Every recent thread about Spy

I’m saying that unless he was close to you and casted something, you wouldn’t have noticed him anyway, even with Spy. So that example is irrelevant.
What map are you talking about? Spy doesn’t mark anything on your map.

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appearing on map i meant the addon notifying, mistype.

but its not legit that one addon forces players to basically do nothing, no cast, no buff, no drinking food etc, not even the smallest buff may fade away or the enemy player gets notified that im there.

theres nobody doing nothing, everyones doing something, how small the thing might be from casting a spell on yourself or an aura fading you cant really expect ppl to do nothing because one addon forces you.

i dont have the addon spy for example and i log in somewhere middle map “hidden” in a building, now i need to kill a monster in the building for whatever reason. alerting everyone within 50 yards im there, but hey i dont know whoever is outside that building because i dont have the addon (and i dont intend to download it).
i dont think its fair that what you cant perceive as a HUMAN YOURSELF you get notified about by a programm.
inside that building, i cannot see anyone outside (like intended) even if theres 100 ppl outside or nobody. same should be for the ppl outside, they should peek through the window or come inside to actually notify me, not run there because they already know from some lousy addon.


I think we all agree that if a player use an Addon it should NOT affect other players in any way!

The whole reason Spy addon is a cheat is that it breaks this rule!

Rogues and Feral Druids are forced to run away and stealth, then come back even if you have not seen them the Spy addon cheat tool would have alerted you if they dare to stealth nearby, so your addon is game breaking for Rogues and Feral Druids, Spy Addon ruins the gameing experience for other players and it is in no way a tool ever intended by Blizzard to be used against stealth players and since MANY players choose Rogue, this cheat tool affects a lot of people ruining the fun for them, the whole reason they picked Rogue was probably it’s core mechanic that is stealth!

Like I said before anyone defending Spy Addon is a pathetic cheater.


Seems like you’re just bad and need an addon to tell you when to use a flare.



None of the addons you listed are competitive. They are PVE addons.

Are you kidding me…?

Surely, you cannot be this dense…

But it was what you were talking about, because you compared Spy, a PVP cheat addon to PVE addons.

There is nothing competitive about the PVE aspect. You hit NPCs. Nothing competitive about it whatsoever unless you’re one of those absurd hardcore players and part of the 5% that makes up the hardcore player community, which means EVERYTHING has to be a competition.

You’re talking about addon packs and as far as i’m aware, there are barely any addon packs featuring the spy addon. What i am talking about is the addon itself, and Curse/twitch app is the go-to place for Classic addons.

Was people using it on private servers? Perhaps. Do i care? Not really as i despise private servers and the toxic and elitist mentality on them. Plus, they’re all PVP-only and has got nothing to do with Classic and who’s using it there. Two completely separate things. Point is. No matter how many downloaded it to use on private servers, it is completely irrelevant.

You’re grasping at straws here, man. Like seriously.

You make up one excuse after the other, flailing your arms, defending this addon… Of course you’d defend it. You don’t want Blizzard to restrict it or render it useless

Oh and when it comes to defending it with the tab-targetting BS, don’t tell me you’re constantly spamming that tab button, because nobody does, not unless they know there’s a rogue nearby, which you wouldn’t, if you didn’t use Spy in the first place.

You can claim that you can check your combat log manually and set it up to display only specific info all you want, but no human brain nor eyes have the capacity to do what the spy addon does. It is simply impossible. The only thing you’d be doing is reading the log and not much else, well, besides dying that is…

You’re probably going to try and counter, using other irrelevant addons as a base of comparison, such as a DMG meter addon. Well, bub… Here’s the thing… DMG meter addons doesn’t do anything for you in PVP. It doesn’t do anything for you in PVE either, except keeping track of who’s doing what during a raid or dungeon. It’s a handy tool for raid leaders to keep track of their raid members, to weed out the ‘afk’ers’ or to help them improve, and for other players to improve their rotations.


i honestly miss the real vanilla style of stealthers in any capital city.
i havent seen any rogue in a capital city so far. except for the court in UC where they still get picked out so fast they wont stay longer then 5 minutes.

Of course I’m bad! How else would you argue with me if I wasnt?

Nobody knows you’re there, they just know you’re somewhere nearby.
But I get what you’re saying, I really do, but you think its the Spy to blame when in fact its the combat log that lets people know you’re there regardless of the addon. Its really not as hard as you think to use combat log if you do it properly.
Of course, without the addon much fewer people would use combat log instead. But it doesn’t mean this addon is some OP cheat doing something incredible, it does the same thing other addons do - adds a bit of convenience and saves some time.

I dont think they can restrict it or render it useless without breaking a ton of other stuff, but if they do, I’ll be very happy about it.

Tab targeting does’t have the same range and I have never used it as an argument.

The same applies to any other addon, sunshine. Nice non-argument there.

Like EnemyCastBars, right? Totally irrelevant and completely useless in PvP, right?

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Stop putting words in my mouth.
Not talking about addons packs.
Try to read again, was talking about mutltiple addons that do the same, and some even more, since the API was way more open.

Comparing Spy to PvE addons is stupid, if DBM could predict your opponents every move 5 seconds before they made it would give you an unfair advantage ,Enemycastbars for example is in current WoW as a default but Spy isn’t , theres a reason for that, most PvP addons are slowly getting integrated into the game , Spy will never be integrated because its cheating.
oooh but gladius, gladius tracks something you can track yourself in Arena, meanwhile spy is tracking everyone in the open world giving prep time every incounter .
Stop defending this garbage addon.

