Classic is really deluding many people

Everyone always knows enough and enough is how you carry yourself in public


Considering I dont know you personally means in your eyes I’m a stinky selfrighteous 360nofriends, youre setting yourself up as an enemy to anyone you do not know
Because you consider them selfrighteous holier-then-thou because you do not know them is also about as holier-then-thou as it gets

Just my 2 cents from someone who doesn’t care enough that you should be bothered to respond

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Incorrect. Am I witnessing someones mental breakdown happening in real time?

“But looking for a synergistic, loved, respected and cherished questing, adventuring, and romance partner. The vision is that it’ll be about 80% questing and adventuring, and about 20% strictly in-character and mostly private romance.”

Babe, now im up for it.

As I repeatedly said, I’m nice to my friends, the people I love, and people who are nice to me. I’m actually very kind with those people. And yes, I’m comfortably cold and dismissive with anyone other than those who is even remotely hostile or assumptive about me. Since you fall in this second category, I’m not going to be nice to you at all. No remorse at all about this policy.

Awww that’s a decidedly cute request! I’m afraid I only do platonic healing tho :D. And while I love rp I love to banter in groupchat about rl stuff too, unfortunately I’m no good match. But if you need a hand with something, feel free to whisper me! And I hope you’ll find that soulmate mender for Rokmore :slight_smile:

My best friend once hit his wife, and yes, she really taunted him and pushed him to it. I sent him a long letter telling him basically that I’m disgusted from his actions, and seriously questioning his very manhood and honor, and that there’s no excuse on earth that will ever justify such an action. We’re still best friends and he changed but I was very firm with something like that. And yes, you could say I hated him, or who he became for that period of time. So, yes, it’s universal. You don’t really need to know much more about a person to hate them. Sometimes one action is enough, whether in real life or the forums.

And that’s what I meant by the Retail mentality. It’s the mentality that: Are you going to contribute something to me and my quests? No? Then, no thanks, I’m not interested in your company.

This happens in Classic, to be sure. If you said ‘hey, anyone wanna quest up for murloc eyes?’, it’s not unlikely that someone might say “i’ve done that already, but i’m happy to help you out :)”

yet bash Retail and claim Classic is so much better.

I prefer classic, I’ve not bashed retail. These are not the same thing. Play what you like.

I know you make assumptions about why others don’t want to group up with a guy you don’t agree with on the forums

It’s not an assumption. Unfortunately you’ve been unbelievably toxic in this thread.

I’m not going to be nice to you at all. No remorse at all about this policy

Poor Gags!

Just like it’s enough to know that a guy is a wife beater; you don’t really need to know more than that to hate them.

Hahahahahaha what the hell this is a forum about a 15 year old game

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I need to stop reading this im dying

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What about in self defence? :eyes:

Haha. No problem at all. As I said, it’s a sane and clean approach to the idea. And there are no hard feelings at all regarding lack of interest whether before or after.

And I’m not hardcore about RP at all. I like /say to stay in-character, but /party and /w can definitely be flexible and accommodate RL references and such. I’ll make sure to add Silene on Hydraxian, then, and see if we can quest, strictly platonically, if we’re in the same zone. ^^

Because every class and spec can do this right?

Come on. 99% of those cases are never in self-defense. However, for the 1% of the cases where the female is physically overpowering the male, then yeah, self-defense is always legal and morally acceptable.

OK you convinced me

Sorry, but I believe all victims.

Uh…that’s a lot of red flags I’m seeing. And they’re not horde flags.

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But I promise I am still nice person. Most times!

Can we get an ABP on wherever this guy goes to school please.

You prefer to let you walk all over me?

Oh, wait, of course, you do.

No, unfortunately, you’ve to find someone else to do that on, someone with white flags raised to your bull****.

You’re EXACTLY the image I had of guys who’d call themselves nice guys & hate on girls that dated bad boys.


Yes you can do all these things in retail, there just isn’t any reason to and therein lies the problem.