Well I guess that’s why you can’t make any friends in Classic! Sorry, I don’t really need to read any of your messages. You take the game far too seriously instead of treating it like a pub.
Well, that’s an odd point of view, “World of groupcraft”…
Each to his own.
It’s Multiplayer, not team based, perhaps you were thinking of Overwatch.
This coming from a gnome!
I totally understand where you’re coming from though. Do you think that grouped content should be more accessible for solo players though?
Nothing to do with teams, that’s more of a tight-knit social net. It’s more being in an environment which rewards you for playing with others, as opposed to playing alone, where things are harder.
From my perspective, it’s like going to McDonald’s and getting a salad. Some people like salads, that’s cool. But maybe huge fans of salad may be less inclined to visit McDonald’s than fans of chicken mcnuggets
You might need to re-read my post and understand it better. I’m not dissatisfied with playing for a couple of hours with someone; I’m dissatisfied that this happened just twice, and that about 10 hours every day since release with advertising for questing company have never gotten more than those 2 responses. And it’s not like those people are busy with RL or not playing the game anymore. We clicked and were very fine until the very end. We even said we gotta team up again. And forget those 2 people. I’m talking about the HUNDREDS of Classic players who are not interested in questing company at all. I’m talking about their IDENTICAL behavior to behavior in Retail. You, people, Classic worshipers, keep insisting that Classic FORCES you to group more than BfA. No, it doesn’t! People only group for Princess and Hogger then part just as quickly, EXACTLY like grouping for the weekly WQ boss then parting quickly. I truly don’t understand where you get your delusions from. Then, you’re telling me 2 hours is a lot even for friends?! What the hell do you do in your oh-so-friendly and oh-so-social Classic time, then?! Type more letters in /guild than you do in Retail?!
I’m sorry, what? I am a troll just because you didn’t like what I had to say? I’m sorry to inform you that the world isn’t full of people lining up to be your friend regardless of the game you play.
You equated more social interaction with everyone wanting to be your friend. That’s your mistake. Not mine.
I have to say that this is an extraordinary experience then. I have grouped up with loads of people since I started playing. I have very little trouble finding someone to group up with if I feel the need. The longest it took me was about 40 mins to find a RFC group on a dps class. Aside from that dungeon it rarely took more than 10 minutes.
What way are you trying? I typically hang around the quest area to find someone else as well as say something in the public chat channels. So far it hasn’t failed me, and it didn’t back in Vanilla and TBC either.
Ok, you’re unhappy that people want to be happy. I get it.
But what you’re saying is not accurate, people actually play the game not just the constant fast grind. Chat is alive because things take a while. So gameplay affects people’s tendencies to socialize greatly.
I’m talking about the HUNDREDS of Classic players who are not interested in questing company at all
I’d bet money on the idea that these people are either min-maxers who already have a group, or are currently bored to tears because they’re choosing not to engage in a fundamental aspect of the game. Possibly bored to the point where one of them goes onto the classic forums and calls its players delusional?
Not you. A male one.
I never said anything about everyone wanting to or should be my friend. The principle that is independent of me or anyone really is that, yes, friendship is about more social interaction between the “friends”. Otherwise, it’s not really friendship.
I never said anything about dungeons. I’m talking about questing together. If 99% of the people in Classic quest solo for more xp, and only truly group up for dungeons, then how is this any different from Retail?!
And I try by simply typing in General every few minutes “Tank would really love some questing company. Please /w if you, too, can use company.” Every day. How can I be “friendlier” in my approach, do you suggest? Once again, I have no trouble grouping for 30 seconds for a named quest mob. I’m talking about questing together with someone, and no, I don’t have to become best buddies with them, but plenty are playing the game anyway… and it is designed to make questing much, much easier with company, so I don’t understand why it’s the same exact situation as in Retail… the absolute majority don’t have time to group up for 2 hours of questing, 'cause that’s just too much for even friends, and they just want to group for 30 sec for a named quest mob then go their own way.
I’m having more fun fishing in classic than I’ve had fun in retail for years.
Even fishing has more sense of progression than 90% retail content outside current raid progression.
Hahahahaha so now you judge people for playing alone ? What next - you start saying what class, race and spec they should have ?
