Classic is dying due to faction imbalance

I gave it another go this morning after taking a week off wow for things to calm down. Its still a fecking joke and they can take this and their next expac and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

I for one am not going to give money to a company that clearly doesn’t give a crap and I certainly wont back their next expansion.


Most of you do not seam to understand the main issue here.

Faction imbalance isn’t something that will get solved without Blizzards intervention. I have seen this happen in retail from Vanilla through BFA. The solution they added as Cross-Realm which restored the faction balance but destroyed server communities. The only solution to this is very simple offer small incentives to the imbalanced faction and open free faction specific server transfers to the server until the balance is restored.

Such incentives can be increasing the honor they gain in WPVP and reducing the opposite factions WPVP honor gain or reducing costs of repair, flight masters and respec while increasing the cost for others.

Without these measures the losing faction will either:

  • Start a new character on a different server,
  • Quit the game,
  • Stay in cities and instances.

If this is not done the results will be same as it is on retail, having servers with 99% one faction and will eliminate WPVP in the end.

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i don’t believe in incentives, i belive in punishments
faction specific queues will definitly fix faction balance issues immediatly

PvE servers ARE impacted. All the people re-rolling to get away from PvP are filling up lover level-zones. In someplaces it feels like launch day all over again. And we still suffer from overpopulation due to those monstrous population caps.

The only reason this guy is posting here is cause his LFR queue is taking ages to pop. Classic might be dying (it really isn’t tho) but retail has been dead for years.

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You might be right. But the OP has a point. Retail was Vanilla and had similar problems. When they didn’t get slowed we got what we have today. However in Classic we have a chance to prevent the same thing of happening.
That’s what I think anyway.

Nope, the best solution is Vanilla like population cap on all servers, open more servers and give free transfer PvP => PvP & PvE; PvE => PvE and RP => all .

actually classic died when tbc released

and so will classic of 2019 when tbc release next year

Yea not like everyone told them the world would not support mega level populations… God, between the batching, wrecked economy due to layers, the queues due to the few servers etc etc etc. all the things WE TOLD THEM IN ADVANCE. You really see the picture of how they tried to sabotage the experience from the start cause “you think you do but you do not” and we do not wanna be embarrassed about how wrong we are over and over again since we stop listening to the fans when making the games.


Exactly. They are not informing players in order not to make it worse. But why they aren´t trying to make it better? I find it absolutely ok to limit creation of new Horde characters on certain realms. Do you want to play here? Play Alliance.

Blizzard also does not allow creation of new characters on full realms. So they force players to play on certain realms. So why couldn´t they force them to play certain faction? It´s the same principle. Players just can´t be given a total freedom because when they do, they tend to do stupid things and abusing systems. They created the game and are responsible for managing and regulating it. So I think it is their obligation to regulate it.

I know we won´t agree on this one. But I will only play on servers where there is a wPVP as I like it. This really only comes down to a definition of wPVP which seems to be different for various players. For me for instance, camping low levels at their dungeons entrances is not a pvp. It does not give honors, it is boring, it is mean. Blizzard should create some NPCs with quick respawn that these players could keep killing endlessly. There is no need other players are involved in such activity. And obviously Horde is only willing to fight opponents that cannot actually fight back, so NPCs are ideal in my opinion.

This is honestly the best solution and give free transfers from the overpopulated faction.

Being uninformed at this stage is one’s own fault a great effort was made by the community (including myself)to educate anyone who would listen about this.

While I’d agree that “Alliance Only characters” for new players or players joining new servers seems logical in principal, there are enough players that “want to play with their friends”. Also I have tested this as recently as this morning you can create characters on any realm even full ones you just get a warning message. This, of course, makes your assertion that “Blizzard also does not allow creation of new characters on full realms” and the subsequent point of “Force them to play certain faction” incongruent

From my perspective players that choose to roll on PvP servers despite the documented warning and are now complaining have acted stupidly (note acted, this is not to say they are universally stupid people). Perhaps that’s harsh and ignorant would be a better adjective, but if the warnings were there it’s borderline.

There is wPvP on PvE Servers that meets the requirements of your subsequent definition. - I’ve even streamed it myself and I’m not the only one. Plenty of PvP on PvE servers on Twitch.

You are just being stubborn.

Ok you´re right with this one. For some reason I thought only players already having characters on full servers can create new ones. My bad.

But why on Earth are you only suggesting going to PVE servers? Why aren´t you suggesting the other more logical option? Rolling Horde on Horde dominated server? Easy mode that chose 70 % of all players? There is no shame in that. If most players are cowards, why wouldn´t I be.

So again - I am NOT going to PVE server. It is more likely I will simply re-roll Horde.

I frequently am :wink:

A number of reasons.

I’ve gone into significant detail here - The inconvenient truth of world PvP & why to turn War Mode off and roll PvE in Classic

In 3-9 months you’ll be playing unopposed (or at least functionally) and a server with dead PvP, at least in a wPvP context.

So you basically admit there is barely any difference between these two options. If I roll PVE server, it will be a PVE server from the beginning. If I roll Horde on PVP server, it will become PVE server in 3-9 months. Still sounds like a slightly better choice to me.

No you’ve missed the subtle but important difference.

In a PvP server one faction is driven from the server and wPvP dies.

On a PvE servers players that want to engage it will seek it out but they the less dominat faction can never be driven from there by contstant ganking 10v1 fights etc etc.

The irony is in 9 months is they’ll likely be more wPvP on PvE servers than on PvP servers.

Nah I think there won´t be any wPVP on neither of these servers. There will be faction dominance on PVE servers too as Alliance is leaving PVP servers. So why would Horde flag themselves for PVP?

And I am not going to PVE server. The system seems stupid to me. If I flag myself for PVE, other people get a free opener which in Classic usually means who wins. And before I ress and get ready for a revenge, the other guy can again unflag himself from PVP so I either get no revenge as I simply wouldn´t be able to attack him or he kills me if I am stupid enough to flag for PVP first again.

Or have I misunderstood how normal servers work?

Guys its hard on the imbalanced servers, we can all sense it. i Enjoy camping allies in brm on gandling because its so easy honor and its completely stupid not too…

BGs will arrive in 2 weeks time or something, and when they do, things will quiet down in the open world, unless in the zones where you que for bgs…

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2 weeks is too much, many of us were having a lot of fun till the honour system got released early.

Now many of us don’t care, I have got a refund for the next expac and am asking for a refund on any remaining game time I have till start of next year, why should I pay a company with such little empathy for their paying customer base?


Short answer no, long answer yes.

Essentially for the Lolz - Typically these are in a specific locations - disclaimer - I know I suck at PvP and i’m PvE healing specced and yes even when we outnumber them 4 to 1 i manage to get killed several times.

I do a great job of running down a warrior at the 10 min mark though.

Typically horde fight defensively as we are outnumbered

There is a 5-minute cooldown for unflagging pvp