Every recent thread about Spy

At himself, of course. And then he waits for the rogue to come into the flare, because that’s what he believes rogues do. :smiley:

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Rofl, you do really take autism to a next level mate.
You first say it should not be banned/nerfed because it’s not that big help, but then you finally admit it does something otherwise undoable by a human? :joy: seriously, I’ll being flagging your posts as trolls because one can’t legitimately be this stupid :joy:


It’s not that big help.

It’s undoable by a human at the same speed (as with most other addons), but doable by a human a bit slower.

Its kinda funny how you think you found some contradiction in my posts, goes to show once again how impaired your logic is.

So u have problem with reading properly?
I said that addon warn ppl to be alerted, who said anything about opener or else?
Learn to read with understanding…
Its one thing in pvp when u as rogue attack without warning, but yea, you also are use that addon for your advantage, so its understandable that u are against all said.
Try to see bigger picture here, don’t be selfish b…


So you have nothing constructive to say, it’s all clear now…


Only motorically disabled and environmental unaware players use it because they lack an important set of skills required to be able to play without it.


A lot of bruised egos here looking for excuses for why they keep getting killed…

so you say, when i post 3 actions instantly, your telling me that every player around me is aware of this, even worse their gameplay changes??

use your brain for once please. when some dude posts 1-2 or 100 instant auctions,
i wouldnt even KNOW this standing next to him.
does this change my gameplay? no.
why not?
because hes selling his items anyhow, with or without this addon the outcome would be the same.

is the outcome the same when using spy?
no, because the player standing behind the tree, under the bridge, hiding in the tower, etc is now NOTICED.
99% you wouldnt even have known he was there without spy, now everyone within 50 yards knows hes there.

is this really so hard to understand?
try not to go full reta…

the only arguement with some value on this treath is “read the combat log”
i challenge, encourage all of you to use your combat log !
please read it, while ur half afk in orgrimar/ironforge browsing the AH.
as if ANYONE is reading/tracking his combat log 24/7.
wer human, we dont notice EVERYTHING like a programm would, we have room for error and miss and would miss a lot of players yours not missing now.
this room for error gone.
L2p kids really.
im mindblown that your allowing yourself to get to this state to justify a cheat and think its ok, have some god damn selfrespect and dignity.


doesnt matter, because you can stand IN the flare and move the flare accordingly untill you find him.
anyhow, standing in ur flare and setting up a trap will prevent him from opening most likely now.
so yes the addon saved you so you could actually pop that flare and stand into it.

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you are argueing him under the table mate.
im not sure whats wrong with these ppl,
i have a huge feeling he doesnt even read the posts and is so hammered down on his own oppinion he doesnt care about others.
some ppl just dont have the skill to reason and think correctly.
im glad your one of these reasonable persons on this forum with a brain.

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Why are rogues so fragile in 2019? I don’t remember all this complaining back in the day, even though addons that did exactly the same as Spy were available back then. CombatSentryGizmo comes to mind, created in 2005 and you can still find it on Curse.

I don’t even care about Spy, I just want my threat meters to work.

do some proper research, addons werent used THAT much back in the days.
because they were there that didnt mean they were used massivly at all.

yes this addon EXISTED, but like mentioned 10x already it was BROKEN AS F.
it DIDNT WORK for 80-90% of the PLAYERBASE cause of a LIST OF ERRORS.

not even 80% of the playerbase used this “back in the day spy addon”
not even 80% used a treathmeter.

there was even ppl without a DBM ! (now 90%+ use it)
theres ppl still up to THIS DAY who are incapable of setting up addons
(more then you think)

theres a lot of players who cant use or setup for example an elvui.
or that dont know how to install a basic addon like DBM.

and this arguement of reading a combat log, or even setting a combat log up for the same purpose, im 100% sure not even 80% of the playerbase knows HOW to mess with their combat log setting it up for that reason.

conclussion, YES THEY EXISTED.

I never had issues installing addons and I was 12, maybe that says more about you and the people you played with. How many people used the addon is irrelevant, how buggy the addon was is irrelevant. It was allowed in Vanilla and should be the same in Classic. This is just one of the many changes, we are on the way to a second version of retail.

