path, just a few expansions before retail.

Gold will be pointless by the time Wrath Classic hits our screens.

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As someone who started in TBC, have to say my fondest memories of WoW was the leveling experience and that experience was defenitly better than the one I had in classic ( no it’s not all just nostalgia ) 30 mounts, Flightpaths that made sense, Summoning stones and LFG LIST not finder LIST. T’was perfect IIRC.

haha nice hyperbole kid, you seem overly mad, you should probably take a break from your computer :clown_face:


I’m sad about the boost, not even upset, just sad. After boosting several characters (as in paying a mage to do the levelling), and then going back to levelling the old school way, I have to say it just hits different. There’s no story, no memories, with a char that just got boosted all the way. Levelling is important in classic wow, because it takes so long, you end up with so many experiences. Paid boost negate this and I think if someone hates levelling so much they’d rather pay real money to skip it then well maybe quite literally just go to retail (I know ironic coming from a retail char). Levelling is a core part of classic (AND TBC) and the fact they’d rather squeeze some extra bucks out of their customers than provide an authentic experience is disgusting. Shame on you.


Retail and TBC are still two different gameplays / game styles :man_shrugging:
At the end of the day, it’s all personal preference.

True. I made almost all my friends in the game during levelling and also found my guildmates during the same levelling experience.

I cba responding to other “arguments” above - if there is any - that have been refuted hundreds of times on every platform. Especially the hypocrisy of these zoomers that spend half of their life on wow forums saying that they can’t watch a 1 hour long video.
Hey, go and watch Asmongold’s 26 minutes video then. We all know your time is more precious than the US president, right.

One more thing to add:
Most people that don’t have a deep connection or experience with MMORPGs don’t really know what is best for them. So of course, they would always choose the path of least resistance. But eventually when they get what they want easily with least effort they will get bored of the game faster in the end and quit with a bad taste, this has happened so many times in every MMO and also retail.
Read the last 2 paragraphs that I’ve written on another thread, the analogy of fast food and healthy food:


Many people use this argument but it is irrelevant as hell.

Making a level 58 character is just only 1 week “work” for a botter. Leveling bots are so common.

Botters are rmt business people, they hardly pay euros for boost, because they can make it free in no time without effort.

On the other hand, forcing newcomers to start from level 1 and gimped in already gg economies is not fair. They can remove boost if and only if they open many fresh servers for new tbc people.

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And then you haven’t read or understood any of the arguments at all.

Levelling with a bot, even the most efficient one currently takes more than a week. But let’s be generous and take your ridicilous claim as true.

A bot makes 100-110/h gold with pickpocket in BRD. If he runs the bot, lets be generous again, 12 hours a day(normally they do 20+ hours) they make 1200 to 1440 gold per day.
1k gold is selling for 12 euros/15 dollars in the famous website right now.

So in 1 week, a botter can make 1.2/1.4 x 7 = 8.4 to 10.8k gold.

Therefore 1 week of levelling makes the bot owner lose a potential net value of 144 to 217 euros money.

So if the boost is cheaper than 144 to 217 euros(which will be a lot cheaper), buying a boost makes a massive profit for the booster.

As you said they are running a RMT business, so they will take the profitable option and buy the boost.
Of course, in return, gold prices will fall down due to inflation, which creates another horrible problem in the game.

Mathematics win again, next time take science over your irrational beliefs.


I guess you didnt do it and/or only watched some private server things where people can pp epics.

It is 30-35gph by vendoring at most in classic.
Check your math again and divide your conclusion by 3.

So as you said mathematics win again and your entire argument collapsed.

And you can’t ignore a leveling bot’s revenue too.

The boost is nothing about bots. Probably they would prefer to use a leveling bot to reach 58 in no time. And with pre-patch it will be much much easier.

Ps: I hate the boost thing too, but blizzard should offer an acceptable option for newcomers. You cannot force people to play a new content without being “new” or without some sort of catch-up mechanic.

Yeah I’m not botting, I guess I should be ashamed of that. I saw many dudes making calculations in a famous botting/cheating website called o…c… (can’t disclose it for obvious reasons) and one of them is taken into madseason’s video as well. They were not as generous as I have been above so they are all saying that it will be unbelievably profitable.

But if you are a bot you might know better, I get that impression. Tell us what you know about that :slight_smile:

You are not even ridicilous anymore, tbh. Even a subpar fishing bot that you can find on youtube can do double that by fishing nightfin in feralas.

Nah, you just don’t like facts.

Fresh servers are something almost everyone in the community wanted from Blizzard. But we didn’t get it because they can’t run to the bank with fresh servers. On the other hand, boosts and shop mounts were thing that nobody asked for. But they are being implemented.