Back then, ppl made a 2nd combatlog, with big fonts. Filtered on certain things, and made mouse over macro’s, to target!
Soooooo, that would mitigate 90% of that list.
Nice try though.
Yeah, because good players try not to use anything that could improve their performance, right?
And only motorically disabled people use spoons because they lack the set of skill to eat their food with their hands…
That’s the whole point. People using spybot can’t even wield a spoon, they need a feeding tube to keep them alive.
you actually believing yourself?
try go wpvp with a combatlog window and see if you can read 1 minute of grouped pvp. you wont.
so what your saying we dont need spy, cuz this combat log method works.
so why do you have spy in the first place?
its a cheat simple as that.
the combat log is in the client, nobody complains about that.
so this 2nd combatlog (wich 90% of the players wont even know HOW to do) is your arguement.
And let’s be honest for a swift second. You play a hunter and need to use spybot because you’re having difficulties with all the dots on your minimap and need a program to tell you if the target is an npc, a friendly player or an enemy player.
Please disable this addon, don’t want to download it.
he isnt playing, he has an addon doing it for him.
ownedcore bots and such.
Because spy is more convenient - what a surprise, eh?
Once again, I don’t need it, but its surely useful, that’s why I have it.
You don’t have to, so just don’t. Telling other people which addons to use and which not to, is quite silly.
You could say the same about speedhack. People don’t need it because they will get to their destination by walking anyway. it is very usefull and convenient tho because it helps you getting to your destination faster.
The feeding tube is also very usefull and convenient as you don’t have to do anything but swallow and I bet you love it.
So you don’t trust your extreme hunter skills and use addon to get advantage? Can’t u see that you are getting pwned here. You use addon to alert you when stealth player near you went to stealth. That’s how game was designed? That addon alert your imba hunter that it can be attacked from stealth. So hunters toolkit is not enough for you you want an addon that changes game and give you advantage. Well done, fantastic player with fantastic skills.
Except speedhack is against the rules, Spy isn’t. And your opinion on that doesn’t matter much for me until you provide any substantial arguments for why I shouldn’t use it.
Cry me a river, mate. That’s not how arguments work.
My opinion on what? You are the hunter having a hard time figuring out your class. You are the player that would be even more clueless and utterly helpless without such addons.
But I get it and I don’t blame you. It’s only fair these addons exist for players like you so they can finally compete with the mediocre below average skilled player.
Or that’s just something you want to believe to make yourself feel like you’re right in the argument.
And yet another false equivalence.
No, you can’t say the same about speedhack, fishing bots, aimbots, or any other of the hacks and bots you guys keep trying to compare Spy to.
And unless you’re complete moron, you know exactly why.
Why do you think they can’t be compared? They have alot of features in common and whenever things, or more precisely software, have alot of common features, you can easily compare them.
Some features bots and spybot addons have in common:
- You don’t have to click and scroll, the programs or “addons” will do it for you
- You don’t have to use your keyboard to perform actions, the programs or “addons” will do it for you
If your ‘logic’ made any sense, we could, by extension. Fortunately, your ‘arguments’ are more than invalid.
Yeah, that’s a solid “Nuh-uh” argument there, Sparky. Well done.
Well, good for you being able to admit your shortcomings, I guess…
How is this an answer to my question or how is this even on topic?
As I remined to your equally moron colleague, lying to yourself and poorly trying to convince others with your lies is not going to un-nerf your addon. And as I suggested to him, you may want to get over it instead and perhaps learn to play without. (sounds scary, I know)
I have more interesting things to do, so I’ll let you wonder about that for a while.
@Gurlie Get back to me when you manage to get whoever helps you tie your shoelaces to explain things to you.