Classic is really deluding many people

You call it sadistic, I call it… Well, I guess it is :smiley: .

wrong !!!

Hi, iam just a simple minded person but i dont understand why people have the urge to come post a post like this on a forum where they dont want to be why you have the urge to say this or what is there too prove? Its same like an sweater or a car… if you dont like it dont buy it


Classic’s game design has a lot of issues but the slower pace of the game means it’s kinda useless to zerg and hurry through everything. That alone makes players more patient towards each other.

It’s not about the OPTION to be social, it’s about the NEED to be social. You won’t find any party/guilds being a dickhead, while in retail you can just hit a button and you’re in.

It’s not nostalgia for me, this is just a better RPG. Retail has it’s perks but it’s leaning more towards an action game for me and I’ve gotten tired of it. I loved Legion but BFA is just kinda meh to me.

Just last remaining bfa drones trying desperately convince us, that we think we do, but we don’t want classic, really.


‘‘Look guys you don’t actually want classic, you’re just playing it because uuuhhh… uuuuhhh… muh rosetinted goggles… muh nostalgia… uuuuhh’’


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“completely different game” xD this made my day… Jesus.

Classic doesnt have CRZ

what now ?

people can talk in BfA



mmo is what its community makes it to be.

dont worry with more and more people hitting max level forums will be flooded with “why people only make groups consisting of warrior tank priest healer and mage , rogue/mage , mage/warlock”


or for 10 mans warrior tank , priest and pala healers , and 6 mages and 1 lock :slight_smile:

In all honesty they should just shut down this part of the forum.

Its nothing else than the old classic haters who have posted in these sections since the anoucement, in some big circle jerk, making threads/posts to tell us how we should hate the game and sniffing each others farts while patting each other on the back.

All for a few likes on the internet, sad people.

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I am a 2005 WoW player, posting on my main of the time
Whatever it happened:

  • On BFA I played 8 months. In 8 months I’ve been invited to about 3 groups. In 8 months I have met a ton of people and only ever received priest buff. About 3 times as that.

  • In WoW classic I have played 7 hours so far. I’ve been invited to 4 groups and about every 10 guys I meet one buffs me. Which is some nice “back to the good old times” feeling.

In WoW classic I am having a blast with all the RPG numbers I see grow: defense, staff, reagents to buy and use… a whole richer experience than the absolute blandness I experienced in BFA. One of they many reasons I quit this character and (later) the entire (BFA) WoW, exactly because it just didn’t “feel right”.

BFA is way too easy and plain. On my mage I can pull a whole spawn and not care at all. Once I finished my first raids my gear made me too immortal.
No relics, no reagents, no resistances (that matter), my mage mana is infinite (what the hell!!!): BFA is like playing a browser game.

Back to Classic is a totally different feeling. I actually managed to die when I pulled 2 mobs! Mana bar actually depletes and I have to find some smart way to pull using pylons and hills to “LOS”. So refreshing!

you said it man :slight_smile:

I also think that the people playing Classic are not the same as the people playing modern Retail. There is overlap, sure, but most Classic players quit Retail years ago, and most current Retail players aren’t too interested in Classic, or look at it in confused, perhaps jealous ways.

Perhaps, and this is just my “educated” guess: on top of Retail being a stupid-easy faceroll grindfest where everyone rushes to get their chores done (which indeed doesn’t encourage socializing), people who used to play Retail back in the days (pre-Cata), and who are playing Classic now, are simply just more social than the people currently playing Retail. They probably are older people, of an older generation, a more social generation.

The reason I think this is because it’s not just modern Retail WoW where I’ve seen people stop socializing and cooperation gone to sh-t, but life in general. Generation Y, the millennials, are just rather anti-social on average, especially the younger ones. And I think it’s these people modern Retail caters to, while Classic caters to the older millennials and Gen-Xers, the people who were old enough to pick up WoW back in 2004/2005, the people who, in my experience, tend the prefer the slower pacing of Classic, and tend to be more mature, more social.

Why do people think that saying that something is a choice is somehow enough analysis? Yes, it is a choice that BfA players make to never say anything except complain about other players in m+ dungeons. That is not interesting in the least though. What is interesting is WHY they make that choice.

Socializing to me is not the biggest deal in Classic but it is definitely there much more than it is in BfA. People tend to express basic politeness much more and are just nicer in general. It’s probably the content being much slower paced and not really centered around personal performance but patience. In BfA you are either doing something really difficult where everyone’s mistakes annoy you, or you are doing something super fast that just takes a couple seconds.

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Have you considered that (mostly) the people who want to socialize are drawn towards Classic as where the ones who (mostly) do not are drawn towards retail? Because they “just wanna play”, “do a few world quests” or “do a dungeon without too much standing around”?

You said it yourself; “The reason many are not social anymore is because they choose not to be.” and yet you also stated that the people who are saying they prefer Classic are complaining about the lack of social interaction. So maybe they got tired of the ones “choosing not to socialize” and are drawn to Classic as it requires people to socialize and the game design evolves around group play? It is the logical place for them to go, even without including the preference over modern WoW.

While waiting for Classic launch I subbed for the name reservations and tried BfA out. The replies to me saying hello and asking how people were in dungeons were this;
shut up and go
u wanna chitchat or do the dung?

During a dungeon I clicked log in to check the server status on Classic, resulting in me getting logged out (derp) and I logged back in instantly. I was gone for maybe 5-7 seconds and I got votekicked instantly.

