EU Zandalar Tribe problem

Ofc everyone sees it from their own point of view.

Funny observation though, UD players are nearly guaranteed to attack you (UD rogues are ~100% chance), orcs are 50-50, trolls rarely and tauren next to never…

I cant wait to be done in STV.

I chose Undead rogue because of RP reason but I am aware what it means in a pvp scene. Well, let me move to RP realm, Blizzard!



I would have transferred to an RP realm or a PVE realm in a second if it was possible. PvP realms were not like this in Vanilla, at least mine wasnt.

Rerolling the priest which is lvl 41 is out of the question as i simply dont have the time for it.

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Far away from thruth .
I rolled this server expecting a close 50 50 .
Similar to ashbringer yet it ended up being a refugee camp for alliance fleeing the horde dominated servers and ended up being a much more unbalanced faction that I would like to be.
I haven’t transferred tho . Staying to see how things develop.

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ZT, rp-PvP, had a medium population but then a lot of players rolled on ZT to escape the queues, not because they wanted to play on a rp-PvP realm. I think thats what destroyed the server for me.

I played on an RP-PvP realm in vanilla, it was not like this.

I have rerolled on a RP-PvE realm that feels more mature and relaxed. I think I can enjoy the game again there.


This is what People dont understand, those Queue refugees treat it as a pure PvP realm ruining the RP part experience for the others. This goes for both factions.

(Some of) Said people simply say “Its a PvP realm” or “I RP being extremely bloodthirsty, so i kill all i see”


The situation overall is funny and just shows that both horde and alliance players are more or less exactly the same. Pretty much every other PvP server is horde dominated and alliance is the one getting royally shafted in every zone they step in to, on ZT it just happens to be other way around and all you hear is the horde crying.
People should really just give it a bit of time and wait for December and BGs to come out, with cross realm BGs the alliance on ZT will be enjoying instant queues and will be nicely sitting in their cities while most likely most of the outside world will be left to horde murder squads camping every spot they can with their hour long queues.

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I do not believe ZT was ever a target for transfers. If you mean they rerolled here… I find that doubtful past week 1.

I had a free day yesterday, and tried to farm some Essences of Air and Water for me Robe of the Archmage. Wherever in the world I went, I was immediately camped by a male UD rogue, a druid or an orc hunter. Or a warrior+healer kill team. So I decided to buy the essences instead, went to farm some satyrs for gold, but it was even worse there, all satyr spots dominated by Horde with a train of alliance running form GY unable to organize ourselves into a counterattack. Finally I corpseran my way from Horde controlled LHC into Tyr’s hand (gotta hand it to you, the “outlookers” stationed every 30 yards making sure you don’t make it far speak of good organization) and had a good 30 minutes of gold farming in the back by the cathedral before a tag team of two orc rogues found me. Followed by a team of rogue+druid. At that point I just logged out.
Yes I know we hold the Blackrock Mountain at peak hours, but other than that, I think the reports of this realm being “Alliance dominated” are vastly exaggerated. Sure doesn’t feel like it to a single Mage in PvE spec. Btw, none of the spots I went to had any of the famed “gnome rogues” doing that to Horde farmers.

Hordes are transfering away in numbers. I did not even want to transfer but to be honest perceptions matter more than reality and now situation will be worse than before.

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I’ve had an alt in one guild that folded overnight and one in a guild that just transferred to a high Horde pop pvp realm so the current situation is already having a detrimental effect. At present it’s near impossible to do low level quests around Tarren Mill as Horde without repeatedly being killed. Not all do that sort of thing though and the endless camping of fps and instance entrances is far removed from what wpvp was like first time round. I’ve grouped up quite happily outside an instance before while stood next to Alliance doing exactly the same without anyone feeling the need to jump into combat. It’s been disappointing to find that sort of mutual respect is seemingly now sadly lacking.