Well, I’m on 2 different realms, and one of them is an RP realm. It really, really can’t get opposite of min-maxing as that! And it’s the same exact situation as on the other normal realm: A severe lack of interest in questing company. The only easy company you can find is for dungeons and named quest mobs.
And it’s not boredom that helps you see the delusions of others. It’s simply knowing crystal clear things even before the launch of the game, things like that it’s the same exact player base, and that DF and LFG never killed the community, no tool can do that, but that we killed ourselves by ourselves. We cannibalized on our own community by becoming who we are today. And it’s not boredom that makes you play Classic for about 10 hours almost every day since launch to see proof of everything you knew before it was even released. It’s a wish to enjoy the game and live some nostalgic charm, and hope… just hope that the delusions of the Classic cultists about everyone wanting to group with everyone in Classic, and everyone being fluffy and super friendly in Classic… hoping that it were all true.
No. Playing alone is not the intended idea behind MMORPGs. Choosing classes/races is…
No, Fishing is
My apologies. I’m so used to always being referred to as male regardless of my avatar because people tend to assume gamer = male.
No but you seemed upset that despite loads of social interaction you didn’t get friends in the end. I agree that this sucks but it’s unavoidable wherever you go in life. I haven’t made new friends either despite playing with so many people. But I guess I have done this before so I knew what I was getting in to. Some people do harp on about Classic as if it’s the pinnacle of everything, which then results in some people getting disappointed.
I can only speak for myself. Personally I’m a bit shy and I don’t like to bother people much. I find it hard to ask someone to quest with me a second time unless I see them hanging around the same area as well. I won’t ask for help unless I absolutely need it. Maybe you had the misfortune of meeting mostly people like me. However I’m happy to help whenever I’m asked, so if you aren’t already maybe try making the first move and ask someone if they want to play again.
Also it could be that you’re no longer on the same quests. For many reasons I’m sure you don’t need explained to you, often people don’t want to do quests a second time on a character that already has them done. However when it comes to dungeons people generally want to go several times. So maybe try your luck with trying to play with the same people again in content that is worth repeating.
one of them is an RP realm. It really, really can’t get opposite of min-maxing as that!
This is ridiculous. RPers make up a small proportion of the population of even RP realms. It’s basically the same.
just hope that the delusions of the Classic cultists about everyone wanting to group with everyone in Classic, and everyone being fluffy and super friendly in Classic… hoping that it were all true.
You come onto the classic forums, call everyone who enjoys the game cultists and delusional. I don’t get it… Why are you here?
The issue with your prior question you posted in the chat is that it’s vague. Which quests? Which zone? At least specify the level. Nobody is going to arbitrarily decide to quest with you without knowing where you are, or what quests you intend to do.
It’s clear you just want to insult those who enjoy Classic. I’m sorry you don’t enjoy the game, feel free to play BFA if you prefer it. These sanctimonious blocks of texts you spew out to everyone here who tries to talk to you is proof enough as to why you never had that guy respond for a second play session.
No, you are not position to judge how people play whatsoever. None. Unless you pay their sub, but even then. No.
Damn, some people in this thread really salty that they can’t make friends.
Man, the Hunter class was designed from day 1 in vanilla for people who like to “solo” content. I promise you, MMORPGs are actually designed for about 80% social people and 20% antisocial wallflowers, lurkers, and observers. It is working exactly as intended.
Just that we have a lot more antisocial people today than we ever had a few years ago, and it has nothing to do with tools of convenience like LFG or whatever. Humanity itself changed. Technology, or tools like LFG, may breed habits in certain people, but one has got to understand that those people are already predisposed and susceptible to the habits and traits they breed in themselves with their use of tools or technology. Technology simply facilitated their realization of their own destiny, so to speak.
I think a lot of the player base, especially people still wearing rose-tinted glasses while looking at Classic, still nostalgia-addled, may want to start realizing that it is the community itself that changes, unfortunately to the worse, while the game, actually, changes to the better.
I’m not, but the phrase ‘massively multiplayer’ should give it a way a bit. As MMORPG communities shape the genre, they do have a say in it i’m afraid. Definitions of things matter. Massively multiplayer means lots of people. Ergo, you are able to make friends. Definitions of words matter.
With this logic, I can choose to call WoW a MOBA because who is in the position to judge how I play? Play Classic how you like, but don’t be surprised if you sit in solitude and hate the game. There’s a reason for that.