Delay flying until 9.0

Hey, I was linked this.

Reading comprehension, Brigante. You and Rhaewon were expressedly talking about “franchise” involvement with flying which the retrocative inclusion of dragons into the Warcraft universe has nothing to do with.

Ignoring that, it’s a very bizarre argument that decisions to use flying (that weren’t made) from Warcrfaft 1 should determine that players should have access to flying mounts in current content.

It’s a genuine difficulty for game design, and I daresay no length or lack of delay will satisfy everyone. Personally I feel flying should be reintroduced once the current zones have lasted long enough to be fully explored to boredom by anyone playing semi-consistently. I feel 8.2. will have achieved that, but maybe that’s just me.


That is genuine madness. Are you implying that prior to TBC none of the flying creatures were canon? By removing the player ability of flying - gryphons, dragons and wyverns do not magically disappear. I’m genuinely baffled by your inability to understand simple logics.

Right, I could give you an example. Your council. I understand that IC the council is above Brigante and controls him and babble babble. Truth of the matter is that OOC, they serve no other purpose than to elevate Brigante above others, give him position and power and a …

from any sort of repercussions that you may encounter but not like at all. Such as performing rather treasonous acts. But hey, that’s our skewed perspective. Other examples have been sent your way previously in a now unlisted thread that you’ve chosen to ignore and not reply to.

Drawing a line on this and getting back on topic.

Removing flying ability from players does not remove flying creatures or units from canon lore or even the game.

As to delaying flying to 9.0 I think it’s a tad brutal. Maybe to the final patch where all of content is released and experienced, I could understand that fully.

And another point of congestion that I’ve noticed, personally I absolutely prefer pathfinder system to the “purchase further flying licences.” Simply because it ensures that we first experience the world wholly as the developers have intended, and later on we acquire shortcuts.

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The part i didn’t understand is how did you swallow what they said? Look at what they said and look what we have now. Obviously they got what they wanted.

Removing flying at all? No sane person would ever think that they actually wanted to remove flying completely. They wanted what we have now, and they got what we have now.

And just because other complainers use the word ‘spiteful’ doesn’t mean it is a thing. I think spiteful would fit to pathfinder complainers much better, since they are spiteful they are the ones who try to threaten Blizzard with their 10e/month.

Nah, sorry. Apparently those quitted JUST because of pathfidner are a very insignificant and unimportant minority that Blizzard don’t even care. Afterall, we still have pathfinder and flying isn’t unlocked. Obviously they think those quitters doesn’t matter at all.

Maybe you shouldn’t do much more in the same time period? Why you feel the need of rushing everything and get everything as soon as possible? Why Blizzard would ever want you to consume the content in the first week?

That was almost cute, but lol, no.

ok you’re just trolling now.

and if you actually believe this, then you must be near a beach or a desert cause the amount of sand you would be using to bury your head under is immense.

for this topic, (and possibly others if this is how you dissect things) its pointless trying to explain things to you and be reasonable with you. but again, my concern is that your lies (had to think what word would be most appropriate for denying the above 3 facts, i think lies might be most apt) will send others down the wrong path, and we will lose more hope of things ever getting fixed. whatever the issue at hand is.

you are just unreal either way.


You been shown before in other flying threads that they lost 3 million players at WoD launch due to no flying .
You were shown links with facts and figures because it was the last time showed numbers.
You trolled that thread and now you are doing same here sad really you go from thread to thread saying the same thing winding people up and refusing to back up your own statements.


its almost a copy and paste xD

i thought he was trolling from his second or third comment, not knowing he had done this in other threads, but i just gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was misinformed, but again i worry about him misleading players who aren’t aware of the situation :frowning:


Almost 1 full year without flying most of us had enough already ^^

My take on the Flying is: Pathfinder is a great way to have flying locked for some time. And give people the time to experience the zones from the ground.

The problem I see however, is obtaining it later on. You have to complete the zones and quests, through this, you discover most of the zones already. You have lived through it.
Then doing it again, and again just to get your rep to revered, feels a bit like a slog. Changing it to Honoured makes more sense Imo, after the new expansion is launched of course.

Basically, keep pathfinder after an expansion ends, but reduce the requirements so there isn’t a repetitive grind after the expansion (mostly rep requirements)
They did increase the rep gains for WQ in Legion from what I gathered in other threads, so that’s one way of doing it. Except the WoD pathfinder, that one is still kind of “grindy” to work towards. Then again, it was the prototype after all.

I’ve been shown bunch of delusions. ‘‘3m quitted just because pathfinder’’ LOL. That’s what happens if you breath inside the bubble of pathfinder complainers for too long, you start to think the whole world is all about pathfidner, and the whole world is crying because they can’t fly. In reality, you are a very insignificant minority that Blizzard don’t care at all.

