Classic is dying due to faction imbalance

Yes this. You are one of rare horde players who understand where this leads.
I understand that horde is having a blast now, but if u think you not getting much honor in big groups, camping one player at time.
Considering that on most pvp servers horde dominates alot, what will happen?
As alliance player i still have will to die 20ish times before reaching dungeon, but getting really tired of it. I play with few friends and all think the same. If this don’t solve in month or two, we are quitting this game. I don’t want to pay for this carnage. As alliance player you are doomed to do dungeons and that’s it. You cant farm anything or even get out of major cities u are dead. And i already said that getting to dungeons is really annoying…
I can see that many ppl have similar opinion, and they all are getting tired of constant ganking and not be able to play the game. Don’t think that bg’s gonna solve this problem either, even it will make both sides pissed then. Alliance cant play anything but BGs. Horde long queue for BGs. And we all know that if u are dedicated player u can digest PVE content in classic in couple of months, like most of the ppl already did, got their needed items and run around ganking.
So try to see a bigger picture here, if this keeps going you will have pve servers on pvp realms but without BGs. Some ppl need to realize that…

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Yes but these are agreed large scale battles. I am talking about these random encounters while leveling. This is what I was enjoying the most. And basically it does not exist on normal servers as only fool would flag for PVP for reasons listed by me above.

I know. But this is often enough. I mean - if I kill anyone and then keep doing my own business i.e. keep questing, it usually takes at least 5 minutes for him to ress, buff and find me… so if I can kill somebody during questing but actually don´t want to allow him to do the same to me, I can easily abuse this system.

I don´t think I would like it.

These do happen /spit is a good way to provoke someone into pvping you.

I’d be forced to agree with you that they are not guaranteed but you are guaranteed to be able to level, this is especially useful in the late 50 bracket

Same here. But it´s sad. I actually never thought I could once again in my life have so much fun with a game. Too bad it only lasted two months. Because these two months I felt like I was 20 again lol.

Haha yes I totally believe this can work. It would on me :smiley:

Yeah… obviously most people would prefer something in between… we don´t want to be able to level in peace. That´s boring. But we also don´t want to be not allowed to level at all.

I wish Blizzard opens a fresh new PVP realms with players caps on both sides with single realm battlegrounds. I would have rerolled immediately.

They don’t need to, I expect they will release new PvE realms though. - That’s where they demand is.

Check the twitch, see a what a fair pvp battle looks like :wink:

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All people I know actually want balanced PVP servers so I am not sure who exactly is demanding new PVE servers, but yeah… still better than unbalanced PVP servers, so I am sure they would get filled too even though nobody really wants them.

But if Blizzard wants to make billions, ballanced PVP realms is a way to go.

I have seen the twich (a portion of it ofc) and it looked good. That´s why I pray they will add balanced PVP servers :slight_smile:

Raid vs Raid battle at 1:30:00

No need to, they have PvE, PvP servers will always unbalance themselves.

Not if they “help” to balance them. But we discussed that already. It´s really up to them… there is a LOT of people that would play on those servers. If Blizzard decides they are ok with all these people quitting the game, it´s their choice. But it would be really foolish to think all these people will simply transfer to PVE servers. Most of them won´t. That´s a fact. Next year there will be a lots of other good games to play so I actually don´t care that much - either Blizzard gives players what they really want or we will find another company that will.

No one is denying hordes are ganked sometimes , but the frequency that it happens to the alliance is not ok in any way.

As i’ve explained or tried to explain, with freedom of choice there is now way to “balance” numerically the servers.

The PvE server is the only way to avoid the outcomes of unbalanced servers.


Faction specific queue. With option while horde are in queue to either transfer to zt or delete horde char and make alliance char. Also block horde char creation

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And I have explained this is not really taking any freedom from anyone. If they create new servers and players would be given a freedom to start over on balanced PVP servers if they want to but they would need to choose faction that is underpopulated at that moment. Or they can stay on their realms and nothing would change for them. For most people I know balanced realm is more important than faction. I don´t really care if I am Alliance or Horde as long as I play with my friends. And I don´t see how this could harm other players. They would simply have freedom not to play on such server.

I can understand why you would want to stay on that server, it makes sense. I think it’s unlikely, in my opinion, Blizzard will do anything to balance servers no matter how many people ask for it.

Can’t you and your friends, whilst the crazy is going on, try another PvP server, perhaps? Some have posted about creating characters on low pop PvP servers where factions are balanced, found it Vanilla-like with population level and some good wPvP. Never know you might discover a server you like and talk your countrymen, or some of them, into joining you there.

I am just trying to give you ideas to tide you over until BGs come out, then you can make a more informed decision about how you wish to progress in the future. I just don’t want to see anyone make a decision they might regret because Blizzard did fix things and it transpires you’ve lost everything.

Thanks - everything you said makes perfect sense.

The problem is - I can´t tell which servers are balanced as Blizzard won´t tell us. And even if some servers are reported to be ok (but I can´t exactly say I believe those people as I understand they often say that to lure people come to help them), this could change before we level to 60.

I guess we won´t take that risk. The risk we might end up on the weaker side again. I don´t really want to re-roll again. And again. Hoping eventually we could find the right server.

Anyways BGs are here in two weeks so for now I will just keep playing my alts. And in two weeks we´ll see. I like PVP so even if the world is still unplayable, I might be actually ok with spending time only in BGs. I wanted to limit my time spent on the game anyways… so logging for an hour or two every day just to play BGs and do raid once a week. I no longer care about professions so I don´t really need to set the foot out of city except raids. So perhaps I´ll be ok with that. If not, I will re-roll Horde or quit playing.

Are these the same grown people that ask for a server to join where their faction dominates so they can win at PvP?

What a load of horse ****

just today my server started having a que again, please get lost… que means theres more then enough on the server to the point people que up in line to join

Can only lead a horse to water. Can’t make it drink.

That idea is just not going to happen.

(Blue Post)

Today were here at blizzard are announcing 3 new PvP servers. Any player is eligable to move to these servers. However we are only opening these servers to 1000 alliance players and 1000 horde players - so be quick as they will fill up quick, if both factions hit there cap on all servers we’ll open three more and three more after that.

Yes we know there are more horde players than alliance players so it will be a mad rush on the horde side, but alliance players - take your time relax.

Will my current PvP server die - Well if you’re playing on alliance absolutely as all or almost call players on your faction will move off. - If your playing on Horde, well you’ll still have the PvE content but we are designing this to to kill your server. So you’ll either need to re-roll Alliance or stay on that dead server.

I play PvE what does this mean to me. - Nothing you guys already have a way to avoid the issues the PvP player complaining about - Peace

Erm, news flash classic wow was doomed to die from the beginning, its nothing new…

What did I just read?

And you have 14 likes. LOL. Rules for wPvp will be the death of Classic.

The Belf called it here’s an article about its demise.

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