Classic is really deluding many people

I have friends. I doubt some of the people arguing with me even know what friendship truly is, especially if some think that “2 hours are too much even for friends.”

I’m salty because I was right all along, and because the Classic community is exactly like the Retail community, and it’s all about grouping up in dungeons and WQ named mobs.

And yet you’re sitting there spouting half-smart comments that fail at sarcasm, and insisting that Classic is so different from Retail as an intended overall message.

Relax man, it’s not that big of a deal.

Yikes! :eyes:

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And yet you judge people, who do not want to make friends and want just to play the story and do things on their own space. You know what you like to socialise with randoms, some do not. And do not judge those, who preffer to play MMO’s alone, because the game world is big enough for all - those who need people around them and those, who do not.

And before you ponder if I am one of those who cannot make human contacts or whatever reason, no, I have spent 0 time alone in classic, but I am not going to say that MMO means that loners should feel bad being in it as your post seemed to suggest.

Man, the Hunter class was designed from day 1 in vanilla for people who like to “solo” content

Lol i guess Vanilla is a single player game then. My mistake

Just that we have a lot more antisocial people today than we ever had a few years ago


it has nothing to do with tools of convenience like LFG or whatever

It does. Hundreds of thousands will agree, perhaps millions. Blizzard agrees too, hence why the ClassicLFG addon is being gutted, because they believe it antithetical to the spirit of Classic WoW.

Humanity itself changed. Technology, or tools like LFG, may breed habits in certain people, but one has got to understand that those people are already predisposed and susceptible to the habits and traits they breed in themselves with their use of tools or technology.

This is impossible to take seriously

I think a lot of the player base, especially people still wearing rose-tinted glasses while looking at Classic, still nostalgia-addled…

How many years of the classic playerbase playing wow classic will it take for you to concede the idea that nostalgia is the driving force behind all this? The community has changed for the worse in retail because none of the recent expansions attempt to cultivate the community and the sense of camaraderie. Indeed, they made massive strides to obliterate it, and succeeded. Just go play BFA, your mind won’t change because you don’t want it to.

Good bait you almost got me

Yes, I do. Everyone does. They are lying if they say they don’t. If you skip a fundamental aspect of the game because it’s not your preference, then all I’m saying is that perhaps the game isn’t for you.

I’m not going to insult your social skills or lack thereof because it’s irrelevant. I hope to christ nobody does because that would be the dumbest non-argument ever

No. LFG was introduced in WoTLK which was the most popular era in wow, and it helped people to group up more easily and did not force people afk in certain spots and yell for group. And by the way in legion and BfA are group contents where you cannot use the tool and have to do it old fashioned way. Only trivial content can be access via automation.

Sure but the reason my dad bought me WoW during that time had nothing to do with RDF

Edit: I only played the game for 1 patch before it was introduced, so I have a pretty good idea of the effect it had on new players

LFG was introduced in WoTLK which was the most popular era in wow, and it helped people to group up more easily and did not force people afk in certain spots and yell for group

This doesn’t mean LFG was beneficial to the game. It was also the ICC patch, perhaps that had something to do with it?

And by the way in legion and BfA are group contents where you cannot use the tool and have to do it old fashioned way

Premade finder

Only trivial content can be access via automation.

Premade finder

Wait, what? WTF? I already said that I advertise in General a lot. What more do you need to know if you can read my ad? Even if you’re just passing by the zone, if I’m looking for questing company in Redridge Mountains, I’m definitely neither level 5 nor level 35!

And what?! “Nobody is going to arbitrarily decide to quest with you without knowing … what quests you intend to do.” What does this even mean?! Why do you need to know what quests I’m doing unless you’re just checking if I have named quest mobs?

Even if we’re not at the same exact stage in questing in that zone, you can just shift-click my name, see my level and gauge the general stage I’m in, and it shouldn’t be a big deal at all for me to help someone catch up with me quest-wise or vice versa if we intend to quest together in the zone for a few hours.