The mentality on BfA is just different. Maybe that is because they choose to be so. I believe there are a lot of reasons for it, but I don’t really care why, I just feel like that mentality is a waste of my time. Not saying it is wrong. Just that I play an MMO to do just that, not an open world single player game.


Not disabled, but not encouraged like they are in Classic. The fundamental game design actually encourages leaving, griefing etc and they’ve removed all incentives to find solutions to given scenarios other than spam aoe abilities and complain about how lame levelling is, which it is in BfA. Even Blizzard openly admited so several times.

I’ve given the game design rant in-depth multiple times on these forums, so I wont go into that again.

Retail posting on the classic forum to tell us to go play retail… Why not just stick to the retail forums buddy? :slight_smile:


and the reason you got invited is because of ridiculous outdate tagging system .

people dont give any f…s about you - they just dont want you to take their tag

This is completely wrong. Like, you couldn’t be more wrong.

It isn’t that Classic fans are toxic or not used to interact with people. You also cannot be rude or obnoxious in Classic. You can do that in retail, because you’ll never see those players again for the most part.

In Classic? If you’re rude, you make enemies for life. You’re gonna see those players again. You’re gonna be blacklisted by them. You’re gonna get exiled from raids and dungeons by them and their friends.

Retail is basically a get out of jail free card. Be rude to anybody you want as often as you want. Be a toxic player or a raiderio elitist, no problem.

In Classic, that doesn’t fly anywhere.

I like how you prove that you know absolutely nothing about this by saying the following:

In classic you can be rude or obnoxious, not know how to be polite etc. but still get invited to groups anyway because you play the right class or have good gear. This is also why many classic fans dont like how retail classes are more alike and gear is easier to come by.

This is absolutely hilarious. Classic fans don’t like how retail classes are more alike because it makes classes BORING. If they aren’t unique, you might as well play whatever. There’s also no incentive to bring someone specific, because whatever works.

Classic fans also don’t mind that gear is easier to come by. What they mind is that gear is negligible. Random stat sticks that most of the time don’t matter at all. The whole journey from lvl 1-120 is just filler as well. You pop on your heirlooms and race to 120, skipping all you can.

In Classic, the journey from 1-60 is as much a part of the experience as endgame. In retail, the journey from 1-120 is finding the fastest grind route so you can start playing the game (or boosting your char coz anything below max is irrelevant anyway).

In Classic, when you get that random green drop or that lovely named quest reward, it matters. Your gear feels like an upgrade. You start out looking like a pleb, and you end up looking like a fabulous pleb.

You’re not the savior of the world or the chosen one, you’re just Bob the Mage with the googly eyes and the weird bob cut (intended).

This is the charm and beauty of Classic. No handholding. No get out of jail free cards. No anti-social tools that lets you drone through content without seeking out other players as one should in an mmo. No ridiculous notion that you’re somehow a one man army.

You’re just Bob. Fisherman extraordinaire, corpse runner of the wilds, slayer of one beast at a time, and wiper of raids.

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I have to agree with some aspects of the OP,s post as I do not find it hard to find friends / nice people to do content with, Sure you meet some toxic people but there was still toxic people in Vanilla back then, I actually remember a person who threatened to kill his GM and rape the GM,s wife and kill the GM,s kids and this was a 30 something man, So anybody with rose tinted glasses should take a read of that.

I do quite a lot of M+ content and after so many years of raiding I decided to take a small break so dont judge me by the number of raids done please.

But as a Social person I find the LFG tool a really nice way to group up with people rather quickly and get chatting to people whilst doing some content and due to this ease of access to meet people I have quite the friends list who I can choose to do content with from many other realms which was not a possibility in Vanilla as there was no server merging.

I dont care much for LFR tool though as no one ever talks in that.

All of these people playing Classic it is their choice and I respect the fact that some people enjoy Classic but for me it feel,s like a time rewind and I,ll never get back that feeling of 'wow" when i walk into a new zone or fear when walking into an unknown area (like the time I walked into Burning Steppes from Redridge and seeing elites and imps with skull icons).

People have to remember that Classic is nice for a nostalgia trip but as far as Exploration and Discovery there is nothing in Classic that can be discovered or explored as their is whole guides dedicated to everything that Classic has to offer.

Just a few of the nuances I remember from Classic.

Are you fighting a mob oh good i,ll walk past you and mine that ore thank you very much.

People training mobs on you purposely because they wanted the quest mob to kill.

Being ganked outside Gurubashi Arena by hunters because they were level 60 and i was 35ish.

Toxic people in Alterac Valley ((WTF Why you keep kiting dogs outside!!! Morons!!!, Cant post any other obscene insults lol, etc…)

Reading about how someone ninja,ed items back in Vanilla that someone had been farming for months(Yes ninja,ing items was still a thing back then)

A tool cannot be blamed for how people are using it, This is what people are forgetting its a conscious decision that people make when using these tools personally I talk to as many people as I can through this so called anti-social tool and have made quite the list of friends who I can play the game with.

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this is such bs.

im rude and obnoxius and people dont care.

already ninjaed couple of greens and nobody cared.

someone started to complain in guild chat and people laughed at him that he cares about low level stuff.

in endgame my main will be a tank - meaning people will not only beg me to tank for them by pay me with gold to do so.

you have really no clue how min maxed and elites vanilla will be

you can already see it with groups recruting only mages as dps for dungeons.

and it will get only worse with time.