EU Zandalar Tribe problem

Well said, Troll. Let the cowards leave.

There is truth to the OP. The people who keep leaving make the problem worse, the problem becomes even worse by the fact that this is the only RP-PVP server.

I ask you people humbly, don’t leave if you are thinking of doing it. The problem on the server will only get worse and you might think it’s greener pastures on the other side…maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. There might be other things that rustle your jimmies after you finally start doing your endgame things.

We have a great community here and we should stick together. Even if we are to be the underdogs, then so be it.


A bit of truth in this statement…I’ve seen plenty of non-rp names on both horde and alliance side. I personally don’t mind people having non-rp names aslong as they dont bother people who RP.

Still, it is more than likely people hopped on to the server just to dodge queues and stuff.


I have hope and we all know you cant kill hope :star_struck:

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Yes, all the above is correct. for both sides

I have played wow for years, since vanilla in fact, and all I can say is what a poor job blizzard have done upon the release of p2.

they should have checked the server balance before and sorted it, just caps in etc, we all know this.

But the main problem with ZT server more than anything is the leadership of two of the main guilds, I joined two guilds and left very quickly because of two things

Firstly … “Cult of the dead” allowing known gold buyers in the guild without kicking them or reporting them (i reported them don’t worry)

and Gravediggers… yes the guild which Nixxiom used to level his character and then left.

I wonder how he feels about the guild in the hands of “leaders” who believe that allowing racist comments and propaganda from ww2 within the community is fine and acceptable? and has also crept out into the server as a whole from gravediggers, i have tried to contact him for comment upon this matter but he has chosen to ignore my requests for comment lol.

the fact upon ZT is that the horde have no real leadership within the guilds, Or any form of communication between them to help sort the issue, if the horde came together and worked as a “team” then imo 3/4 of the problem would be solved.

“I’m getting ganked” - players run in and help
“i’m getting camped” - players run in and help

its not hard to work together, this used to happen on moonglade in vanilla all the time.

but this will never happen while these “leaders” are allowed to keep breaking the rules, allowing racism & propaganda from ww2 to continue on the server without recourse. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is also happening on other servers


i see this constantly and i think you misundersand; dominant faction is great if your plan is to farm gold and pve in the world and if you dont like your raids being delayed, if you want to pvp? pointless, 30 horde on every spot an alliance might pass, my rogue is specced ambush daggers with literally no useful CC because its the only way to get honor when you are competing with 30 brainless zug zugs all leeching honor from eachother, this is not pvp… im not much of a bg player so ratio is important to me and atm its a waste of time trying to find fair fights

not trying to save the game as such just want some competition, and it helps ratio in the end so everyone wins (admittedly being a rogue does help alot with being outnunbered)

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Why do you think that I care about Da Horde on Zandalar Tribe? What I care about is, well, smooth leveling and to reach level 60. Whether it would happen on Zandalar Tribe or somewhere else doesn’t matter too much.


I think ZT has problems not because of poor job at p2 but because they released RP-PVP too soon. It was confirmed, that Blizzard monitors reddit/wowclassic and they did an AMA there. Many suggested relesing RP servers a few weeks later, guess why? Yes, to preserve that mature community and warm athmosphere and not let it infest with “pvpers”. So they did not listen, released at the very start, queue avoiders went there and you know the rest.
I think it was poor decision making way before p2.


Where was that great community? Was trying to make defence raid during peak hours and couldn’t even get 20 ppl, got few 60s and mostly low levels.Ganked by rogues few yards from OG gates while 6-7 players were watching it with pvp turned off. L O L

Alliance is doing the exact same thing on different servers. If your game is made impossible to play for weeks on end, you either quit or switch servers.


Don’t know about the specific instance, but I know I’ve ignored my share of “defence raids” because they are spamming in /y with obvious ooc like “com git phat honor lulz, n00b ally @ org gate”.

