You’re just showing why people don’t invite you now. But my point was people are obviously aware you think you’re awesome.
“Obviously”? Dude, what is at all comprehensible, let alone obvious, about the logic-fails you’ve been spouting? How can you know anything about anyone from a “LF company” ad? What “vibe” or “he’s awesome” impressions you can truly get from a few, emotionless letters that thousands of other players can sometimes paste, letter for letter? Has Classic truly wiped out that many fuses in your brain that you’re starting to “see things” now?
Aha, yeah you’re right
I mean, kinda? It’s a lot more difficult trying to talk to people in the general. There’s limits to how often you can send messages. Also, it’s a cross-realm general… So the people you’re talking to aren’t even on your server. Same with BG, it was really annoying befriending someone as we complained that everyone just spams dungeons with dungeon finder instead of looking for them, and totally avoids searching for BG because it’s not as minmax efficient during levelling.
Couldn’t even add the guy unless I used his battleID.
I tried very hard to make groups the old fashioned way when I got tired of dealing with LFD. I played a healer and I did top-end raiding. I was in a famous guild in my server and I had some of the best gear you could get at the time.
I couldn’t make a group. After two weeks of trying this every day I gave up.
So no you cannot simply choose to try to do things the old fashioned way. Not when the convenience of LFD is around to make people not want to bother.
EDIT: to clarify it was during MoP I tried this. I just found out LFD since has some social improvements but these came after I left the game.
The group finder improvements mean you can see who is requesting to join the group and you can message them and talk to them if you like, you can see their class and ilvl too, not much different than going to a city and typing requests into chat, except you dont have to be in a city you can be anywhere
I think that this is what’s been created by giving every single player too much convenience. Dungeons should be a reward for reaching a level, or finishing a quest or something like that. It’s should be earned with how fun it is to do dungeons. Currently, it works like this:
- Questing is the fastest way to level up, so doing a dungeon would slow me down.
- I could find some fellas at my level to do a dungeon, but everyone wants to use dungeon finder.
There needs to be incentive as we level to actually speak to people & travel to these places to use the dungeons. With dungeon finder, you can just kick someone out and find a new player in seconds with absolutely zero issue. There’s nothing special about your place in the dungeon. You’re replaceable no matter what.
How easy dungeons are atm is also an issue as you’re levelling. I’m playing Classic atm as a frost mage, and I like being needed to poly a creature in a triple-pack mob so that we don’t get overrun.
The group finder improvements mean you can see who is requesting to join the group and you can message them and talk to them if you like
if you like
Being able to do this from anywhere is also a dealbreaker
Well this came after I left, which was late WoD. It took Blizzard far too long to bring in the improvements you just said. Way too long.
It’s true you can communicate in retail aswell, but the game does not force you to do this because all you have to do is press a button to go to your instance, grouping up for quest is meaningless because you both get credit for killing a mob without being grouped.
Also 99% of the group quests in retail is soloable with every class.
Vanilla however forces you to communicate and find groups because the content just isnt soloable for most classes, and there are no teleport buttons to instances where you get grouped with people you never will see again. On classic you have a server reputation because you will see the same people and play with the same people constantly.
The magic is back again because it’s a re-release of a game that everyone has very nostalgic feelings for. With how popular it is, there’s an influx of new players and people trying to have fun. There’s a sense of community already because everyone has jumped into this new game and everyone’s here to make new friends.
Yes, both games have a lot of the same features, but retail also has a lot of extra features that incentivize not being social until you reach endgame.
And having fun is not a personal choice in an MMORPG when a lot of the fun is tied to the friends you make along the way. WoW does not have 90% of the interesting gameplay features that other games have, and it’s not half as fun as Warcraft 3. What makes an MMORPG great is how you see your character in the world interacting with other players.
There are also a lot of different features from Classic to Retail and you’re deluded if you think otherwise.
In my reply a few posts above, I show that my personal experience at least proved to me that this has nothing to do with the Dungeon Finder or the LFG tools, Merra. We don’t have DF or LFG in Classic, and I’ve tried to find questing company (not just company for named quest mobs) every day in several places, including forums, apps, Trade channel, General channel, and never found company that lasted more than a couple of hours, even though all the people I added to my friends list are still clearly playing the game, and everything went well when we quested together, and we parted on very good terms.
I’ve said repeatedly before, even before the release of Classic, that the problem was never in DF or LFG; the problem is us… we changed! We are different people today in a different era pretty much.
I’m happy for all those who insist they saw nothing but fluffiness, angelic manners, and perfection from the infallible Classic community around them, but my experience, and the experience of countless other players who shared the same sentiments with me in /party when I tried to chat them up, is that the majority of the Classic community are “selfish antisocial gits”, in the words of one ex-party member… and a few are nice, helpful, and social… just…exactly… like in Retail!
I hate being forced to group up, but it’s often not as bad as I thought it would be, but still, I’d rather play alone. Grouping with randoms in retail is great for someone like me who doesn’t want to make friends. I just want to play, I’m polite and considerate to other players, but really I’m not looking for long lasting relationships. When such a thing happens, it’s nice, but it shouldn’t be a necessity, not saying it is, but a lot of people seem to think that being forced to group up and make friends is this wonderful thing, well maybe for them, but not everyone.
I’ve made friends on 4 different servers on Classic and I’m in 4 different guilds filled with fun people. It’s almost like we DIDN’T change. You have to understand that in a social game, your personality actually matters. So if nobody is wanting to befriend you… You might need to try a little harder.
If you hate grouping with other players, then it may be that you’re not much of an MMORPG player. As Classic WoW is a more faithful MMORPG than BFA, this seems to make alot of sense
I’m sorry, you’re dissatisfied that you had company for merely a couple of hours? That’s actually a long time to play even with friends, never mind strangers.
Maybe you need a reality check: not everyone you meet is going to become your best friend. Sometimes people click, sometimes they don’t. You will make friends but not everyone you meet will become your friend.
I don’t know who told you Classic was some sort of “make friends with everyone you meet” club, but it was never like that. It had far more social interaction but it didn’t always result in making long time friends.
You know, just like real life. Most people come and go, others stay.
Some of you posters sound like married couple in groceries store. I think you’d make a good party !
I group up with people sometimes, but I would not say that grouping up is the be all and end all, the game is designed to make it easier if you group up, no doubt about that.
I heal random people I’m not in a group with, I help random people kill monsters when I’m not in a group with them, I give items to random people that I will never see again.
MMORPG players come in all shapes and sizes, some play alone, some play in groups.
Please read my conversation with the troll above (literal and metaphorical troll). And please don’t repeat the same mistake he did. You can only tell that I’m such a horrible person here on the forums. You can ever find this out from my differently named character with a few words like “Tank would love some questing company!” Can you?
So, yeah, I’m not talking about people finding out that I’m such a horrible person then not wanting to group up with me anymore. I’m talking about a severe lack of response or interest in questing together in this community. I’ve added people to my friends list. Adding people to friends list and spending 5 hours playing with them one day doesn’t mean that you’ve “made friends.” I hope that much is clear to you so you don’t delude yourself, too, like others have.
And if only you actually knew who you’re talking to…
People stick with me when I level a tank alt in dungeons in Retail because they love both, my tanking and my friendliness, helpfulness, and considerate attitude toward healer and questers.
MMORPG players come in all shapes and sizes, some play alone, some play in groups.
I would argue that playing alone is antithetical to the MMORPG genre, because, well, it’s multi-player for a reason.
Edit: In instances where you can group with people, that is. Grouping up for literally everything is indeed ludicrous.