Every recent thread about Spy

You assume things abit too much, hence putting words in my mouth which suits you best.
I also never mentioned I meant Spy only.
Again, for your reading issues;
“There were multiple addons which featured this. Count them all together, and wow, you got millions idd.”

Addonpacks… hahhahah (Where you get that from?) :joy:
Quote… nothing to do with this at all.

Go boohoo somewhere else. Try to be on point in your next discussion, instead of making things up which suits the best for ya.

The argument that the nerf has made spy worse for rogues is ridiculous. If you just for once turn off your music and use your ears shadowmeld and stealth can be heard if it is in render distance. The cloak sound is easily distinguishable, before the nerf you got alertef without even hearing a stealth.

Or like only 2 players near you… or like 3 or 4 players near you, if you don’t have reading impediment. So it’s not a cheat if there’s not too many players around, but its a cheat when there are more?

You can only spot and target someone with Spy when you are out of combat, at which point its just as easy to spot them with the log. So that “huge advantage” is basically not having to type the /tar command?

How exactly are actions done by Blizzard in future expansions relevant to whether or not you consider something in classic a cheat? Would you suddenly stop considering Spy a cheat if Blizzard were to add its function in the default UI?
And why are we talking about PvP exclusively, how come addons in other areas can be more powerful and its fine, but in PvP it’s a no-no?

Look, you can call Spy overly useful if you want, it’s super subjective and I’m not even gonna bother arguing about that. But there’s a fine line between that and claiming it’s a cheat.

I like arguing with people, that’s about it. Sometimes its simply entertaining, sometimes people make some good points.

Yes, that’s exactly why. And why shouldn’t I?

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I think we should all just agree that we won’t agree by now haha

Yeah, but then I’m gonna need another thread to post in…


I’m not assuming anything.

Maybe learn proper English before engaging in a conversation using English then, and phrase yourself correctly, so that others might actually understand you.

Again, don’t blame me for your poor conversational skills.

You phrased yourself in such a way that made it look like you did, so yeah…

I told you why i drew that conclusion. You clearly have some issues with reading. Want me to quote what you said once more? Ok, here you go!

Feature definition: Include. Addition.

Now, how the bloody hell do you expect people to respond when you phrase yourself so bad, eh? If you wanted to say that other addons had the same features as Spy, then you should’ve been specific about it.

I’m not the one “boohoo’ing” anything here. The only ones doing that are you and a couple of other posters who flail your arms around, defending the Spy addon.

Oh, i’m quite on-point, unlike your conversational skills…

Never made anything up. What exactly am i making up?

Sure, not a problem, sport!

On the subject of comparing Gladius to Spy.

On the subject of comparing other irrelevant addons as a base of comparison.

Happy now?

I asked you once before whether or not you could be this dense, but you just provided the answer to that question yourself…

The point is, you guys like to use the argument that you can just look at the combat log and configure it to show only the information you want. My point is, the human brain nor eyes are capable of doing so at the same speed as an addon can. Do i need to fetch a table spoon, too?

If you haven’t figured that out yet, there’s no helping you i’m afraid, because no matter what anyone write, you’ll still be making up excuses to defend Spy or defend it for the sake of arguing and baiting people.

As you so bluntly put it yourself…

Which proves to everyone without a doubt, that you just made this thread for the sake of arguing and to start a flame war aka Trolling aka violating the forum CoC.

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Addonpacks :rofl:

There has been not one single post that has been able to prove that Spy is a cheat under game rules. Players considering something a cheat, that blizz don’t consider a cheat, is not a cheat. It’s just something you don’t like.

Link us something where blizz refer to Spy as a ‘cheat’. It breaks no rules, and meets the criteria for addons of not doing something the player couldn’t do without the addon, except easier with it - that’s why addon api is provided.

You don’t need to read it, at minimum all you need is to see the red filtered text and be alerted. Addon does it easier, as blizz intended for addons to make things easier that could be done anyway.