To some of us the “RP” part of “RP-PvP” still holds meaning, I know we are an ever shrinking minority but still…

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Alliance: “Waaahh it’s not fair the Horde outnumber and gank us when we level we don’t do that it’s not fair their racials are OP please let us transfer away we can’t win against them!” <;C

Also Alliance: “Lol Horde are complaining about not being able to transfer away from an Alliance heavy server they’re just mad because they’re not good enough to win against us!” >:)


I always played on RP PvP server during vanilla (with this toon), i was on ZT from the release but i left because ZT is an average PvP server now.
Same mentality and behaviour.
I have rerolled on a more mature server and i m happy.
Good Luck


For me, one of the main problems on this server is that the most players are not even trying to role play and they have just joined a PvP server.

After Phase 2 was released and with all that ganking that is happening, I kind of doubt it that 90% of the Alliance players are role playing a bloodthirsty savage characters who try to kill every Horde character out there.

Gathering up in groups and ganking just to get more Honor points (including killing low level characters) is quite far from role playing. It is even kind of pathetic.

I tried to play a druid who avoids conflict, but after all the ganking I just decided to attack every Alliance character I see. So apologies to those those Alliance players I killed that didn’t seek conflict - it is your faction’s fault.

I don’t really expect things to calm down anytime soon - some people just want their Honor points… True RP gamers don’t play like that.


Couldn’t have said it better, tribe-mate!

Let us hope that the Earth Mother watches over our faction brethren and they stay strong until the release of BGs.

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I disagree on that but everything else is true. People joined ZT for PVP. The tourists never left.

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Man, could you imagine living with such a lack of privacy tho.

No idea how it is on the 60 bracket, but when i enterered STV from duskwood on my ally priest yesterday i got instaganked by a lvl 60 ud rogue, then when i ressed i got killed by a lv 40-50 gank party camping the GY, then when i finally “tricked” my way out of that one i got killed by a lvl 60 hunter a few yards further in… all in all i think it took about 20 mins to get from Duskwood to the middle of stv… and i was one of the lucky ones, this other guy got camped for nearly an hour complaining and begging for help in /1, where the others just replied “you rolled on a pvp server, get used to it” or simply “reroll pve”

Just saying horde isnt the only faction being ganked…


This is a problem that Blizz created. On most servers its the Alliance that are victims of it. On ZT its the Horde who are outnumbered. I dont believe the problem is solved by adding more Horde (im Horde btw). It will probably make overcrowding even worse and give us a constant state of 40v40 siege warfare. You will still get ganked if you try to do something on your own, like quests or farming mats or whatever. And the ability to solo play is an important part of the game. However this is made harder the more players there are- the world is not that big really.

Alliance and horde should come together on this and demand that blizzard somehow reduces the total online population and perhaps regulate the allowed login per faction so that gross imbalance does not happen.

Right now it looks like the game will alow like 10k (?) people online and that all of them might very well be the same faction. So a 100-0 ratio seems possible.

Perhaps reduce the max online allowed numbers by like 20 % and also enforce a 45-55 or 55-45 advantage cap to both factions. This should allow more breathing room in general and also make it hard for one faction to lock down the whole world like we see now on many server. Also blizz would have to be a little inventive with free transfers under this regime so we can spread ppl more evenly over the servers.

Not a perfect solution by far, this gonna hurt for many. But seeing where we are at i feel that drastic measures are in order. Being outnumbered 3-1, 2-1 or even 1,5-1, constantly(!) is too much imo.

I want Blizzz to do something, and fast. This skitt is destroying a game that i enjoy very much. TBH im having tons of fun at ZT right now, even tho i get ganked alot. But I definately fight back and i will gank anything not grey!

Desperate times - no quarter!


When I was leveling in STV, there were maybe 10-20 lvl 60 on Horde side and a quite a bit more on alliance, we used to call our big brothers to help because alliance always gave hell in northern STV. Even as rogue I could only deliver quests at Nessy camp at mornings. Evening you didn’t even have to try.
I guess every faction sees it in its own way.

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Not farming, playing globally less and less time. Trying to reroll without real motivation, just to have some time playing without being ganked every 5 minutes and have a “relaxed” experience.
Waiting for night raid and the corpse running that go with it…
Near nobody want to fight back on the horde side. Despair is settled. Allys have a perma camp in UC (such a bad designed place btw…) and nobody react because it’s useless as they respawn in the city itself.
Sad time that has nothing in common with my vanilla time (rp-pvp server also)…
Blizzard team as really f’d it. here…