Classic is dying due to faction imbalance

Check out my the inconvenient truth post as this address the issue about balanced realms becoming unbalanced. This is an inevitably of all realms but is somewhat negated on PvE realms.

However i do agree that only the very early zones (with typically low value resources) should have been layered, i.e the regions covering levels 1 to 25 ish.

My server has increasing ques since pvp release, tell me again how classic is dying.

40/60 means that there are 50% more horde players than alliance players (6/4 = 1.5), which makes a huge difference on a megaserver for an alliance player. People need to understand that 40/60, while sounding relatively equal, is a major imbalance for the minority.


You would rather delete your characters than re-roll on a different server? You’d have to level up again if you deleted them, so why not just level something else now to avoid all the crazy and keep what you have?

Talk about drastic.

We will never know if Blizzard is too dumb to come up with a solution to this 15 y/o kinder garden level problem or if they let faction imbalance degenerate intentionally for whatever dark purpose they might have (ie: selling more paid transfers later on when they’re added to the shop.)

Because my country´s community decided to play on a certain realm. So I would prefer to play on that realm. So if things remain the same even after BG implementation and Blizzard won´t show any intentions to do anything about it (i.e. faction specific queues + free faction changes H - > A) I know I won´t be playing Alliance on that server much longer anyways. So yes… I wouldn´t have problem deleting my chars and start over. But I of course prefer the scenario that Blizzard will make the game playable for both factions. We´ll see. I´ll give them a month or two max.

I rerolled on a different server after levelling 2 characters to 60 and my new server also has faction inbalance as well. I am close to rerolling a 3rd time.

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Time to change the faction I guess :smiley:

The besr solution is the PvE server.

As it’s not possible to force an almost equal number of players to roll on each server the PvE ruleset avoids the outcomes of heavy faction imbalance


How could that be a best solution? I mean… people obviously want to do PVP. If you advise all Alliance players to move to a PVE server and Horde will stay alone on PVP server, why would that be a best solution?

Can´t we agree that the best solution would actually be having a balanced realms? And since Blizzard does not disclose balance data, it is only them who could do something about it. They should regulate it. I am sure many Horde players would roll Alliance knowing it would bring some wPVP into the game.

I did thats the sad part :pleading_face:

I’ll elaborate

If you’re pointing out “The best solution possible is the pve server” then I’d be forced to agree with you. The key is the interpretation of possible, to mean within the available and plausible outcones.

It doesn’t need to be discussed that people want to PVP this is known and both battle grounds and pvp tagging are available on pve servers.

Once again I’ll reiterate balanced realms are not possible, due to freedom of choice as already stated unless blizzard is going force players into a specific faction, the reality is horde is more poplular.

Sure? Why? You are demonstrating the naivety which ultimately has lead to you not forseeing this. Ive written extensively about this.

The intended implication is they would move to pve servers too

Because… believe it or not… most Horde players are grown people with brains who actually want to have fun.

Solution for Blizzard is to merge dying faction servers to each other .

(Example : Dying Horde server merge with Dying Alliance server) .

Classic will never die silly internet troll havent died in 15 years and never will - now go outside and breath some fresh air would be good for you i guess

Ok let’s tackle this.

Unfortunately there’s enough players who want to win at all costs. Whats more there is a demonstrated historical trend that servers overtime become more and more single faction focused. Your hyperbole not withstanding.

Exactly. Blizzard has all the data and still allowed the history to repeat itself. They should have regulated it. Only they can as they have the data needed. We can´t blame players for creating single faction realms. Usually the weaker faction was actually the one that wanted to fight this trend. That´s why I rolled Alliance. As I hoped Blizzard would take some actions to support realm balance. As we all knew chosing Horde would be the safe bet… but if everyone is Horde, where is the fun… If they don´t do anything, I will naturally re-roll and will support the historical trend of creating single faction realms. It´s just logical. I play the game to have fun. If I don´t have fun, I quit it or start playing something else. In other games nobody really cares as it´s normal, but in wow for some reason such players are called crybabies. Not really sure why…


Once again, blizzard gives players free choice. And its unreasonable to force players to roll on a specific faction, which is what you are ultimately suggesting even if you don’t realise it.

This once again demonstrates your lack of foresight QED

When you roll pvp you agree to that rule set for better or for worse, the likely outcomes were already known.

Yes. You are given a choice - Alliance or Horde. However Blizzard does not provide you with any information about the realm you want to roll on. So how exactly can you make a decision? That´s why many players rolled Horde. Even though they might have prefered Alliance. It was just a safe bet. I personally know many people who were thinking this way. If Blizzard took some measures to support faction balance (and thus people would know rolling Alliance is not stupid decision to make), they would have rolled Alliance.

Yeah… funny you can always hear that from people who intentionally chose stronger faction to abuse these rules…

Anyways you are totally right. I can´t disagree with you. I am just sad Classic PVP servers will be one factioned (i.e. dead) few months after release. I waited for this game so long and hoped I would enjoy it for a year or two. PVE server is not an option for me, so I still have a month of my subcription paid and in Jan 2020 I will see if I quit or not.

There’s a lot to unpack here my hypothesis is that blizzard doesn’t want player’s to avoid or leave under balanced realms as it will exasperate the problem, however the potential of this was known

Of cousre you’re not referring to my self as i play horde on mirage Raceway and the alliance outnumber us.

Not true , I’ll refer you back to this