I won’t put words in his mouth, but argument is also defined as debate. Therefore you proved nothing.

“give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.”

Rofl I genuinely envy your cluelessness dude

But you do need to read it, because not all the information can be configured to your exact specifications.

Addons are meant to make things easier yes, but make other class abilities useless? No. That is not what they intended.

You and the other folks defending this crap are doing so in vain, really you are.

It does things that you cannot do without the addon. It sets up a KoS list that you can add players to, and once on it, you can track and target them using the list alone. It will give you the exact location at the time of detection. Combat log can’t do that. It only lets you know that someone used x ability but no info on where they are.

So yeah… Good try, sport. Failed, but good try, though.

No, you manage to put words in your own mouth just fine.

Argument: Definition: 1.

an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.

That, is not called argumenting, that is called arguing. Although similar, they have slightly different meanings.

I’ll just put emphasis on this part right here.

typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view

What he’s doing is not argumenting nor debating, but arguing for the sake of arguing, in order to incite a flame war, aka a troll. I’ll just leave it at that as i have far better things to do than to get drawn any further into this debate. I’ve said my piece and i’m content with that, and i proved both of you wrong to boot.


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Yeah, because simple coordinate addons definitely don’t exist, and glancing at a display of them would absolutely be beyond human capabilities if they did!

Yes, that is what Spy does. Well done for finally figuring it out.

No, you’ve proved (repeatedly) that you have little to no clue of what Spy does.

Wrong, if enemy events are happening you know an enemy is nearby.

Wrong, Spy doesn’t make other classes useless.

Wrong, it just does it better, as intended by Blizz.

Wrong, it gives your own location.

Neither can Spy, it tells you your own location.

There are two definitions, you picked the one that suited your agenda.
Can also be defined as… Argue: “give reasons or cite evidence in support of an idea, action, or theory, typically with the aim of persuading others to share one’s view.”. Why’d you pick the other one?

Because you disagree.


I stopped playing the game. I will come back as soon as the addon is completely banned.
No need to discuss…this addon ruins pvp and it is a cheating addon!

Lies upon lies :stuck_out_tongue:

That was my reply to a guy who said Gladius only does what a player can do, which is the same with Spy, they both just do that faster than a person would. I wasn’t comparing these addons in any other regard as I don’t play retail.

Irrelevant? I don’t think so.

Which is true.

Which is also true. Do you see a contradiction here? Think harder then.

Maybe it proves that to you, as you are apparently not very good at logical thinking. But no, just because I like arguing doesn’t mean I’m trolling.

For someone who’s so picky when it comes to other people’s words, you sure like to over exaggerate. Spy doesn’t make stealth useless, stop saying dumb sheet please.

That’s simply factually not true.


Problem is also that it displays coordinates for players activating stealth making it useless against hunters and similar that just instantly flare the area. Combat log does not display coordinates of someone when they enter stealth, imo that should be disabled from the addon. I don’t care at all if people use spy but if it affects pvp in ways that the regular combat log or /tar mcaros can’t. those features should be disabled / not allowed imo, coz it does give advantages that you can’t get without Spy.

No, it doesn’t. These are the coordinates of the player who has recieved the alert.
But I appreciate the bump.

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It’s kinda funny when complainers are annoyed about something that doesn’t even do what they are complaining about.

So you’re saying, Blizzard has to mention specifically when they consider something cheating and when they don’t do that (could be for many reasons why they don’t) it’s not a cheat.

So the fact Blizzard nerfed the add-on doesn’t say anything…
Why would they nerf it so hard, if the add-on didn’t seem to bother Blizzard?

You still didn’t notice the change of communication coming from Blizzard, when comparing it to the old days, or do you only see what you want to see and ignore everything else?

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When it comes to addons - yes. Because addons are by default not cheats, they can only do what Blizzard has allowed them to do.

They nerfed the combat log which worked in a retarded way, the addon hasn’t changed. It still does what it did before - reads the chat and presents you the info.

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