Every recent thread about Spy

Post #181.

Judging by your posts here, that’d be a first.
And I already set up my combat log to only show enemy player activity, so you’re about 2 months late for that challenge.
And yeah, I’ve already explained to the rest of the the short bus candidates how Spy works (repeatedly, and in detail), but it just seems beyond your abilities to comprehend.
So I don’t see the point of wasting any more time trying to teach math to monkeys. Much more fun to just point out the (painfully!) obvious flaws in your “arguments” and mock you for it.


Actually, you did a couple times already but say you didn’t after someone mentions you did.

I want you to do the same before commenting again and I will make this test as simple as possible for the two of you.

Use Spy for a week and record everything you have accomplished because of the “help” the add-on provides.
Then don’t use Spy for a week and try to get those same results. (amount of kills etc etc)

So let’s talk again in two weeks and discuss further about how broken Spy was/is. (it isn’t as broken as it was before the nerf, but still broken)

It was a pretty normal thing to do back then…
I guess you didn’t play 15 years ago?

So let me get this straight…
You want us to spend a week recording our gameplay, just for your benefit?

Yeah, that’s gonna happen! :rofl:

Tell you what. You spend a week going to school or work in your underwear, and record the results, and I’ll consider it. One dumbass request for another.

And you’re right. Science doesn’t give a sh*t what your opinion is. Funny how you seem to forget that when you’re trying to push your opinion as fact, though… :thinking:


And you use Spy these days, cause it’s way better providing you all the information you need, then simply trying to read the combat log right?

Oh wait, our eyes and brains can’t even comprehend all the information Spy provides in a simple manner for even a retard to understand.

I would not know mate, I don’t use Spy. :slight_smile:
Besides that, you can filter the combatlog, make fonts other colours, bigger. Create Mouse over Macro’s, etc etc.

Same here, really.
Right now it just kind of sits there in the corner, occasionally showing some names that I don’t really care about. Can’t say I care if it gets completely broken, other than that I’d have to find a new KoS list addon.

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I don’t just want you to record your gameplay, I want you to record everything you accomplished with the use of Spy and then repeat the process without using Spy but simply your combat log setup the way you want.

Then you can see what a huge difference Spy actually makes and maybe then you can comprehend why people consider the add-on Spy a cheat.

I’m not going to bother trying to explain again why people consider it a cheat, as you don’t want to comprehend it and will keep coming back with the same bull every time until you actually notice the difference yourself.
You might still want to use Spy after, but that will be a different topic.

I’ve never said I can do the same thing at the same speed as Spy does. Speed difference is important. And if you think I did say it, feel free to provide the exact quote.

See above. Yes, Spy gives better results than doing the same thing manually, no sh*t sherlock.
If you’re trying to convince us that Spy is a cheat because it provides advantage, why don’t you go ahead and do the same with all the addons?
Not even mentioning that the reliability of the “test” you’re proposing is that of a piece of crap.


Oh, well that makes it reasonable. I’ll get right on that!



Find it funny you started about talking to a wall, while 3 ppl are trying to explain you, it’s no cheat.
I hope you understand my mirror comment better now… You seem to be the “wall”. :slight_smile:

Spy only accesses api features provided by Blizz, which anyone with api knowledge can verify simply by examining the addon’s files. Therefore, Spy is not a cheat.

Unless… you get to decide what a cheat is, just because you don’t like it. Nah, I’m pretty sure Blizz make that decision.

All addons are legitimate. If Blizz nerf something that’s op, so what?

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They nerfed the combat log exactly because of this addon and the legitimate amount of complaints it raised, how can you seriously be that blind lol

That kind of thoughts puts you on a Oakenlix level of idiocy. Any addon has to exist before getting possibly banned. Obvious, I know, at least to people with average braincells.

Consequently, stating “it exists ergo it’s fine” is just plain stupid, because one addon might be “existing” only because it exploits some flaws/loopholes in the API which haven’t caught Blizzard’s attention yet. Even AVR existed before it got banned, duh, and it didn’t use any external softwares just pure LUA.

Good job making a completely irrelevant point.

“it’s fine” isn’t the same as “it’s not a cheat”. One is a super subjective assessment, the other is a fact.


Nice try Sherlock, you could equally say “AVR is not a cheat because it exists”, well, at least because it got banned. Nice try clutching at straws, really.

Irrelevant point, really? Basically that shatters all your dreams you have been having. Because if the specific addon caused Blizzard to take severe action against the combat log even affecting other legit addons, then it means this particular addon wasn’t so innocent as you thought or pretended to.

No addon has ever been banned.

Totally wrong. I could give you more info but you can find enough in my post.

Yeah, it wasn’t a cheat if it was an addon.

Yes, its irrelevant why they changed the combat log, because the addon itself is the same and it does the exact same thing as it did before. If we’re discussing whether or not this addon is too powerful, it has nothing to do with what and why Blizzard has changed that didn’t affect the way the addon works at all.

What exactly do you mean when you say it was banned?

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