That’s asking for help. And by the way, helping is offered in Retail, too, if you ask enough times, just like you also have to ask enough times in Classic to actually get the oh-so-helpful whisper you conveniently gave.
And for the second time, I’m not interested in help. I’m interested in company.
And I can’t help you if you can’t tell the difference.
Even if that were true, does that make me a “toxic person”? Just because someone returns your hostility with hostility on a forum thread, that makes it a trait they have for life?
Here’s a clue: It doesn’t. However, when someone assumes that other people don’t want to befriend someone because they disagree with that person, that shows a certain lynch-mob mentality where the sick person wishes that nobody befriends the person they disagree with. You put it in a different wording like, “Oh, that’s why nobody wants to be your friend,” and notice the choice of words in “nobody”, but what you’re really expressing is your wish for something.
And I’m giving an example to help you understand why you don’t always need to know someone to dislike them. Apparently, you either find the RL topic of domestic abuse funny, or the analogy completely passed over your head. It’s a demonstrative example of a concept, and the concept is relative to your posts and the 15-years-old game and its community: You don’t always need to know someone to hate them if they do certain things.
I don’t hate on girls that date bad boys; I sympathize with their daddy issues or whatever. Girls also dated abusers and loved it. I don’t think it’s sane to hate such girls; they truly need help. In short, no, you still don’t really know what I’m like, and you’re likening me to the wrong cookies in your limited experience.
I don’t need to direct you anywhere. It’s your second paragraph. If you can’t tell why “feeling sorry for someone’s imagined loneliness” is walking all over them, then perhaps you should talk about the incident with one of your friends. I just hope that one of them can explain to you why “feeling sorry for somebody” can’t be something you offer to anyone other than someone asking for help, first, and secondly, asking for it due to their lack of capacity, not due to lack of options.
So in other words you cannot direct me to where I walked all over you because it did not happen. You instead give me a vague roundabout answer.
If you truly feel abused by me, then feel free to report my post to the mods and they will handle the issue. That is, if they agree with you that I was a source of harassment.
By the way your nice guy act is cracking a bit at the edges.
It won’t, man. Every business-savvy party in this whole equation, from stock-holders, through companies like Fanbyte and AskMrRobot, to Blizzard’s decision makers themselves are waiting it out to see the hype storm settle down, and find out what remains.
This is also why Blizzard is not investing on better and more servers and solutions to sort out the 8-hour queuing times on some realms, by the way. Why invest in something long-term when you know that the storm will settle down soon enough, you know?
And most of those parties, including some of us, Retail players and fans, are predicting that Classic will only be left to a minority of hardcore fans who are into that sort of semi-masochistic fun and time-consuming gaming endeavors.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying the nostalgic charm of Classic, and its style, at least enjoying it when I’m not frustrated to no end due to waiting, instead of playing, for spawns. However, I’m enough of a realistic, and my mentality is similar to the OP, in the sense that I realize that challenge and social gaming can be found on Retail just fine, enough to not wear the same rose-tinted glasses that nostalgia-addled cultists are wearing.
Do you think that grouped content should be more accessible for solo players though?
Well, as far as I can tell, with grouped content, you can either out level it or find a group, and the mechanism for finding a group is what matters. You can ask people in the zone or cities, if there’s a group finder tool you can use that, in the case of classic I don’t think there’s a group finder so you have to find people in the zone, in a city or be in a guild and then ask people in your guild if they want to help you. I wouldn’t describe myself as a loner, I enjoy doing things in groups sometimes, I love playing random battlegrounds, also, I think it’s nice to randomly run into people in the open world and do things together, specially in classic where the pace is so much slower than retail and giving or getting a little help can have a huge impact on success.
Should group content be more accessible for solo players? In classic, no, that would ruin it, turn it into something else, but in retail, yes it should. Things like random grouping currently help with that. The group finder actually solves this problem quite well. But to go further than that and add robots? I wouldn’t complain about that, but it’s not likely to happen. I think they did it already in legion though, on the broken shore.
Another RL example, then, so you can understand: Two people can be standing in a PUBLIC place, talking, and you may be able to hear them. Just because you can hear them, this doesn’t mean that what they exchange is any of your business. Similarly, just because you can read me being nice to someone other than you on this “public” forum, this doesn’t mean that my niceness to them is any of your business.
Does that explain it or not still?
And my reference to an incident in a friend’s life has nothing to do with their whole relationship or life, and has nothing to do with me being nice to someone else and hostile with you.
You don’t understand what a forum is. You were not having a private conversation with someone. You were posting your piece in a place that is designed specifically for public discussion.
Nice try of accusing me of invading privacy by only speaking with you, when you put yourself to be in the position to be publicly spoken to.
Forums are not party chat or whisper channels. And they’re certainly not /say in some remote little house where you thought no one could find you.
Posting in a forum is like saying something in General Chat in WoW. It is not a place designed for or intended for private conversation.
Talking at a bus stop to your friend is like standing beside them in /say, using a whisper channel or being in party chat.
But you know this already. You just decided I was invading your privacy because you do not like what I say. If was truly invading your privacy I would have been reported and be unable to post by now.
No, talking with someone at a bus stop or party, where people around them can hear them, is maybe like /say, but it is not, at all, like /w or /p. At all. /w and /p are private. /say is not private! This much should’ve been clear.
And I never said anything about my “privacy”; you used that word, not me. I asked you to mind your own business, as in, what I direct to someone else on a Reply post is none of your business, just like what I say in-game in /say or IRL at a party or bus stop is none of your business, not because it’s private (it’s not private obviously) but because the words are directed to someone other than you.
In short, when someone is hostile with you and nice with someone else this doesn’t mean their niceness is an “act”; it may be mean that, or may also simply mean that they don’t like you. xD