I had a free day yesterday, and tried to farm some Essences of Air and Water for me Robe of the Archmage. Wherever in the world I went, I was immediately camped by a male NE rogue, a druid or an dwarf hunter. Or a warrior+healer kill team. So I decided to buy the essences instead, went to farm some satyrs for gold, but it was even worse there, all satyr spots dominated by alliance with a train of horde running form GY unable to organize ourselves into a counterattack. Finally I corpseran my way from alliance controlled LHC into Tyr’s hand (gotta hand it to you, the “outlookers” stationed every 30 yards making sure you don’t make it far speak of good organization) and had a good 30 minutes of gold farming in the back by the cathedral before a tag team of two human rogues found me. Followed by a team of rogue+druid. At that point I just logged out.
Yes I know we hold your boats at peak hours, but other than that, I think the reports of this realm being “Alliance dominated” are ON POINT. Sure doesn’t feel like it to a single Mage in PvE spec. Btw, none of the spots I went to had any of the famed “UD rogues” doing that to alliance farmers.

It may or may not have happened but we both know it may.

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Zandalar tribe is not different from Northdale or Nostalrius, except i pay 13€ for classic.
Thanks blizzard for verpopulation, bugs , layers , cheats (xp/bosses/layers hoping)


Come to dragonfang and farm to your heart’s content!

Someone who came to DF from ZT recently

Trying real hard to not be affected by the attitude of other players, the time’s I have just blatantly murdered another player who was low health fighting mobs I’ve not been proud of myself, but I can justify that there were resources involved.

Have encountered some really nice alliance players out there post P2, the vast majority have been male chickens.

PvP is great, I love the idea of being able to fight for resources or to engage in ‘fair’ combat. But having 3-5+ players steamroll you for a few points is not PvP, not even close.

Things will calm down when BG’s are released, the types of people that are farming honour will gravitate to the META and head there, so this situation will only be around for a bit longer at this scale.

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You mean one of the same 2 players that can’t stop whining here on forums?

I think its a shame that players on PvP servers cant migrate to PvE, i understand why it should not PvE to PvP, but i dont see the downsides of PvP -> PvE. And in terms of ZT which is a RP-PVP it should be possible to migrate to a RP server. But it seems we cant have it all.


But we should have it. It did work like that in vanilla - PVP to PVE but not PVE to PVP. That would be just enough to enable players to move to RP.



I have no intention of going to no boring PVE server. The thrill of PVP is why I play. And ZT is far from the worst place to be the underdog atm (My colleague is alliance on Shazz so yeah, we ZT horde have it realatively easy in comparison). Im here to fight - atleast until my GL says otherwise.

However i think the “Roll PVE if you cant handle it” argument is fundamentally flawed and wont help anyone in the long run. It is a game and it needs to have a ruleset that enables the fun part for all involved. Compare the situation to a sport, fex football. How interesting would the CL final between team A and B be if team B had to play with 6 vs 11 players? Would a LoL final where one team didnt have enough players to guard the top lane be any fun? A chess game where White gets no Queen and no Bishops?

I have no problem getting ganked or being outplayed. When someone just crushes me in PVP i find that frustrating but also rewarding coz hopefully i can check what they did in the log and perhaps use it to improve my game. If the answer to my losing constantly is “You got Zerged” there is actually ca nothing you can do - it is futile. Then people will quit or leave and eventually you end up with solo faction servers where the world is in practice pve (there is no other faction present) and people are just sitting in BG queues.

This doesnt sound like much fun to me and thus i will never move to any server where my faction is 60-90 %. However if blizzard doesnt do anything then maybe ZT will end up as a 10-20 % Horde server which also will ruin the game for me, but also for the alliance. You cant expect people to log on just to get farmed for honor for 3 hrs straight each day. It just wont happen.

At this point i almost get the impression that Blizz is trying to kill their own game just so the can do the “You think you do, but you dont” thing again…


I never understand it, what prevent you to rp??? Do you think on a rp realm everyone nonstop rping? If you want to rp then maybe do something about it, like find similar players, make rp events etc… but with this constant whining here will solve nothing and or just reroll on a different realm.

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