Bring back in-game GM support players

Current queue is around 2 days, depending on issue. If they would appear in-game for a personal and lengthy chat it may increase solving rate but also increase average waiting times.

Would that be acceptable as one of your complaints is that it already takes days instead of hours?

Per industry standard, CS uses macro templates to maintain an uniform answer across customer tickets.

Generally this depends on issue, if players ask for help with bugs or quests or suggestions, in most cases GM’s do not assist with this and refer the players to the ingame tools where they can submit these themselves.

Unless a quest or bug is outlined by the developers as can or should be helped by GM’s, they’re not allowed to help.

Due repeat of certain issues like mail return, character undelete, character stuck, refund requests, etc most options have been replaced with automated self-help options that the player can access very quickly. If they still need help, they can usually also create a ticket for further assistance.

This has nothing to do with Support, the only option here you can ask Support for is a refund. Feedback is gathered on the forum thread or through the ingame suggestion tab (not through a CS ticket).

Edit: I may also add you’ve been already told several times that you do have to wait the full 30 days as the new policy restriction states.