What you on about dude? These are facts.
The keys announce procs not that you should press them there-and-there… or at least in my UI, but thats not blizz ui. Normally pressing button that flashes right away is a dps loss. Just same thing weakauras and things do, just a button flashing - decision would be still yours.
Ah, just a plain troll. Thats disappointing.
Yep, thats my exp aswell. Just sad that a game that should have atleast some socializing at its core seems to make it uneccesary all together.
Hokay, OP.
Yeah, because you don’t HAVE TO BE in BFA.
We have many of similar treads like this and it gets boring. Retail simply isn’t the same as classic. Deal with it and stop whining.
A game isn’t a chat room. The design can encourage or discourage player interaction. A game where you spend way more time in the actual world (as opposed to instances), where mobs are much more dangerous, and where you manually have to put a group together for group content, will tend to have more players communicating; because it pays off or because they simply have to in order to get something they want.
Yeah, I don’t think Scrimjaw cares, considering she just dismisses you as a “Troll”.
I can say for myself, that I have met people who stopped playing the game around the older expansion eras, that came back for Classic. So there definitely are people coming back, and I consider that to be a positive.
I’d hesitate to say “Ignorant”… But I would argue that they seem a bit “Entitled”, despite the cornyness of that word.
I don’t see how the last statement is hypocritical? Retail really doesn’t have the kind of people one would want to play with for extended periods. Saying that from experience.
Have had more positive encounters in Classic than in Retail. Just last night I’ve grouped with a Paladin to grind out some Defias Trappers so I got my Defias Mask. Doubt something like that would happen in Retail.
Just want to say the first two “quotes” of mine in your post were not actually my words, but in fact another persons of whom I was quoting.
Stating opinions as facts, assumptions as written in stone and dismissing whole community based upon your own bias. That has to be troll as no one in their right mind would consider that as any kind of coherent philosophy.
I am not denying people are coming back. How good that community is however… actually cant be all that good considering the tone being set by players such as the nelf Druid up there and many others here in this thread who stand on the ‘classic side’ of the discussion.
It is hypocritical due to him suggesting the ‘magic’ is back due to the ‘right’ players coming back. Unlike in retail where all the ‘wrong’ players are, yet embedded within his post is very thing which he seems to detest.
His entire post is brimming with the seething resentment he holds for retail wow and the players therein, he cant hold himself back from attempting to dig at those still there and yet portray the attitude which I’d propose he would claim to see in others.
Really though? That kind of thing is always happening in retail, yesterday I got swooped by 3 players looking to gank me in Nazjatar. Some rogue and hunter came out of the woodwork and helped me to instead kill them, we then proceeded to go and kill a near by rare but waited for others to come as we had broadcast it in general chat.
This whole misconception that retail is a solo game with no player interaction is farsicle and complete bull. Any issues players have with retail, I’d suggest is actually with their own misappropriated bias.
Anyone reading the prior posts can see that. That is just how the quotes came out.
Heres a piece of a advice I’ll throw in for free… get off the classic forums as this version of the game is not for you, on top of that none of us want to hear your pointless crying and moaning over a deluded nonsense opinion haha.
Go back to retail and you might possibly find a sociable individual that will be willing to hand you a tissue to dry those eyes.
Ps… say hi to your guild from me… XD
You’e wrong. Classic “lucks” things to do once you have the highest difficulty raid on farm or you choose to stop progressing. I have a huge list of things to do/farm once I hit 60, it’s just that it isn’t time-gated.
Edit: about the difficulty. The difference between classic and retail is that the high-end content is harder in retail than it is in classic but everything else is mostly effortless, while in Classic you have to be actively trying all the time. There’s no turning your brain off and that’s what I like about it. I don’t have to grind gear and AP to get invited to challenging content, I just have to join a dungeon group.
I solo defeated murkdeep on my level 18 paladin in classic darkshore last night, it was close. Just before I did that I arrived to find a group of five people doing it, didn’t notice what level they were, but i imagine they were likely to be the same or higher than me, I’m not bragging, just saying you don’t have to get into a group, you can play alone and you can make things interesting, by trying to pick mobs off one at a time and position them, same things you can do in a group but you can also do it alone.
This is highly class dependent. A warrior would likely die in an attempt. Hunter, druid, warlock in-fact any class that can self heal or has a pet would probably be okay to solo a lot of the content.
Can I get you a wall of no to make you feel better?
I do find it funny that retail and classic WoW players need to feel so incredibly superior about their chosen game. It’s ironic because most “normies” (hell, many gamers too) think people who play WoW are nerds and losers. Yet within WoW we now have these two camps who think the other side are either “facerollers” or “nostalgia blinded mouthbreathers”.
How about we just let each other play the game we enjoy?
I noticed some priests started buffing others on nazjatar, maybe because they just picked up the habit from classic? Yeah it’s nice but also useless because I got 3 azerite shield and can solo everything there and stay above 90% hp. Felt like some kind of forced contrived “look we can be a community too” attempt, just kind of sad when you think about it, retail won’t even let you be useful even if you want.
Ppl in classic are incentivized to chat.
Slow gameplay, harder content leaves time and need for socializing.
In bfa you steamroll through everything while always using some skill, no time to chat
You are missing the point. I have a group of friends I can play BFA and do keys with.
But why would I need to group in the world? I can pull entire contintents of mobs and kill them all. I can just throw a poisen knife at the rare I want the tag on and let the other guy kill it and come back and loot i when I want.
There are no “hard quests” I can just solo everything I don’t need to group and people don’t want to group they want to get those 4 emi quests done and afk in boralus or logoff and play fortnite.
The current game breeds lazy and selfish behaviour. Classic encourages social interaction.
You don’t need to communicate in retail at all. It’s mostly a solo game. Even in LFG and LFR you don’t need to talk. You don’t need buffs in ourdoors, you don’t have time for talks. All you need is farm local quests, rep, emissary and so on. You need to do it as quick as you can, log off and relog on daily reset.
Dailies are cancer. Even TBC will break Classic with its dailies.