Every recent thread about Spy

The average spybot player.

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I’m sure if you do your best you can connect the dots, dear.

The only dots I’m able to connect are the ones on the minimap when I’m tracking humanoids without any spybot and you are clearly not.

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lmao !
its useless argueing with them…
any normal thinking person who actually looks at both sides
(the criminal and the victim lets call it) and can reason a little bit to see both sides can come to a conclussion fast.
if you care about the game (wich we all wanted to be like vanilla-like)
you can EASY come to the conclussion spy isnt the way to go.
it breaks more then it actually helps and its just a bad addon for classic and the future of classic.
you have to draw a line and spy is crossing the line of cheating more then any other thing right now available.
if this addons stays in the game i have no good feelings about BG’s where the tactic will be “check spy and report if u track anything close”
instead of "have 3 rogue blow up the FC or steal the flag from the hunter without him knowing)

oh going to grab farm as a warrior, wallhugs the house of farm trying to sneak up

its all gone !

the games will all be the same watching whos near and targetting as such.

i wonder when blizz will make classic servers wich are vanilla -based.

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Mate, you shouldn’t even be posting here. You edited my quote to try and make it fit you narrative, ffs. Thats about as low as you can go in an argument. And don’t tell me you just “shortened” it to save space, lmao.

And I’m not trying to “un-nerf” it, I’m not campaigning for any actions from Blizzard at all, theres better use for your imagination than making up stuff about me.

Bots make your character do something without player’s involvement, Spy doesn’t. How curious you couldnt figure it out by yourself.

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lol /10char

Yeah, back then I did the same with other ppl I knew.
Sorry if you’re unable todo it. :slight_smile:
Skills baby.

An addon that warns you about nearby players without any kind of player involvement and literally putting a message (aka chatting) without you typing?

You can even compare it with some spambots used by goldselling advertisers.

The irony of this thread is remarkable. The OP claims to have superhuman reading abilities, and yet is consistently failing to grasp the simple arguments presented to him over and over by various people. The thing is… people can SEE through this behaviour, OP… and they don’t need an addon for that, either.


Everything that can be accomplished by using the Blizzard API is not considered a cheat.
Bots however, that are not using the API, are the ones that are forbidden.
So, you cannot compare Spy, versus those ‘Bots’.

I’m not saying that spybot is a cheat and that those players should be banned. As I stated, I’m happy such tools exist, if not we would have lost 50% of the playerbase already. And yes, most of them are unskilled and illiterate baboons.

Same goes for DBM. I’m not a fan but I’m happy it exists because otherwise 90% of the playerbase wouldn’t be grinding MC due to lack of skill.

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Well, let me put it this way then.
Comparing speedhacks and other bots, which you did some posts above, with Spy, is simply not true.

This is not false.

Still, you cannot compare it.
Bots which are not using the API, vs an addon that does.

All things which Spy does, is possible with a 2nd Combatlog. It’s called being skilled.
You actually do have to click to target for spy, a bot, not using the API, would do that for you.
So yeah, it is false. :slight_smile:

You don’t need a 2nd combat log as you can just customize your current one. But that requires mouse and keyboard interaction, aswell as some kind of skill since you have to manually read it and this part can be hard for most players. As most players just use the addon instead, the addon does it for them.

That’s how we did it back in Vanilla, until Paranoie and the same alike addons came out like Spy.
You can filter it, and make some nice mouseover macro’s for targetting. :slight_smile:
All options are doable, by using the ingame things that are there, ie. Combatlog.

They added some new options tho which track actions performed by Unknown players or npc’s. Which actually sounds logic because how else should you be aware that there’s a stealthed player or npc nearby…

If I say “AVR” does it ring a bell or you are too young?

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I actually forgot it can put messages in chat about detected players. Does it do it on its own though? I’m not sure since I don’t use that feature.

I didn’t, btw. I guess you just made it up? Congrats.

That’s great, what a pity though that they can’t see how dumb their arguments are. Guess they do need an addon for that, after all?

I use it and I want it banned lmao