Classic is really deluding many people

Nah it doesn’t. You think you do, but it really does not. People were jerks in vanilla, they are in classic. If you think people care about their server reputation, they do not.

People are not going to magically nicer in classic because people are not generally nice as society.

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“But having fun is a personal choice”

I’m not sure if you read this somewhere or if you actually experience this, but my god if having fun was a choice, why are you not enjoying everyone’s so called delusion? Go on, just do it right now - decide to have fun and enjoy everyone else’s enjoyment.

The rest of what you said is fine I guess. I mean the idea of people experiencing something you perhaps see as quite similar (classic vs bfa) in extremely different and more intense ways, isn’t really a reflection on the player base - more so a reflection on you. I was playing BFA until christmas and my guild disbanded, I only played for the raiding and my shiz talking on discord. The rest of the game felt barren and pointless to me sadly, whereas classic re-introduces all of my favorite things ( much shorter time to live, that feeling of being “special” when you’re ahead on gear and everything is reset so we start on a level playing field :D)

It’s funny when people think that people on realms with many thousand players will all go around with a notebook next to them writing up every rude person. Even if one guys remembers you, you have 49.999 others to fool…

Thanks for putting in so much effort in your reply to me :slight_smile: I think you’ve misunderstood me though. I don’t care about streamers’ opinions, even though I do like a few of them. I have watched some of Soupasoka’s Legion videos, and he enjoys it for what it is. But the content I saw somehow just didn’t click for me.

The thing is… I enjoy leveling. I started in early TBC but my fondest memories are from Azeroth, even more so than Outland, because the world felt more connected and consistent - and some zones just clicked with me. Heck, I even enjoyed my druid more before getting Mangle, even though he became much stronger, simply because they hybrid element was stronger before then.

I think I will not enjoy retail because I primarily love leveling and exploring a wide open world over end-game content. And I disliked Cata. I didn’t like how they changed the zones, and I didn’t like the more streamlined leveling experience.

Again, that’s not to say I consider retail to be bad! It’s just that based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think it is for me. I hope that WoW remains healthy and that players enjoy their time here, whether on retail or classic :slight_smile:

part of the issue is at the moment, we dont have any real proof unless they’ve recorded it since blizz didn’t set up the API for armouries annoyingly. I’d really be interested in seeing how many have downed Rag.

Proof of what? If you’re talking about ONSLAUGHT they streamed it. It’s the guild Alkaizer is in, you check his vods. But otherwise yea, there’s no way to know unless guilds themselves distribute screenshots/videos.

I do not speak here out of some sort of biterness - I played in realm where people did keep blacklists. Their little personal blacklists, or guilds had some, but if you were good player and jerk, raid teams still took you - both pve and PvP. If you exploited somewhere for your R14, but you were realm famous people still took you to places.

The fact someone keeps a list, good for them. And it is good to avoid people they do not get along to do not like. But your bad reputation means nothing if you remotely decent player or have friends.

I literally said that whether its good or bad is personal choice. Classic has this type of raids and dungeons you will not see unless you put in the effort, BFA doesn’t. I’m fine with both.

I don’t know what it is, but negative experiences stick in your mind easier. If they were annoying enough, you don’t need to write anything down.


I want to play all expansions. I hope that blizzard release TBC, Wrath, Pandaria, Draenor and Legion Servers, people say that would fragment the community, that is not at all true, you can add friends, you can use discord, we are paying for this game every month and then every few years we lose the game that we paid for when they change it, that if they release a new expansion and no one plays it, so what, they are still getting subscriptions fees so what’s the harm, let people do what they want to do instead of forcing them to choose, classic is a great example of that, people making private servers forced blizzard to release classic because they couldn’t force those people to play retail, but they still want their money.

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There is a different way of interacting with people if you know you will see them again… and again. In retail you don’t need anyone, you can do everything without talking to a single person.
If you screw up in Classic people will remember. If you ninjaloot you will have it a lot harder next time around. If you are unreliable (raids, groups, etc) people will know too. It is more personal and a lot less anonymous.

That alone is worth it. Karma is a b.

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I think you missed one :wink:

Oh yeah, cata, that was actually a good one, but it was a mistake to give flying to the whole world, should have had path finder type requirements for each zone.

Written like a soul mate. You’ll know why here.

It’s the same exact player base from Retail, with a mix of good, bad, and trolls. I’ve had people literally stand there to watch me die to two mobs after killing one of them, just so that they can kill the remaining mob, instead of simply inviting me and or asking for an invitation quickly.

“Tons of people will be happy to assist you”? Hah. I’ve advertised for questing company (in Classic everyone wants to group with everyone because it’s “harder”, right? Haha.) here on the forums, on GamerLink, and every day on General in several zones and in Trade. After more than a week, I only ever got 2 replies and the company didn’t last for more than a couple of hours. People only ever join you for Princess and Hogger then it’s “tx bye” ( if even that before they leave), exactly like in Retail when we group up for the odd WQ boss then “tx bye.”

I’ve had people come to a named quest mob, completely ignore the queue of people waiting to kill the same mob, and using their instant abilities to steal the tag, and when they were invited, while knowing they have the tag, they declined the invitation! Imagine someone — solo — declining the invitation for a named mob! While they could’ve joined and simply left right away, rudely and without a word!

“Classic is harder”? Hahaha. Countless dungeons were cheesed with 4 Frost Mages and 1 Priest (no tank!). Ragnaros and Onyxia are already down by APES.

Hehehe. The delusions of the Classic cultists truly know no bounds. xD

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I wouldnt want to group with you either though

Edit: why do people care if Classic is hard or not; is there something wrong with the other game? If the other game is challenging, there is no issue.

Just because you can do the same things in Retail doesn’t mean others are going to do it. They will still be antisocial, the difference is that they are nice in Classic.

Yes, that’s because you know I’m such a naughty boy who doesn’t put Classic on a pedestal and agree with you on your delusions. Those other people don’t know me, though! They only know that some player X is saying on General: “Tank would love questing company” or something like that. Imagine a completely unknown stranger in Classic saying on a daily basis every few minutes on General “LF questing company” and barely anyone ever responds.

How exactly is this different from Retail, cultists?

Yeah you obviously can’t feel your own vibe

Hahaha. And clearly… you have a “seeing orb” to tell if someone is not in your cult if they say “Tank LF questing company” in General.

Some people desperately need medication, did you know? xD