Seriously, don’t give me the bull again of saying “If it’s a add-on it’s not a cheat”
Do you have any freakin clue how cheats in general work? They ALL make use of functions within a game and use the game files to make certain things work.
Oh wait, don’t add-ons do it in a similar way but limited? Yes they do.
They probably nerfed the combat log, cause disabling certain functions of the Spy add-on will most likely break other add-ons that aren’t game breaking at all and thus seemed to be the most logical reason.
Do you even use your brains or does everyone have to spell everything out for you? Not that it seems to matter, as it looks like you only see/hear what you want and anything else just gets ignored.
Yes it’s limited, Spy makes cleverly makes use of the limitations that are provided and give a advantage to people using it.
I’m pretty sure that if Blizzard could’ve for seen the future, what people will be capable of with the limitations given to them with the API’s to make add-ons for the game. We wouldn’t have so many add-ons like we have now or they would function entirely different as Blizzard would’ve changed a lot of things.
But as nobody can see the future, neither could Blizzard and they did what they could to nerf the add-on without breaking anything else in the game.
I’m going to have another conversation with my wall, as it seems to be way more intelligent then you and a couple other people in this thread.
A wise person only speaks when he/she sees a purpose, a idiot will keep repeating him/herself hoping to convince the others that their view is the right view.
I wasn’t personal attacking you, I asked you a question.
Do I have to teach you the difference? On second thought, I’m not going to bother as you probably still won’t understand the difference with words as you won’t even read them.
Is that… bad? Are addons not supposed to be useful or what? Not a great point you’re trying to make. Think again.
Blizzard is free to change whatever they want to change, that’s completely irrelevant to the discussion we’re having. They can’t set the rules and then call someone a cheater who follows these rules. Addons follow the rules set by Blizzard and therefore can’t be cheats by definition. Not sure why it seems so difficult for you to understand.
Just because you don’t like some addons and prefer to call them “cheats” doesn’t make them such. Do you want me to link a logic tutorial for you or something?
Ok, going to respond to you for the last time…
If Blizzard decides to completely break Spy, everyone knows what’s going to happen and there’s your reason as to why they didn’t.
I’m pretty sure, I don’t have to explain what’s going to happen if they decided to do that and if I have to, I suggest you to think hard about what might happen if they did.
Aren’t the two of you doing that thing over and over again in topics about Spy?
Trying to defend your precious add-on with flawed arguments like “But it only reads the combat log” Go setup your combat log and I challenge you to provide me the same results you can get with Spy.
Don’t come back until you gave yourself a good record on when using Spy and then tried to get those same results using only your combat log.
I already know the outcome, simply using my brains but I want you to test it correctly otherwise you’ll keep rambling the same nonsense.