Buff X45 Heartbreaker MORE

Sha mount was available before love rocket even entered the game. Nothing would have changed if it were not for the colossal fup which allowed everyone a 100% droprate.

I understand you love new and shiny things like everyone else, but ask the players who spent thousands of hours trying to get it the usual way how they feel about the whole fiasco.

I had over 8000 attempts on Sha and got the mount the day they increased the drop rates. I don’t care. They should have never added 1/2000 drop rate mounts in the first place, let alone 1/3333 gated to 14 days a year. Crap design


^^^^^^ so much this


Hi. Have played since Vanilla. Have collected every holiday mount apart from the Infinite and the Heartbreaker.

I wholeheartedly disagree with your stance on this. Yes, things can be “rare”, but I don’t agree with them being rare in the way of “If you work your rear off for this you’ll be lucky to see it within a decade”.

This is a game set up with collectibles. Within that, I firmly believe that it should work like this:

  • If you play that aspect of the game casually, you may or may not see it. I expect the majority of players don’t even run a daily holiday dungeon on even one character.
  • If someone works on getting something, they should have a near certain chance of getting it. And I don’t mean “insane in the membrane” level of “work for it”, I mean a SANE level of “work for it” - you know, doing a weekly run of ICC for a shot at Invincible level of dedication where you’re working on it, but it doesn’t consume your entire life and all of your playtime.
  • In fact, I believe that if a new player joined the game TODAY, and started working on collecting stuff, it should still be possible for them to end up collecting everything if they kept at it. No bs removing stuff from the game. No bs gone forever seasonal rewards. Make the game’s rich history of content work for you and let it become available to all players, old and new.

A lot of players don’t care about collecting everything in the game. So if they just want to get that particular drake mount they thought was really cool, and that armour set over there, and that weapon transmog, then IMO it’s complete garbage to tell them “Sorry, that armour set was an Elite PvP set that was removed after the PvP season for anyone who didn’t earn it then. The mount is a Keystone Master mount from season X of expansion Y, and the weapon was an heirloom drop from Siege of Orgrimmar only available until the release of WOD and then removed from the drop tables.”

The answer to “The cool mount won’t feel special anymore” is to make enough cool mounts that there’s something for everyone’s taste and we’ll get variety anyway. I like my cool mount because I think it’s cool, it fits my RP character concept, or I have an emotional memory connected to it (which isn’t related to how rare it is, before you go there), I don’t like it because of how much of an epeen compensation tool it’s considered.

If you want to feel cool and special for having something… then work your keister off to be one of the FIRST to get the thing, and then you can swag around and feel extra cool with it until everyone else who wants it catches up. But that should be a period of weeks/months, not decades.


i find it very sus and sad that huge discord servers coordinate their efforts to bring topics related to their admins or mods or( whatever they named there) wants to the attention of public. inflating the replies/making it seem like theres consensus/ social influencer thingie. i thought spam threads/advertising are not allowed. blizzard?

Discord server coordinating SPAM replies to boost their views. I hid the names but we all know who that is - Imgur

They should first ask themselves why they participate in social experiments done by Blizz, on their own subscription money

Im a fairly new player. I started in shadowlands and got 500 mounts last week
Some pretty rare ones also. So its not impossible

This is the way.

Like I said, that’s exactly how it works.

if a box has 100 balls, one’s red rest are green - if you take one ball and return it after, repeat it 14 times, the chance of you getting the red ball is 14%.

please dont talk about subjects you dont understand.

In your mind the mount drop rate is 1 in every 7.14 kills, so hilarious.

It’s called ‘programed random number generation’.

My youngest grandson can explain it if you like.


I don’t really understand why people say “it’s not rare/special anymore!” when things get buffed.

If you got it before the buff, you have the achievement to prove it, no?

Let others get nice stuff too. It’s been too rare for 15 years. It’s about time it gets it’s dropchance increased, for every kill, so we actually have a faie chance at getting it.

I got Galleon before the world bosses buff, somehow. I am glad everybody can now get it within a few months, and don’t have to farm for a year or more. 1/2000 wasn’t fair. And 1/3333, 15 days a year, ESPECIALLY NOT.

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that’s not what I said tho? I guess you’re even worse at writting comprehension than you’re at maths :joy: :joy:

but here Ill clarify it for you - I said, the chance to get a mount, during the event, if drop rate was 1%, would be 14%. not 14% per try, 14% per event. is it clear enough? I dont think if I can break it down any further.

damm how can he ever recover from it?

:joy: :joy: :joy: put on your clown hat and get back in circus

Stop bickering about math, this isn’t school.

Point of the post is that the drop chance is too low for something only available for 15 days a year.

You don’t have to completely math it out, infact, you can’t, because we’re still only guessing at what dropchance those first kills have.

What we have seen however is that it is in no way near 1%, or we would’ve seen a lot more drops by now.

Just look at how many people got the Sha of Anger mount on their first kills after the buff happened. I would guess that dropchance to be 1% with near certaincy, up from a 0.04%.

Heartbreaker is nowhere near that still, and it is frustrating, because this farm has existed for 15 years at this ridiculous drop chance, and 80% or more of the people actively farming it will tell you it is awful to farm and that they made more alts specifically to farm this mount.

It’s not reasonable and it needs a bigger buff.

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Well… Another day of this trash GG

It is really frustrating cause i genuinely do not care about collection, I actually want it cause i always thought its cool and never cared for its rarity. Looks like its another year of wasting time leveling alts and waiting on dungeon timeout and rotating between all 36 character. When things involve RNG i know its done for me, my account is cursed and i’m at a point where i do believe theres a hidden luck stat… all my drop rolls are 40 or bellow, Shackled Ur’zul at 600 attempts, 18 characters a week = nothing.

Now this is RNG and only 14 attempts? Yeah no shot. I’m just so beyond frustrated right with the lack of communication or acknowledgment of this, they just threw this pathetic fix and ran off after telling us to “wait for next year” in 2022.

Every time I see “we hear you” I know it’ll follow up with more bull.


If they had simply communicated with us months before the event started (And I tried, I had made multiple posts before 2023 even on PTR forums asking what the changes would be) they would’ve known that this wasn’t the buff we were looking for.

This didn’t fix the main problem of “it’s not fun to run this with alts for a insanely low drop” because we’re still doing that. The odds that you get it in the 15 “increased” tries a year are still way too low.

And -if- they are going to buff it again, I wouldn’t be suprised if have to wait yet another year.

Just feels like we got screwed over, really.


My mom once told to channel my anger and frustration into something else, Here i am.


At least lol. If this “great increase” that we got is the “fix” they had in mind since last year, when they stated they would look into reworking this event, it will be at least 3-4 years before anything else substantial is done, if ever.

such a mood 10/10