Classic is really deluding many people

This. I see a lot of toxic players on Classic forum, e.g comments in this thread. Classic fans are not used to interact with people, so they think it’s normal to behave antisocial this way with emotions and hate. I agree Classic is fun for them because the game “helps” them socialize. Classic is a good thing for those ppl.

In classic you can be rude or obnoxious, not know how to be polite etc. but still get invited to groups anyway because you play the right class or have good gear. This is also why many classic fans dont like how retail classes are more alike and gear is easier to come by. Classic serves a good purpose and helps so many people. We should celebrate it just like we do the special olympics.

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Exactly. Just imagine that same people being extremely friendly ingame. Simply because they know they wouldn’t kill that elite mob all by themselves. :smirk:

Fixed it for you, honey.


I take offense to that. I pride on my ability to do both.


Yeah it’s a good thing life teaches you how to deal with that in high school or earlier

And I’m rooting for your WotLK dream because it means I’ll get my TBC dream first. :smiley: Meanwhile, Classic will do. :))

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Or Maybe,

We could also just play our classic and not even know retail. And not having any interest in it. It looks too flashy and doesnt appeal to me. My loss.

I love you, platonic!

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You are then a real gamer troll. :smiley: It works too. :wink:

Yes, because your server reputation actually matters since you don’t get to namechange/transfer away.

On Retail you can even play cross server.

That’s not to say nostalgia isn’t at play, you legit have some morons who say Classic is harder and BFA is faceroll but they probably would have a stroke if they tried Mythic Mother/Opulence.

You make a good point, but it’s about society as a whole, not just wow classic players.

In retail wow, because they made everything solo-able without the help of other players or even their buffs, as you refer to, people will take the selfish option and do everything on their own, not helping others. They ignore the fact that their experience will be improved by the acting of helping others (and being helped) because, let’s face it, helping others when you’re not getting anything out of it yourself is not exactly a fun thing to do in the moment - this is a game, remember.

The same is true of wider society, people will often take whichever option is more attractive for short-term gratification, for example spending their money on new clothes rather than considering the long term gratification of putting that money towards, say, sponsoring a kid through school.

This is what makes classic wow so much better than retail wow. You have to help each other in classic wow, you have to play in a world were people help each other even when there’s nothing in it for themselves. I don’t think you can deny us the enjoyment of that camaraderie just because in a game, where we don’t have to help each other (retail wow) we choose not to help each other.

Then you’ve got the nostalgia, another reason a lot of us love wow classic. Also for me is the time and effort that has to go into each character. In retail, your decisions on class, race, name, appearance and server are irrelevant. They can all be changed, if you fancy a warlock instead of a mage you can just boost one up to 10 levels below the cap and crack on. You don’t even have to decide on a spec anymore you can just chop and change as much as necessary. The fact that I’m stuck with my orc female rogue, stuck with her name and appearance makes me take weight in those decisions and be happy with the outcome without thinking about if I’d be better off changing it all the time. The fact that my spec has a large impact on my play style and isn’t easily changed.

Retail wow is so balanced now. It’s ironic, I know, with people complaining no ends about class balance but now every class and spec has the same spells just with different skins, minor differences but overall every class is good at everything now. People like the variation in classic wow, there’s true perks to rolling every class and of course the true cons that come with that.

It’s also a chance for the game to take a new path from the very beginning, learning from past mistakes. It’s exciting to hit refresh on the whole thing and not be overwhelmed by layers upon layers of different expansions. Imo they made levelling trivial and although less of a grind, more of a grind in that it’s boring and not challenging at all. Then end game for me was too high maintenance, too much stuff I had to know about and keep up with otherwise I was behind everyone else. Retail wow is not an easy game to dip in and out of. If you pick up BFA 6-months after everyone else, like I did, you feel so completely behind that it’s not worth it. On classic I can just jump on listen to my podcast and chill through the grind, enjoying making proper use of my professions again too and all that other stuff. The trade-offs.


You cant compare mythic raiding to leveling though or even raiding in vanilla. The leveling experience in classic is way harder and it makes it more fun. The open world in general feels hard and unforgiving.

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It’s the strawmen bfa drones go for since it’s the only thing they got.
90% of bfa is facerolling joke, way worse than anything in classic… but oh the mythics, must be overall harder game then.

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Yeah dude, a mage blizzarding a 10 mob pack is so hard.

It’s slower, not harder.

Im not playing a mage so I dont know. I can certainly not pull 10 mobs with my priest. And im not really trying to argue that classic is dark souls. But If im solo questing and doing orange quests or elite quests im going to struggle.

Are you seriously trying to say classic leveling is as easy as retail?

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No, people act like that in retail because there is no incentive to get to know other players in your party because chances are that you’ll never, ever run into them again.

It is a reflection of how the game is. With X-realm phasing, you have nowhere near the same incentive to make friends or have a conversation with anyone you run into because even if they are from your own realm, chances of meeting them again is slim to none due to the X-realm phasing mechanics.

It is a personal choice but the game gives you an incentive to have fun and communicate by not having all the anti-social QoL features and mechanics that retail have.

I tried logging in to retail a few days before Classic launched with a positive mind set, but when i got swarmed with the insane amount of anti-social QoL features and mechanics that the game have, i went from happy face, to sad face.

What is an mmorpg if you can’t even socialize properly with people? It turns into a single player game with optional online multiplayer, that’s what happens to a game such as retail.

Sure, both games have their pros and cons, but the social aspect and the lack of anti-social QoL features and mechanics, is what’s important for those of us who have been asking Blizzard to once again, be able to play the original game, on official servers, hosted by Blizzard themselves.

Why should we do that? Who are you to tell us how to enjoy Classic?

If we feel nostalgic about playing a game, that is honestly none of your business.

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It’s like literally every aspect of classic is better unless you like a dumbed down version of WoW where ur class has less than half the skills, no character customization other than choose a b or c talent couple times and then use translolmogs. On retail it doesn’t even matter what gear u wear for pvp, it’s all balanced over item level like wth how much more dumbed down do you want it?

Classic is truly the real thing where you get to properly customize ur character, tweak various builds, you have all the cool skills for ur classes and not dumbed down version with most of ur skills stripped away, u get to wear different types of gear for bgs that actually makes a difference like resistances - I mean what’s not to like? Just about everybody hates retail except for a few fanboys who actually enjoy a dumbed down version of this fun game.

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The thing is, you don’t need to do that in retail. You don’t need to socialize to get into a dungeon and buffs are not that big of a deal in retail either,

if someone buffs me In Classic I’m like “Whoa, thanks man!”. You can actually feel the buff.

In retail it’s like “Meh, thanks I quess”. Because you can’t even die in the open world and you’d obliterate 100 mobs in a second with or without the buff.


Also group finder. I’m sure if you simply take away the group finder and all of these mechanics that make group forming so automatic and lifeless people could actually have to resort to communicating with each other rather than clicking through filters to find the most fitting 5 second companion for a world quest or bot for a dungeon

I love when people point this out: ‘‘You can talk to people in BFA!’’ ‘‘you just choose not you’’. whether people can do something doesn’t tell you whether they are likely to or not. And there are such things as weighted choices.

People talk to each other in Classic more frequently than in BFA because Classic requires you to talk to people in order to do dungeons and certain elite quests and some quests are just a lot easier as more than 1 person. In bfa you can easily go through your entire experience(1-120 and do every dungeon and every LFR raid) without talking to anyone. When you incentivise talking to players, players tend to do it more.

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