And as I said, I don’t care about Spy, I don’t care about people reading the combat log either. I just think it’s stupid to break a bunch of very nice addons just cause a bunch of loud rogues are too stupid to play around Spy.

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so your one of these ppl who think only your oppinion matters and cant reason?
i used addons, but be honest. how many addons did you use? or better how many addons COULD you use without your computer blowing up in your face or without making u lag forever.

the addon existed yes, agree.
the addon was so buggy not even 10% of the playerbase used it.
hence it was BROKEN, so there was no complain or fix needed cuz the addon simply didnt do its job.

i dont think how many ppl used it or if the addon was broken or not is irrelivant, cuz its not !
it does matter !

maybe you need to go back to retail since you are one of these players making classic like retail else you wouldnt approve this addon or wouldnt even have it downloaded.

back in the day the usuall addons were titanpanel, atlasloot, a questhelper, a dps meter, for some a treathmeter (a lot didnt even have that cuz they were like F it.)
and a DBM.

My opinion matters as much as yours, or anyone else posting on these forums. That’s why I have no problems with sharing it.

It’s obvious that we have completely different views on this, so I guess we’d be best to just agree to disagree.

I tried going back to retail multiple times after I quit playing in Wrath, alas, the game was never able to hold my attention for longer than a couple days. An issue I don’t have with Classic or any of the Vanilla private servers I played on before Classic was available. So I’m not going to take your advice to go back to retail as I’m pretty sure it would just end up being a waste of my time.

And yes, I didn’t have a spy addon either back in the day. I did use Titanpanel and Atlasloot. Questhelper was only a thing from TBC and onwards afaik. Threat meters have been essential for pve for as long as I remember, same with DBM (or was it BigWigs we used back then, I’m not sure). A dps meter is always nice to have.

Sadly, 3 of those addons are also pretty much unusable right now. On our last Onyxia kill I couldn’t see any tanks on the threat meter. DPS meters also seem less accurate now with the combat log range decrease, and 15 minutes after Onyxia while I was standing in Ironforge my character suddenly started warning me about Fireballs Onyxia was about to throw at me. That last issue isn’t related to the combat log changes, but to the overall god-awful performance of Blizzard’s servers.

The same could be said about swing timer, enemy cast bar, interrupt CD, BigWigs and just about EVERY other addon!!

Y u HaTe sO mUcH?

i do agree, like the dps meter etc is nice to have altho its only numbers and information you get from those. it shouldnt be gamebreaking even if they stopped working.

i think its sad that one addon like spy, destroys a lot of gameplay and a lot of addons in the process.

hows swing timer, enemy cast bars comparable to spy?
swing timer gives you no advantage at all, if ur a good player you should have the “feel” of your swingtime anyways, and it doesnt mean having a swing timer that you will hit the enemy guranteed (he can STILL move away and go out of your range so your not hitting him even if you do have a swingtimer)

how does an enemy castbar destroy other players game? these are really addons wich are caked into the community since vanilla already unlike spy (ill say it AGAIN, wich was broken and unused by majority of players)

its like comparing a cake to lasagnia, you simply cannot compare those addons.

the fact is most players didnt use this spy addon in vanilla, most of them probly didnt even know it existed and 15 years later most of them still didnt know untill recently.
so WHY let an addon destroy this game most of us been SHOUTING AND SCREAMING for so long?

if your that bad u need an addon to alert you of things, then you need to work at your skillcap.
i use castbars but at the same point im not really bothered cuz i know what other classes can and will cast with my eyes closed, i dont need a DBM to announce me of boss mechanics that are 15 years old.
i dont need a castbar addon to announce me the mage is casting sheep cuz i can HEAR the cast and i dont tunnel vission my own character, i see him casting it.

i already made the link with players wanting this spy addon and their record retail rating under 1500.
get good :wink:

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Cheating is cheating, no matter how smart you try advertising it, the spy addon is a cheat tool!

Just like this person already said:


An amazing addon, can’t thank the creator enough.

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