Every recent thread about Spy

It’s not irrelevant because it literally shows that even Blizzard themselves thought the addon was giving too much help, they did not change how it works obviously why would anyone even believe that rofl they just limit it to a smaller distance radius…just showing one more time how clueless and unexperienced you are, no wonder you have no clue about AVR hahaha

The addon or the combat log?

The combat log, which was bought to their attention because ‘exploited’ by that addon specifically. DBM and other PVE addons have been using the same simple log parser for years too, and they didn’t produce a nerf, how is this not enough to stop this retarded blind defense of this addon is still a mystery to me

Stop crying already, spy is here to stay, if you dont do nothing they cant spot you so…

But they didn’t nerf the addon, the addon just highlighted something in the way combat log worked that Blizzard thought shouldn’t be there, so they’ve changed it.
There’s literally no connection between that and the fact that this addon doesn’t do anything too powerful to warrant calling it a cheat or calling for it to be banned somehow.

You just keep focusing on the single words instead of the actual content cause you simply can’t bring any argument to the table.
Eh but they didn’t affect the addon they did affect the log.
Eh but they didn’t ban it they nerfed it
Keep arguing about which words suit the best your essay but the fact remains that this addon gave the players a huge advantage (and Blizzard recognized it too) even while using the ‘legit’ allowed API, so they took the only action they could - edit what such API could do, period.

Let me give you an example.
You live in a Soviet village and you say:
— My neighbour is way too rich, it’s ridiculous, lets dispossess him.
So I ask you:
— How rich is he?
You say:
— He’s got 100000$.
— But wait a minute, everyone else in the village, including you, has 95000$.
— So what, I don’t care, 100000$ is a huge amount, we need to dispossess him.
— Compared to what? You’re almost as rich as he is, he’s just 5000$ above.
— I don’t care, 100k is too much, dispossess him!

And this is the way you’re arguing Spy is OP.

After Blizzard move this and any similiar thread shouldn’t have gone further anyway, nothing more to say except for thanking Blizzard for being intelligent.

I guess that’s the only thing we agree on, Blizzard has done a good job with the combat log nerf.

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Tell me an addon that has been banned.

I’m also interested in knowing what addon that has been banned?

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the only way to use it is with a 3rd party enabler, such as Gagarin.

well at least there will be no dragged out WSG games anymore, because you instantly know when the flag carrier is close =)
Or when defending the Flag you know when the Rogue is nearby! <3

Imagine being capable of keeping a simple Flare up, or even pressing the Track Humanoid hotkey

AVR was never banned, its features were broken.

Do you think they were broken by accident?

I asked for an example of a banned addon.



  • 1. officially or legally prohibit (something).

“parking is banned around the harbour in summer”

make illegal
place an embargo on
put a stop to
put an end to



  • 1. an official or legal prohibition.

“a proposed ban on cigarette advertising”

But they didn’t ban the addon.
They banned the posibilities of their own API.


No one was prohibited from using AVS, it was not banned. Features that made it work were closed off. It’s like saying Spy was banned because combat range was reduced. No, a feature was adjusted, and the addon happens to still work. If they had removed the feature entirely, Spy addon still would not be banned, it just wouldn’t work.