Denied Free Migration & Got completely Screwed

I assume that by “owed” he means that he went through the required processes (i.e clicked server transfer button and then entered the queue)

Uh no, there’s no AI involved in this.

They just have a select few people in teams, with each team in charge of their own language’d forum (for lack of better term).

This is why you see so much being mirrored from the US forum, because that’s where they’ve still got a direct line to the people in charge who have the authority to make such decisions.

The branches in other regions just follows what HQ dictates these days, in operations manuals. Basically like when you call a customer support and all they can do is tell you the official steps as outlined in the manual.

It’s funny, but this horrible communication with customers is pretty similar to when you let babies self-soothe. They tell you to raise a fuss on the forum so you can hopefully get noticed with a large enough movement, but in actuality most complaints dies down on their own until people either “forget it”, or speak with their wallets instead.

It’s all calculated though. They expect you to quit. Because they’re the ones “in charge”, which has been their stance on it for quite a long time now. Holinka made that very clear in WoD, when he said we just pay for the privilege to play but that they’re the ones who owns the game.

It’s also based on things like the shock principle, that instead of dealing with each upset, you present new upsets which makes people en masse forget about the last upset (for the most part).

An example is the retail players. How many of you retail players, if there’s any here, remember every “Oh my god this is gamebreaking!!!” complaint you had ever since cataclysm, and how much of it got solved properly?
This is more of a rhetorical question, but feel free to answer if you can actually say you remember everything and bring up examples. I don’t mean only good examples though, because there are inevitably those with selective memory who can only remember the good things. But if you can remember the times it didn’t got solved properly too, then feel free to speak up.

(It’s fine even if you only know you don’t remember everything.)


So, blaming Blizzard for your mistake, that is wrong.

I think one of these was stopping the OP.


Actually had a similar problem. Me and four friends who had been playing together since lvl 1 all the way to 60, had discussed transferring to Earthshaker for a little while and finally decided to transfer two hours before the free transfer ended. We all logged in and started the process, but one of us could not see the shop button. At this point three of us had already gone through the entire process, so there was no turning back.

Turns out he had somehow gotten parental controls activated which blocked his ability to access the shop and the free transfer system, he had no idea why this was activated since he had not done so himself and he was the only one with access to the account. After some quick googling we found a blue post with a solution which was to go to the parental controls section of his account and check a box to enable in-game transactions.
The problem was that in order to access this part of your account you need to enter the parental controls-email which will send you an email with instructions for how to access this.
He never recieved any email, he even tried multiple different email-addresses but none worked (and yes, he did check the spam folder), so his only option was to contact customer support. At this point the live chat was closed for the day so he could only submit a ticket, asking if they could help remove his parental controls and move his character with us.

After 4 hours he got a response and his parental controls were removed, ofcourse at this point the free transfer period was over and there was no mention of it in the response, so now everyone else is on earthshaker while he’s stuck on the old realm.

This absolutely sucks and blizz really need to solve this somehow.

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How many months have the free transfers been active? If you wait until the last minute then when problems show up the time runs out, this shows bad planning on the players part.

They had been open for a while true, but the end of them was only recently announced. We had originally planned to see if the realm we were on would improve after BGs were out and then transfer if it was still unplayable.

So you are saying the user should know that having a character from the opposing faction will get ur character stuck in an infinite transfer process?Its not their fault to not put at least an error message saying wat u did wrong like they do with mail?Interesting.I think u should learn to read before u reply to a post.

Y E S!!! One faction per PvP realm is a well known rule for classic.

Why should I read such a verbose, rambling post when I know what was going on and I even know why there isn’t an error message. The engine is based on the 7.5 version of the game which allows more than one faction on a PvP realm, so no error message needed.

Ah its friday i get it

My argument has nothing to do with Friday but about lack of knowledge, frankly laziness and procrastination.

To those who say this was bad planning on player part doing it on the last day. ever thought that he might have been waiting to see how realms feel in terms of populations? no one wants to end up in a dead realm like bloodfang.

Help a friend out Blizzard, this guys needs it!

I would love to be able to transfer from Earthshaker to Bloodfang. We were told Earthshaker would be dead when transfers opened, but now there are way too many people on earthshaker aswell (both factions).

The fact that a transfer system, in an MMORPG is created. Without the possibility for friends to collectively transfer speaks to Blizzards failure to foresee issues ahead of time.

It is currently possible for friends to be separated. Hence it is happening. And it will continue to happen in the future, as long as it’s possible. If friends could sign up for transfer collectively, it would not happen.

I am not surprised , because well this is Blizzard for you.
For all other people; let this be a reminder of what Blizz is today.

But I do sympathize with you of course, and hope it gets solved.

If not; vote with your wallet and raise hell on reddit and other fora.

The big question is why the heck would you move away from Mograine best server??? ??? ???

Paying respects.

Whats up with classic wows dev team? They denied my request the same way, they simply dont care.

How am I not surprised that even a thread like this got some fanboys alert. “You should’ve played very very safe, ur own fault now!”. Of course he could"ve and if I want to make sure I dont get late to work due to unexpected accident in traffic, I can go to work every morning 30 minutes before my work starts and wait the extra 30 minutes every morning.