By far worst gaming launch to date

This has to be by far the worse launch in gaming history. This beats the diablo 3 launch 100 folds.

The game was and still is unplayable to some degree on a majority of servers. The measly 4 servers at launch has caused the most chaotic experience I have ever witnessed in my entirety of playing games. The launch still effects all players to this day for good or bad and it has been 2 months since release.

some servers have a 70/30 horde to ally ratio, this is before they broke census addon. The free migrations was handled extremely poorly. They gave 1 pair of servers 1 new server to transfer and a day after closing these transfers they announced 4 more optional transfers, which should have been done from the start. This added more problems then fixes, we now have two low pop realms especially dragonfang which is suffering deeply with the low populations. the guys who say they are not suffering are probably in a guild who is raiding and in a tight knit community not realising the suffering from other players whos guilds cannot find the numbers to do anything.

here is a clip of the dragonfang servers AH <Video> - Raiding on Dragonfang (Why the server sucks)

No news on blizzard and if you are planning to transfer to dragonfang, DON’T. I suggest you stay where you are and wait out paid transfers, server is unplayable.

Launch was 2 months ago. What you smoking?


All I see you do is complain… On every thing… You must be fun at parties lul


Oh look I got a fan!

You can’t be talking about classic as that had far more than 4.

Your tinfoil hat as a hole in it.


Server stability now is pretty good though? How can you have the energy to be hung up on something that happened 2 months ago?

Maybe because some servers are still affected by it…??? i’m starting to questions the human intelligence in this forum.

Now i understand why blizzard doesn’t listen to us.

Wich server is unplayable to the extent that there are zones that aren’t being loaded? Because if there are ANY servers still up, where players can’t physically leave the starting zones because of server bottlenecking that would be scandalous.

But i doubt that is anywhere close to true

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never mentioned anything about sever/zone stability… what you smoking there pal, may i get some too.

Well what ‘‘server instability’’ are you talking about then? Because that was the only problem with the launch, that instancing wasn’t handling properly

So there isn’t a problem then? Or are you just going to insult me instead of answering the question?

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Just play on Ashbringer, almost no queue (some hundreds maybe at max) and perfect 50/50 faction ratio.


A launch of a game does not have to be the stability of the server, what the hell are you smoking man. I did not mention anything about server instability.

my post is clearly addressing how the launch was handled and how it has affected a majority of the servers to date.

You’re talking in circles, THE PROBLEM with THE LAUNCH was server instability, thats it. Period.

If there isn’t any server instability then THE PROBLEMS AT LAUNCH aren’t still in the game. So what are you angry about?


Alright and we’re back to the personal insults because you can’t accept you either are wrong or worded it wrong, bye

can not be arsed to repeat myself, scroll up to the first comment on this forum and reread.

why do you think game launch is the only thing linked to server instability.

Can we get AT LEAST payed Character Transfer Blizzard?

And to the #Nochanges cult: This was also in Vanilla

Hahahaha!!! Made my day!

Added in 1.11, so phase 6.


lmao remember when there were only two PvP realms? And remember the name reservation?

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I thought you’d been banned?