I really don’t understand your logic. You speak exactly like a Retail player, yet bash Retail and put Classic on a pedestal?! Really?

You don’t know me at all, man. At all. I simply don’t like people like you, that’s all. And the feeling is mutual. It’s not like you’re fond of me. However, I’m a very, very good person to the people I love and to my friends, whether they’re on Retail or Classic. And yes, screw everyone else really, because most are just self-righteous a-holes, as is self-evident from cultists like yourself here, with your better-than-thou, boohoo-you-have-no-friends, boohoo-nobody-wants-to-be-your-friend stinky, disgusting attitudes.

/spits on the ground

Man, guy, person, dude, relax

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that simple “can I get some water” “can I get this buff” “can someone help me with” “I need help with” “let’s do this” are nonexistent in retail because the game is easier. you can solo anything. that’s it. grow up.

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I’m exactly like this :slight_smile:. I guess it’s one of the reasons why I’ve always gravitated towards healers, because then you do end up grouping and socializing whether you are brave enough or not haha. And because I really love healing :D.

I’ve had quite a few awesome groups so far, and I do feel it’s a lot easier than in retail. At least right now. Usually on launches of new expansions people are more patient and chatty, and are set to enjoy themselves, in that sense I have no idea whether this vibe in Classic will last… but eh, who cares, the good vibe is here right now and I’m very much enjoying it!

You mentioned an RP realm Rokmore, if it’s the one I’m on and alliance I’ll be happy to group up with you. I’m only level 20 tho as I’m a notorious slacker.


Okay. Say you’re in redridge and level 22 and you advertise ‘Hey anyone wanna do quests with me’

One of two things will happen:

  1. Someone messages you asking which quests you’re doing
  2. Because there are so many quests in redridge, chances are you’re on a different part than them, so they won’t bother and will find someone willing to be more specific.

What does this even mean?! Why do you need to know what quests I’m doing unless you’re just checking if I have named quest mobs?

Because if I want to complete quest X, and I have no idea whether you’re on quest X or not, I will either ask or not bother.

You speak exactly like a Retail player

What the hell does this even mean?

You don’t know me at all, man. At all. I simply don’t like people like you, that’s all.

Irony award. How do you know what people like me are like? You don’t know me at all man.

And yes, screw everyone else really, because most are just self-righteous a-holes, as is self-evident from cultists like yourself here, with your better-than-thou, boohoo-you-have-no-friends, boohoo-nobody-wants-to-be-your-friend stinky, disgusting attitudes.

Gods this makes me want to quest with you so much

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That was exactly why I started healing. More than ten years later and I’m still healing. It’s a great role for people who are shy because people tend to look for you first.


And I’m an altoholic, so lower than 20 on Hydraxian. And… regarding what you said about healing… I’d like to direct you to this. :slight_smile:

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Jesus, are you trying to repent for something?

No, the only TWO responses I ever got had absolutely nothing to do with asking me which quests I’m on because I never said “Can someone help me with murlocs?” I said “LF questing company.” It’s obvious what this person is looking for, he’s looking for company in this zone, period, and maybe mutual help, but not “help”. So, no, you don’t know what will happen because you clearly don’t even understand the mentality of “looking for company here… just company.”

And that’s what I meant by the Retail mentality. It’s the mentality that: Are you going to contribute something to me and my quests? No? Then, no thanks, I’m not interested in your company.

That’s the Retail mentality, and you’re speaking with it, yet bash Retail and claim Classic is so much better.

Back in vanilla, we never cared what quests the other person were on, just like we don’t care if the Druid will buff us back when we buff them as a Priest. We played together partially because it made the leveling journey much easier and partially for the company and chatting every now and then.

I know enough. I know you make assumptions about why others don’t want to group up with a guy you don’t agree with on the forums. That’s enough for me. Just like it’s enough to know that a guy is a wife beater; you don’t really need to know more than that to hate them.

please be my healer <3