I’ve backed up my claims; Blizzard never wanted to remove flying completely, they wanted to remove it from current content, and proof is pathfinder.

These whole ‘‘subs number’’ blabbering exists so some people can use it to justify their attacks on Blizzard. Sorry, but this is lowest low, one can barely stoop lower than that on such discussions.

The topic is same, my opinions are same, so of course the comments will be same.

How many times you copy/pasted ‘‘wow lose subs because no pathfinders’’? Yeah, exactly.

The only trolls are those who keep crying about no flying.

Claiming people on the opposite of your side of the argument are “crying” or a minority is pretty ignorant. None of us do have any numbers, you think most people want no flying I think other wise. Neither of us has any proper proof.

In my opinion it’s mostly people that stick to world pvp (mostly in my expirience ganking) that want flying to be gone for good in current content.
If that’s the actual point (I don’t really see any other reason why my flying could be bothering anyone else), just disable it in Warmode and all should be fine.
In my world this will btw result in an even more unnused warmode, but that’s just my opinion.
The more I think about it the more I think this seems to be a good way: No flying in warmode, because otherwise the bonusses warmode gives don’t make sense, since you can mostly avoid the additional risk the bonusses are supposed to make up for.

If you and so many others enjoy riding and seeing others so much, then flying will not change anything since people will just stick to it. (If this really is important than quality of life won’t make up for it).

The art team get their recognition due to unlocking flying, because it is locked behind doing all the things. And to be honest I think Blizzard rather has their players have the choice how they want to play the content, after they did it at least once the way it was designed than have them get burned out. (Those pople excist and by adding flying a choice is added).

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Can’t wait for flying

Even if you had to turn WPvP off to fly, the majority would turn it off tbh

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Hey, I have the perfect idea: enable flying on non-warmode shards and disable it in warmode. Makes everyone happy, right? Because I can’t be arsed to sit on the ground anymore especially since I’m not even participating in wPvP.

You could argue that nobody would play on warmode then, since the bonuses are cancelled out by lack of flying, but hey, those who want to fight others could still do it on fairly even terms. Maybe give even bigger bonuses for playing in warmode without flying or something?

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Why turn flying off for war mode? Been waiting a long time to use my Net-o-Matic :slight_smile:

Ah, the bane of death knights, monks and warlocks. Actually, shamans too. And the rest have something that can deal with high falls. Always feels great to put an ancient dalaran portal after each mythic wipe fiesta raid and still see most of our group fall for it. Although I only do it if I felt like we under performed, just to give everyone a slap on the cheeks so they can focus up for the next raid.

You were ok when the opposite side claimed that we opress them, called us trolls who don’t want others to have fun, you were ok when they try to show sub numbers drop as a support to their ‘‘i want flying now. i want it now now now’’ nonsense, but now suddenly you started virtue calling and blame me about the exact same things all the pro-flyers did for all along. What kind of joke is that?

I don’t care about wpvp at all and my opinion on flying has nothing to do with it. Players should not have the ‘choice’ to be able to skip the world, since people tend to go for convinence this will not even be a choice. Just because people did it once, doesn’t mean now they can fly over the whole world. This isn’t a single player game that you can finish in 2 hours and be done with it.

One of the main reasons I don’t play BFA content is the lack of flying. Everything takes unnecessarily long. I have done the entire questline on both Ally and Horde. I have reached all reps to exalted. Why would I want to continue spending so much time grounded when I can play other xpacs where I have flying unlocked?

And in regards of wpvp, this is pure bs. Anyone who takes wpvp seriously knows that wpvp is 100% viable on flying zones. Even today go to Stranglethorn Duskwood etc. and when you see what happens there you will not use this stupid argument again.

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I seem to have been busier on these forums than I thought xD
Well if I acted in a hypocritical way I am sorry, that wasn’t my intention.
Personally I think people should be “forced” to do things once and then left with a choice. There is no need to force inconvinience… but that’s just me.

I don’t see how keeping flying out of the game would improve anything? If you want to see a crowded world maybe sharding is more your enemy than the possibility to fly. Also why not create reasons to be on the floor?
Instead of forbidding/disableing something just create reasons to go other ways.

Treasure chests that are not shown on the map and the likes for example would create an incentive to be on the floor. Imagine treasure chests (just a placeholder, hollowed out trees and stuff would do aswell), that randomly spawn and are not on the map. Things that can even drop mounts at very low rates, these things would make people ride instead of fly. The sheer art (even though it is great) I have been pacing through for months don’t make me stick to the floor.


You dont have to say sorry to him , he has been rude and aggersive in this post and others about flying .
So dont fell bad he likes to think he is alpha and always right.

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