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Literally the same as Spy.

that is actually untrue.
gladius is nothing more but an ui customization, all these things that gladius do is get you a better more compact overview of the current fight, it doesnt really warn you for anything at all and its pretty useless would you use this in wpvp right now.

coming from the most advanced gladius version right now.


Will you ever have Gladius function in a non-arena environment?

  • No, Gladius is meant for arenas only and it’ll STAY that way.

Oh it seems to me like you manage to do that to yourself just fine. Stop blaming others for your poor conversational skills.

I did, and i came to the same conclusion as i did when i quoted you the first time, sport.

Oh the wonderful option of being able to


each other on this forum, eh?

In what way am i supposed to interpret what you said in that quote then?

The only way to interpret what you said is to draw the conclusion that you meant addon packs that have multiple different addons in them. If you didn’t mean it that way, you should’ve made that clear in the first place.

No, because if you did, you should’ve made that clear in the first place.

You really do need to work on your conversational skills there, sport. You’re digging quite the hole for yourself here.

You’re still here, flailing your arms, making up more stuff as you go along, all in the name of defending your favorite in-game cheat tool.

I’m not the one coming up with what you refer to as ‘non-arguments’ here, that’s you, bub.

What exactly applies to any other addon? The fact that the human eye and brain is incapable of reading the log manually? Well, yes, obviously because such calculations and more is far too complex for the human brain and eye to cope with.

Plus, you’re the one comparing a Ferrari to tricycles, not me.

Yet another one of your poor ‘non-arguments’ right there.

I pity you and your ilk, who need cheats in an mmo to stay ahead of certain classes. Wonder what you’d use if this was a FPS title. Wallhack, aimbot, maphack etc i would guess. You certainly seem like the type to use either of those if not all together based on how you’re defending Spy.

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Yea besides that the aid you get from other addons are not as relevant as with this one. Usual retarded comeback of yours, without basically any sense.

Very interesting, care to name at least one thing I’ve made up?

Lol. Then what point were you trying to make when you said humans cant replicate Spy’s actions?

So by what criteria exactly do you consider Spy a cheat?

Not as relevant? How do you decide what is relevant and by which criteria? So its fine for you if an addon is more powerful than Spy, as long as it doesn’t affect you, but you’re gonna call Spy a cheat because its more “relevant” to you? Funny.

PS: and yeah, when we are talking about something retarded, may I remind that it was you who edited my quote to try and make a point, lmao.

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It’s not me who decide, it’s Blizzard. EnemyCastBars were so damn OP that they even integrated it in the client after vanilla. While Spy is so much just a simple combat parser that it got nerfed eventually, lmao. Pitiful how you still refuse to admit it, though we all know the reason behind it.

And yes, I edited the quote though leaving the meaning intact, must be terrible tho be humiliated in your own thread by like everyone else since it began

Hold on, don’t quit so easily. You are calling Spy a cheat, thats why I’m asking how you decided that. Blizzard has nothing to do with our argument.

Combat log got nerfed, the addon’s functionality is the same. Lots of people claim its even more useful now.

You left out an important part of the sentence, which is the only reason you would wanna edit it at all, why else would you? To shorten the quote by like three words because it was too long otherwise? Haha.

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God your cluelessness reaches a new level post after post. Did you even understand what the nerf was about? Rofl. I am calling Spy a cheat as everyone else did with a 1+ year of experience with the game/addons and like 60+ IQ. Reasons, which are quite obvious yet surprisingly hard for someone to grasp, have been posted countless times and there’s reasons I called you retarded. Don’t worry though, I’m going to try one more time.

Spy allows the player to retrieve data in otherwise humanly impossible way (unless very few circumstances like only 1 player near you) and such data provides a huge advantage (like 100% chances that you spot your target before they do, effectively being able to start the fight) to the player using the addon.

No other addon of the same category (PVP) provides the same help in terms of relevance, even EnemyCastBar is not comparable as evident by Blizzard showing such info by default in the client ( = not gamebreaking) since like TBC. The only one that comes to my mind is the one to show enemy debuffs but again I think it’s just ridicolous that the default UI doesn’t show them, when the relevant one are just rng duration anyway.

Apart from the ones which are purely UI replacements, other AddOns are just utilities that actually do save the player some time skipping certain boring/tedious activities, e.g: automatically compleating repeatable quests without having to click through the dialogs, or post several auctions at once with the same parameters, or adding quest progress in relevant NPCs’ tooltips, none of which can obviously be compared to Spy.

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Whoa, still talking about Spy?

It’s really no use explaining it to them, they just keep coming back with the same arguments trying to defend their add-on.
I got silenced on the forums twice, trying to explain it but they just don’t want to see it.

I wonder and smile how many tears people cried when it got nerved.
At least Blizzard noticed what’s wrong with it and is trying or attempted a try to fix it.

I really don’t understand why you started this topic, as you stated you didn’t mind it at all if Blizzard eventually gets rid of this add-on. And you can do everything Spy can through the combat log right?
So what’s keeping you from removing it? Oh right, it’s too convenient to use the add-on right now as Blizzard didn’t ban the add-on until now or any people for using it. What a silly question of me to ask, when you already provided the answer earlier in this thread.