Every recent thread about Spy

Uh, ok? Too bad it can’t be banned.

I dont care about spy as rogue. If something it helps me find opponents when i want to pvp.

" I dont like it because they can see me stealthing" = youre just bad. They might see you stelthing but you still get the opener


Wasnt that the addon which did abit too much? I do realise back then, the API was way to open. But this ain’t that same API, so I fail to see what it has todo with it. It’s obvious i’m talking about the current API, and it’s a fact, addons like Spy, were there in Vanilla aswell.

Well threat meters are different because the information isn’t available anywhere else. The Spy addon is literally just ripping out of combat log and announcing. I don’t care if it’s allowed or removed, even as a rogue it’s not something i’m overly bothered about. The only thing i’d consider game breaking, was if they could target me from stealth when i’m oor, which i’m assuming they cannot? (i haven’t used it, but that would indeed require an immediate fix because it’s undermining basic mechanics)

You make little sense … Try using spy addon during wpvp and you wont see anything but massive spam!!

Well, I gave you a day to figure it out, but apparently that was not enough…
No, Spy does not automate player interaction. Bots do.
“But teh alerts…” are not player interactions.
A player interaction is pressing something to perform an action.
Clicking on a mob is a player interaction. Casting and reeling in while fishing are interactions. Moving is a player interaction.
Seeing something on screen is not an interaction. A notification is not a player interaction.

And no, speed and wallhacks are not comparable either. A hack breaks the rules by circumventing in game mechanics to give an ability or effect you would not otherwise have. You can not get +100% speed without a mount. You can not see straight through walls. You can not fly. Etc, etc…
Addons modify, simplify, or streamline effects within the allowed limits, and do not change the effects or add abilities.
The combat log is already there, you can filter it to pick up the same things as Spy so you can read it (well… not you or the other numpties, apparently, but people with at least average reading skills), and you can target people with both macros and hotkeys. That’s an addon simplifying a process.

Now… seeing as you, Bä, and Gurlie are either too simpleminded to understand very (very) basic stuff like this, are just playing dumb to troll, or refusing to admit you’re full of crap and exaggerating how strong Spy is (because it’s easier than admitting you get outplayed, probably), I have no further interest in you.
Your dumbassery, whatever the reason behind it, simply isn’t entertaining any more. I’m just gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s trolling.

Have a nice day.

Typing messages automatically is an automated process. If you fail to comprehend this than you are, as I always tought you were, a newb.

Are you still arguing with this retard? Have you ever spoken to a bodybuilder who uses steroids?

Hey but the addon exists so it must be fine!!! derp

-every player when AVR addon was existing

You simply don’t get it. :slight_smile:
Which means… you are the newb actually.
It’s *thought btw.

Strange, even I am human. Who would have thought that.

If it was only that… :smiley:

Ofcourse. We don’t have anything valuable to contribute so we’ll bash others for no reason due to boredom.

Well played.

Like 3+ ppl tried to explain you some differences between things.
Yet you start about something completly different:

“Typing messages automatically is an automated process. If you fail to comprehend this than you are, as I always tought you were, a newb”

Spy never did such things. Bots do. You seem not to comprehend what alot of ppl are telling you here. :smiley:

Sorry, that’s on your own!

Thinfs :joy::rofl:

You see? Like this reaction.
None arguments left.
It says enough about your general figure in here, and irl.
Good luck with that.

So, you can react like this but I can’t? Sounds like Asmodon fanboy talks.


Thanks for the lessons mister perfect.

I didn’t reacted like that.
I actually came with some arguments.
Are you really that dense? :smiley:

That’s coming from like 80% of the ppl against you on this forum btw.

“I didn’t react like that.” Just saying bro. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I shouldn’t have smoked this much because you are killing me.

“I actually came with some arguments.”

Don’t only paste the lines that fit you lil boy.
That’s the lamest thing ppl can do on a forum, if they run out without any argument at all.

Enough said btw. You’ve proven not to be worthy to discuss anything. Since you seem to be limited in some things :smiley:

Yes and I came with arguments why I’m happy that these addons exist.

But you started doing that :joy::joy::rofl::heart_eyes:

Illiterate hypocritical baboon.