That’s in your best case scenario in that very, very small part of Russia. There are players from other parts too, don’t forget that. There’s no reason not to host proper servers for the Russian demographic. Not like it costs them much to host just a few servers there, for retail and classic.
Because, you know, it is literally a multi-billion dollar corporate group.
Securing a closer connection to their Russian players, and focus on optimizing the data flow from their server farm there to the rest of Europe, would also help improve the outliers where the delay becomes noticeable (I don’t notice it much ever since it got fixed, but the OP apparently notices it enough to annoy him).
Because the clients connecting to the closest servers in Amsterdam which is still far away is less stable overall.
One of the few good things in Russia is the best Internet in Europe at a low price. We have a low latency in any part of Russia. Including in Vladivostok. Russia doesn’t even come close to the top. Most of the European countries got better speeds than Russia does.
double checked before i wrote i cba finding it again
using ur link:
The first recorded usage of Eurṓpē as a geographic term is in the Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo, in reference to the western shore of the Aegean Sea
The convention received by the Middle Ages and surviving into modern usage is that of the Roman era used by Roman era authors such as Posidonius,[31] Strabo[32] and Ptolemy,[33] who took the Tanais (the modern Don River) as the boundary.
(This would exclude like 90% of russia as being european.
The term “Europe” is first used for a cultural sphere in the Carolingian Renaissance of the 9th century. From that time, the term designated the sphere of influence of the Western Church, as opposed to both the Eastern Orthodox churches and to the Islamic world.
this is the main usage in the english language, mainly american sphere. brits for example generally exclude themselves when talking about europe. it’s similar to their usage of asia mainly refering to east asia, not the middle east included.
If you truly believe that, then I guess there is no further point to this conversation. I prefer the definition in the first paragraph of the article, not what it used to refer to during various points of antiquity or medieval period.
Regardless of these semantics, if Blizzard decided to somehow link Ruasian realms to China/East Asia, the vast majority of Russian would just reroll on European realms, forming their guilds, entire servers even, and completely overwhelming public chats with cyrilics. They might not even be above abusing the automated report system against anyone displaying any kind of displeasure with this state.
There are quite a few of us here on EU realms precisely because we want to avoid this “Russian” gaming environment.
From that time, the term designated the sphere of influence of the Western Church, as opposed to both the Eastern Orthodox churches and to the Islamic world.
this is the main usage in the english language, mainly american sphere.
Oh, so in the “main usage in english language” Greece, Bulgaria,
and Ukraine aren’t part of Europe?
Also Turkey, which you previously mentioned as being part of it?
an ancient definition yes. though i assume it mainly refered to the greek lands stretching from morea to thrace.
the geographic definition that includes the savage lands of the east is pretty useless due to the vast cultural and political differences. russia is an enemy of the rest of europe, same goes the other way around. the distinction nowadays is mainly due to the political differences. They are even visible in WoW, hence the clear distinction between the two regions. I agree that modern definitions are more useful, but the geographic one (which is not based on tectonics or anything substantial) is far less useful than the political usage.
why would they completely overwhelm european realms? there are far more EU realms than russian and EU has larger realms.
Not all of them of course. One or two realms, but English-speakers stranded on them would have absolutely no recourse other than transfering out.
Russia was an ideological enemy of the “West” for less than 80 years in 20th century. Any animosity for centuries before that was your run-of-the-mill struggle between “great powers”. Russian aristocracy and royal house after 17th century was considered completely integrated into Europe (despite ruling a rather backwards and rural part of it, but so was Spain, Portugal or the Balkans for example) and other rulers had absolutely no qualms about marrying their daughters into Russian houses, unlike, say, Muslim or New World ones.
I would say it is based on something substantial, and that is territory that was historically inhabited by light-skinned, Europoid Christians. That definition is arguably “the” most important one.
My grievance was purely based on latency when playing melee class. It is actually benefiting my mage on bg´s as I get more spells in that shouldn´t go through. The latency issue isn´t with 100 % of Russian player base but large enough portion that it gets annoying at bg´s. Having servers in Russia could solve the problem but as of now with 400 ms spellpatching it gets almost unplayable at times where stuns get applied several seconds late, enemy players can use aoe fears in stun and not being able to backstab player clearly facing away of your toon.
Nevertheless it seems to be more of a political issue for some in this threat completely bypassing the real problem that this causes in game based on half second actions at pvp. This is geographical issue not a cultural one.
Simple latency test to allow people into bg´s could do the same trick.
i like to play vs russians because they play the game at all times and feels like they does have more will power and some real BG legends in their community than EU players are just whining all the time just like the opener in this post
A bit late but Spanish servers are completely merged with English servers.
You find English players in BG’s, dungeons and basically anything that involves a queue. Probably its the same with French servers and the others except the Russian one.
Butthurt is strong in this one, just admit it you hate losing against Russian premades and you only cry because only Russians can shut hordetards up so hard so not a single greenskin leaves their tiny little cuck cave for 15 hours. Imagine crying that your OP faction doesn’t get to win 99% of bgs just because russians exist and they make you mad. You complained hard enough to get us removed from crosserver raids now you are mad we play our own game, make up your mind mongrel.
Russia its a bigest country in the world. And so what? We must play in south america region? Most of russian players live in euorope part of Russia. A lot of players who live in asian part play in usa realms.
Every single one of you who still goes out of their way to form premades beyond the 5-man limit for AV deserves to be permanently banned. It was a thing for a disgusting amount of time in refail, and now it continues to be a thing in Classic. You’re disgusting little cheaters. L2p properly, if you didn’t go out of your way to find the “easy way” to do things (i.e. exploit and cheat), then maybe you’d win a Blizzcon tournament for once?
because Russia- is not a Asia, its Eurasia.
Most Russian players live in the European part of Russia. Most of asian part games play on US servers.
Russian server are in the same place as European. Ping from Russia about the same as in the Baltic States, Poland. and if you have a lag problems- its you have a bad internet connection, rather than at the Russian high ping.
maybe it will be surprise for you - Russian playing in wow since old classic and always everything was fine, even when the Internet was much worse than at present.
let’s face it? you do not want to play with Russian because Russian alliance plays well and makes our horde against them to play long games, coz they dont want to give up and you dont like that.
I live in Italy and I have no problems with ping in Russian. Some Norway or spanish players lag more, then russians. And many more problems they bring their strong play.
Every single one of you who still goes out of their way to form premades beyond the 5-man limit for AV deserves to be permanently banned. It was a thing for a disgusting amount of time in refail, and now it continues to be a thing in Classic. You’re disgusting little cheaters. L2p properly, if you didn’t go out of your way to find the “easy way” to do things (i.e. exploit and cheat), then maybe you’d win a Blizzcon tournament for once?
What’s the point in playing a team based game without a team? In fact there should be no bans for forming avs over 5 man limit but they should bring back the ability to reg on AV in a premade raid. How’s forming a team is cheating? You guys are seriously brain damaged if you think that people who can coordinate a 40 man raid should waste time with randoms like you.
I actually agree with this part. They should definitely allow everyone to form full premades. In fact, they should just remove the automatic matchmaking for teammates for ALL BGs.
Until they do however, then you’re just disgusting little cheaters who are too bad to win without exploiting.