Stop lying plz.
You had to edit it after, caused you realised what you’ve done to yourself.
Stop lying plz.
You had to edit it after, caused you realised what you’ve done to yourself.
It’ ok. Have a nice evening lil girl.
For sure it’s ok.
All ppl can see in this thread, how well… not so smart you are.
Have a nice evening.
Ofcourse I am not smart. Everybody says I am hot. If I was, then why would I say I’m not?
i have never said i cannot do it, im talking in GENERAL majority of the players WONT or CANT do it.
doesnt mean if 10% is doing it that the other 90% is doing it.
with this addon its basically 90% using it wich is gamebreaking compared to IF ONLY 10% would be using the addon wich wont be gamebreaking at all if only a minority used it.
But that would be unfair to the other 90% of the ppl.
Hence we got addons.
Making things fair and equal, using the API.
Like I said, it was there back then. And it will remain here aswell :D.
if its unfair to the other 90% that would be the same as admitting its a cheat addon that is almost a MUST to download since its unfair to those 90%.
so removing it is fair for everyone.
ive said it more then once in this thread.
the addon was there but it wasnt used as much at all, not even 10% used it back then (so it was not gamebreaking)
and the list of errors was enormous in vanilla if you wanted this addon, and deffo not as advanced at it is right now.
so lets compare an old basically unused broken addon ( the majority of ppl didnt know it even existed for 15 years untill recently) to an addon thats working and 90% is using it.
It’s not a cheat.
You can do these things within the natural UI.
So it’s not a cheat, it’s a thing what skilled players were doing back then and now.
Spy, and all other addons back in vanilla just used the API to help other ppl like that.
Cheats are programs that don’t interact with the API. I hope you get that, since that’s the offical standpoint.
its just how u want to call it.
the fact is its bad for the game and its GAMEBREAKING.
no addon should be limitating another players actions, and thats what spy is doing.
Back then, I had no issues with it
Nor I have now.
It’s fine
If ppl learn to play, they can check the combatlog theirself, and be good. Like the rest.
how many times do i have to tell you that BACK THEN, the addon was BROKEN.
and only 10% used it, ofcourse you wont notice it when minority used it, and the addon was so broken it came with a huge list of errors.
example :
your basically saying this,
-back then 25 guys were botting and i had no issues with it
(chance is you never encountered them)
and today it would be,
put that in contrast.
there is a diffirence when only 10 of 100 players used it, compared to 90 of those 100 players used it.
chances are you wont notice much when its only 10 since theres much more without it and your game wone change much from that.
but when 90 players use it, that means you got to be lucky to run into those 10 NOT using it.
In my time it was not broken at all, and did even more then Spy.
So I assume that’s or a user error, or just making things up.
About the 10%, any facts? All ppl I knew back then used it.
Which makes the rest of your argument… well like invalid, and based on personal opinions.
Addon has been downloaded millions of time btw.
read the log’s, there were LISTS of errors back in vanilla, thats why it never broke through and almost nobody used it.
if you used a few of the mainstream old addons like atlas,dbm, treathmeter etc (you know the addons everyone used mainly)
the addon would just not work or give you a list of errors making most ppls brain explode and just delete the addon.
theres enough documentation about that in the addon history log
(this was shared in another thread i started about spy, somewhere at the top of the thread)
It has been downloaded under 900k times for WoW Classic, actually. That’s far from ‘millions’.
The reason people do download it is to avoid being at a disadvantage.
If any addon is being forced on you, it is this one.
You folks flail your arms around, like a bunch of stoned hippies at a tea party, trying your best to defend this addon. It’s rather hilarious, actually.
Defend it from what?
If you want to be competitive - yes. But then so is questie, bigwigs, itemrack/trinketmenu etc. Surprise, you need good addons in classic if you don’t want to be at a disadvantage.
you cant really compare questie bigwigs or itemrack to spy.
questie does nothing PVP… nada.
neither does itemrack really since you cant change gear except weapon in combat, so you could just (like myself) make a custom skillbar and place items on it so you press on the item you like to equip (use it and have a 30m-1hr cd on it and switch to other item)
spy is basically nonstop giving you information about your surroundings.
had a hunter run into me (killing me) like an hour ago, i was alt tabbed while on the road autorunning but gues what NO SPY ALERT cuz i dont use it.
and to be frank im not mad at him for killing me, taking that opportunity to kill me while i was tabbed out, im actually glad there was no alarm going of for PVP combat this is what makes my adventures more intresting.
now, imagen if i had this addon i would have known he was there before i tabbed and i wouldnt have died, i could even logout- no honor for him and sort of sabotage of spontanious gameplay.
if you need an addon to be competetive then delete the game and buy a gameboy.
Actually, I can. They all are very vital for the function they fulfill.
Yes, Questie does nothing for PvP - and Spy does nothing for PvE, that’s not what I was talking about.
No, unless he was already in a 50 yard radius and did something to appear in the log.
You’re not making any sense, but then again, you never have.
Oh, you’re only checking 1 DL Source and 1 Addon?
There were multiple addons which featured this. Count them all together, and wow, you got millions idd.
Doesn’t matter, if it alerts you that people near you are entering stealth it gives you an unfair advantage , devalues stealth, basically gives you a warning, and that also causes a problem for low lvl players trying to avoid being ganked, as soon as stealth is used everyone start spamming every ability ever to find you , its just unfair and if you defend this addon you’re just protecting your unfair advantage.
This addon should be removed .
“no, unless he was already in a 50 yard radius and did something to appear in the log.”
so basically your saying that ppl are standing still and cast nothing, just do nothing. stand stil thats it. because else your obviously appearing on the map.
how many players do you see DO NOTHING?
c’mon dude think a little bit.